Singer Industrial Manuals
These manuals are scans taken from original Singer manuals that have been converted to Adobe PDF format for viewing/printing. Some of the original manuals are nearly 100 pages and the resulting files can be rather large, even when compressed into PDFs.
If you will right-click the links below and choose "save as" you can store these files on your own system. This is usually better than trying to view them within your browser.
- 13K (3 MB)
- "Singer 13k Medium (New Family) manual, approx. 1890. 12 pages. With instructions for roller feed attachment for boot sewing. Despite its size, it was an industrial machine."
- Class 16
- 16-188
- 17-22 & 17-23
- 29-4, color
- 29-4, black and white.
- 29-4 parts list
- 29K parts list
- Covers models 29K-1, 29K-2, 29K-3, 29K-4, 29K-10, 29K-11, 29K-12, 29K-13, 29K-14, 29K-15, 29K-16, 29K-17, 29K-18, 29K-21, 29K-22, 29K-23, 29K-30, 29K-31, 29K-32, 29K-33
- 31-19 & 31-47
- For the two walking foot versions of the class 31 ("The Tailor's Machine"): "Singer 31-19 and 31-47, Instructions for using and adjusting. (1951), 16pp."
- 32-64
- 77-2
- 48K1 - 48K2 Parts List (1908)
- 88-1 - 88-3 Parts List
You will need Adobe Reader to view or print these files. You can download it here.