International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society

The purpose of the International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society is to foster the collecting of, and research into, sewing machines.

Comprehensive Singer Sewing Machine Model List (1)

The data was compiled, wherever possible, from Singer documents, service manuals, etc. Speeds shown are maximum and will depend on the materials being sewn.

Click on any 'live' model number for a picture. All graphics of the featured machines are Singer's copyright. Photographs courtesy of ISMACS News, Mike Anderson, Pat Nordmark, Bernard Pokorski, West Dunbartonshire Libraries and Museums, Linda Winkens, the London Sewing Machine Museum.

Updated: January 2012

Classes 1 to 99

 A3Singer Comprehensive Model ListSinger Comprehensive Model List   Surgical Singer surgical stitching instrument (for right-handed use). Hand-held, sprung needle holder with thread dispenser (comes ready-wound with suture material); bakelite or stainless steel handle. Needle can be set at 7 angles, in 45 degree increments. The manual is a lesson in surgery "… its flexibility and ease of manipulation simplify the formation of many new continuous and interrupted stitches. Its usefulness is limited only by the ingenuity of the surgeon." Thanks to Linda Winkens for providing this information and pictures. 300x1 to 300x8
  A4   Surgical Singer surgical stitching instrument (for left-handed use). As A3. 300x1 to 300x8
  A11   Surgical 'Improved' version of the surgical stitching instrument, with enclosed thread holder 300x1 to 300x8
"Family" or "Turtleback"Singer Comprehensive Model List 1856-59 Domestic Singer's first domestic machine.
 "Flying Dutchman"Singer Comprehensive Model List c.1880s Industrial Small overseaming machine for finishing and trimming edges.
The 'Letter A' Family 1859-65 Domestic Singer's early tension device. Supplied with walnut table and treadle, or folding table top that forms a case, or an enclosed parlour cabinet. Also available with two-needle adaptation for lapped seams. 'Adjustable' screws under legs for unlevel floors. Braider, hemmer, feller, corder, tucker and gatherer were available. 13x1
Number 1 'Standard' 1851-80 Industrial Lockstitch. Reciprocating shuttle. Singer's early tension device. Only produced in USA. 12x1
  1W (class) 1905- Industrial Bed 11 1/4" long. Clear space at rear of needle 6 1/2". Mounted transversely on the table for feeding the goods left to right. Suitable for foot and mechanical power. Curved needle.  
  1W1Singer Comprehensive Model List 1905-? Industrial Version of Wheeler & Wilson early domestic for manufacturing puposes.Box frame. Draw feed. Plated connection. Especially adapted for fine lock stitching. Feeds from left to right. Used largely in the manufacture of collars and cuffs, fine shirts, underwear, etc. Draw feed. bobbin #204012. Cleft foot for hemmers. Speed 1000 (later 1600). Curved needle.  
  1W2Singer Comprehensive Model List 1905-? Industrial Version of Wheeler & Wilson early domestic for manufacturing puposes. Box frame. Long presser bar. Japanned connection. Feeds left to right. Has cleft foot for hemmers. Curved needle. Speed 1600.  
 Number 2 'Standard'Singer Comprehensive Model List 1854-90 Industrial A larger No.1 with roller, vibrating or spring presser (bed 18" long. 10" from needle too base of arm). For tailoring, army clothing, harness making, boot and show making, carriage trimming, etc. Some had vibrating pressers. "Gw. drop feed", or "N.Y. Drop Feed" or wheel feed. Singer's early tension device. Also available with roll presser or combination presser. Some adapted to take waxed thread. Some fitted with "Singer Friction Driving Attachment"(rear view)Singer Comprehensive Model List 2x1, 2x2
   2K (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List 1870-1905 Industrial Bed 18" long. 10" from needle too base of arm. Some varieties have "vibrating foot presser". Some are wheel feed.  
  No. 2 "Imperial -Fitted for fine and medium leather work"   Industrial For boots and shoes,  
  No. 2 "with gauge for binding cap-fronts"   Industrial For binding soft and straw cap fronts. Binding of "any width".  
  No. 2 "Imperial with large shuttle for heavy leather work"   Industrial Harness making.  
  No. 2 "with grooved foot"   Industrial For the manufacture of bag handles.  
  2K "Arm"Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Narrow cylindrical bed version  
  No. 2 "Feed-off-the-arm"Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial "Feed-off-the-arm" version of No. 2  
 2-1   Industrial Bed 18" long. 10" from needle too base of arm. Wheel feed. No. 5 shuttle.  
 2-2   Industrial Bed 18" long. 10" from needle too base of arm. Wheel feed. Vibrating pressers. No. 5 shuttle.  
 3 "Standard"Singer Comprehensive Model List 1856- Industrial Long arm version of No. 2 (bed 24" long. 16" space to right of needle). Reciprocating (extra large) shuttle. Singer's early tension device. For carriage trimming. Photo: Bernard Pokorski  
 3KSinger Comprehensive Model List 1870-1905 Industrial Kilbowie's version of the No. 3 'Standard'.  
 3-1 1856- Industrial Wheel feed, vibrating presser. Large reciprocating shuttle. For carriage trimmings, making heavy cushions, including edge cording etc, and general work in coarse fabrics. Industrial treadle or power table. Gear driven. Speed 700. No. 9 shuttle. 3x2
  3-2 Industrial Wheel feed, roller presser. 16" to right of needle. Large reciprocating shuttle. For light harness and other work in leather. " Attachments can be furnished for binding with leather strips on gig saddles, cap fronts, etc." Makes piping, with or without reeds. No. 9 shuttle. 3x2
  4 Industrial Long arm model 13. 15" to right of needle.
  4KSinger Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Long arm version of Class 13. Reciprocating shuttle. Several varieties.  
  4K "Arm" 1876- Industrial Cylindrical bed version of class 4.  
  5K (class) *1897-1925 Industrial Bed 32 1/2"; Extension to left 9"; 19" from needle to base of arm. *Some shown as produced in 1893/4  
  5-1 Industrial Roller feed driven by ratchet, roller or flat presser, sliding gauge with set screw and belt shifter. 5x1
  5K1 1897-1925 Industrial Reciprocating shuttle. 19 1/2" to right of needle. For canvas, leather and rubber or any other material for belts up to 40" wide and 7/8" thick. 202x1
  5-2 (Obsolete 1912) Industrial Roller feed by ratchet, roller or flat presser, sliding gauge with set screw and belt shifter. 5x1
  5K2 1897-1925 Industrial Reciprocating shuttle. 19 1/2" to right of needle. Two needles and two shuttles For belting, (5" rolls); gauge  from 5/8" to 1 1/2". 202x1
  5-3 * Industrial Same as 5-1 but with screw guide and associated parts. Ratchet feed. *(Still in catalog 09/1951)
  5K3 Industrial Reciprocating shuttle. 19 1/2" to right of needle. 8" rolls. For canvas, leather and rubber or any other material for belts up to 40" wide and 7/8" thick.
  5-4 Industrial Same as 5-2 but with screw guide. Clutch feed. 5x1
  5K4 Industrial Reciprocating shuttle. 19 1/2" to right of needle. 8" rolls. Two needles and two shuttles 8" rolls. For belting,
  5-5 Industrial Two box shuttles. 1/2" to 15/16" Guage, ratchet feed, screw guide. 5x1
  5-7Singer Comprehensive Model List * Industrial Same as 5-3 but with two needles and two cylindrical shuttles; guages 1" to 1 1/2". Ratchet feed, screw guide. *(In catalog 09/1951) 5x1
  5-9   Overseaming or zigzag machine. Needler throw <3/8". Ratchet feed.  
  5-10 Industrial Same as 5-1 with different guide rod. Ratchet feed. Greatest distance from centre of needle bar to inside of right hand guide 17 inches. Sliding guide with special spring catch. 5x1
  5-11 Industrial Same as 5-7 and 5-10 but with different guide and guide rod parts. Two cylinder shuttles. 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch guage. Ratchet feed. Sliding guide with special spring catch. 5x1
  6- (class) Industrial For heavy work in cloth, leather or paper. Lock stitch. Long beak oscillating cylinder shuttle. Drop feed. Bed 25 1/4" long by 10" wide. Space at right of needle 14".  
  6D Industrial Single thread chainstitch for blindstitching; curtains, drapes, etc. Cylinder diameter 2 9/32"; swing-out work plates for flat or tubular work. Oscillating looper. 3 to 8 stitches per inch. Speed 2500 spm.

Cat. 7425-61
also 3690 (short point) or 7425 (long point)

  6SS Industrial Single thread chainstitch for blindstitching; curtains, drapes, etc. Cylinder diameter 2 9/32"; swing-out work plates for flat or tubular work. Oscillating looper. 3 to 8 stitches per inch. Speed 2500 spm. Cat. 7425-61
also 3690 (short point) or 7425 (long point)
  6-1 Industrial Bed 25 1/4" long. 14" to right of needle. Oscillating shuttle. Ratchet wheel feed, roller or flat presser; belt shifter for flat belts. For cloth or leather up to 3/4" thick; harness work, flat belting, etc. 6x1 or 6x2; 6x3 or 6x4
  6K1 1893- ? Industrial    
  6-2 Industrial As 6-1 with Singer driving attachment (SDA). 6x1 or 6x2; 6x3 or 6x4
  6K2 1893- ? Industrial    
  6-3 Industrial Drop feed - otherwise as 6-1. Oscillating, long beak shuttle. Roller or flat presser and belt shifter for flat belts. Speed 400. For cloth or leather up to 3/4" thick; belting; harness work, etc. 6x1 or 6x2; 6x3 or 6x4
  6-4 Industrial As 6-3 but with SDA. 6x1 or 6x2; 6x3 or 6x4
  6-5 Industrial Ratchet wheel feed, vibrating and assisting presser; belt shifter for flat belts. For quilting sweat pads up to 1 1/2" thick. 6x5
  6K5 * Industrial *(Cancelled post-1944)  
  6-6 Industrial As 6-5 but with SDA (Singer Driving attachment).. 6x5
  6-7 Industrial Drop feed - otherwise same as 6-5. Vibrating and assisting pressers; foot lifter. Speed 80. For quilting sweat pads up to 1 1/2" thick. 6x5
  6-8Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; vibrating and assisting pressers; foot lifter. Speed 80. For quilting sweat pads up to 1 1/2" thick. As 6-7 but with SDA. 6x5
  6K9 Industrial Overseaming - for stitching tents, wagon covers, tarpaulins, etc. Intended to be placed on a stand beside a travelling table of any required length, mounted on wheels and running upon a specially prepared track. Instantly changed from overseaming to straight sewing. The machine head (net) weighs 281 lbs!  
  6-9Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed, vibrating presser and SDA. Speed 200. Stitch length 1/4" to 1”. Has shuttle No. IDD80. For stitching blank books etc. up to 3/4" thick. 6x2 or 6x4
  6K10 Industrial As 6K9 but not fitted for travelling table.  
  6-10 Industrial As 6-9 but with belt shifter. 6x2 or 6x4
  6-11     Drop feed, vibrating presser with attachment for guiding buff wheels to make circuler rows of stitching 3/8" apart. With SDA.  
  6-12Singer Comprehensive Model List * Industrial Makes circular rows of stitches 5/16” between rows (unless ordered differently). Drop feed, vibrating presser and belt shifter for flat belt. Speed from 400 to 450. For stitching buff wheels for polishing. *(In catalog 10/1952) 6x1
  6-14 Industrial For buff wheels up to 5/8" thick and 18” diameter. Makes circular rows of stitches 1/4" to 1/2" between rows as ordered. Drop feed, vibrating presser and SDA.  Speed 200. 6x1
  6-15   Industrial A 6-14 but with belt shifter. (In catalog 10/1952) 6x1
  6-16Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For stitching buff wheels not more than 3/4" thick and 18” diameter. Has attachment underneath bed for making spiral rows of stitching from 1/4" to 1/2" apart (as ordered). Drop feed, vibrating presser, 3 inch cylinder shuttle and belt shifter.  Speed from 400 to 450. (In catalog 10/1952) 6x2
  6-17 Industrial As 6-16 but with SDA (Singer Driving Attachment). 6x2
  6-19Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For stitching books up to 1 1/2" inches thick. Length of stitch 1 to the inch; clearance under presser foot 5/8 inches. Alternating pressers. Drills  hole before stitch is made. Speed 80 to 120 RPM. 6x15
  6-20 Industrial For stitching books and heavy materials up to 3/4" thick. Clearance under presser foot = 7/8". Makes 1 to 4 stitches per inch. Vibrating presser; SDA; Shuttle 134058. Speed 200.  
  7 (class) Industrial Large machine (bed = 25 1/4" long x 10" wide). Space to side of needle 15 7/8". Long beak oscillating shuttle. "Not as heavy as Class 6...". For sails, tents, covered wagons, tarpaulins, carriage trimming, etc. in leather, paper and canvas. Made in Elizabethport only. -
  7SS Industrial Single thread chainstitch for blindstitching; hemming dresses, blouses, skirts, etc. Narrow cylinder (diam. 1 3/4"); swing-out work plates for flat or tubular work. Oscillating looper. 3 to 8 stitches per inch. Speed 2500 spm. Cat. 7425-61
also 3690 (short point) or 7425 (long point)
  7-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed. Two speed pulley for foot treadle operation. 7x1 or 7x2 (leather)
  7-2 Industrial As 7-1 but with balance wheel for power table. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-3 Industrial As 7-1 but with S.D.A. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-4 Industrial As 7-1 but with belt shifter. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-5Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Drop feed. Vibrating presser. Two speed balance wheel. Foot treadle. For heavy bags, carpet mitres. Horse collars. Harnesses; sails etc. (In catalog 09/1951) 7x1 or 7x2
  7-6 Industrial As 7-5 but with balance wheel for power table. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-7 Industrial As 7-5 but with S.D.A. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-8 Industrial As 7-5 but with Belt shifter. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-9 Industrial Drop feed; alternating pressers. S.D.A. 'Light running' machine for moderately heavy goods.. Can be fitted for foot treadle or power table. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-10   Industrial Drop feed; adjustable presser feet - either vibrating or stationary. For cloth or leather. Foot treadle or power. Can be fitted for harness work, saddlery, etc. Speed <500 spi. (In catalog 09/1951) 7x1 or 7x2
  7-11Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For bookbinding. Reversible feed. (In catalog 09/1951) 7x1
  7-13Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For stitching pamphlets (approx. 3/8" thick). Stitch length 1/4" to 1". Drop feed; vibrating presser; speed 100; SDA. 7x1
  7-14Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For harness and other work in leather not more than 5/8`" thick. Makes "set" stitch - 1/8" standard - others were available. Upper feed, foot lifter and SDA. 7x2
  7-15Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Same as 7-13 but with belt shifter for flat belt.  
  7-16Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For strainers made of camel hair for cotton seed oil. Stitch length 1/8” to 1/2", No. 14 needle and heavy thread. Drop feed. Two speed balance wheel for foot power stand. Speed 250. 7x15
  7-17   As 7-10 but with SDA. Speed 250. 7x15
  7-18 Industrial    
  7-19 Industrial (Similar to 7-14). Upper feed. Bed plate cut away close to needle. 2-speed balance wheel. For horse brushes. 7x2
  7-20Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial (Similar to 7-19). Upper feed. Bed plate cut away close to needle. For horse brushes. 7x2
  7-21 Industrial (Similar to 7-19). Upper feed. Bed plate cut away close to needle. Belt shifter and automatic clutch. For horse brushes. 7x2
  7-22Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two cylinder shuttles. Gauge not less than 3/4". Adjustable presser. Belt shifter or SDA 7x1 or 7x2
  7-24Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Attachments for circular stitching. For (lighter) buff wheels <3/8" thick. 7x1
  7-25 Industrial One Needle. Drop feed, alternating pressers, cylinder shuttle No 8774 (4" diameter). 15 7/8" to right of needle; stitch length 1/8" to 1/2". For stitching tents, tarpaulins, sails and other heavy work. Leather up to 3/8" thickness. Also for canvas and heavy materials. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-26 Industrial Two cylinder shuttles. Adjustable presser; narrowest gauge 1". 7x1 or 7x2
  7-27Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial 2 needles/2 shuttles; gauges 3/4", 7/8" and 1". Upper and lower feed, independently adjustable. 2 to 8 c.p.a. Max 500 s.p.m. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics. Also leather & rubber. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-28 Industrial 2 needles/2 box shuttles. For narrow gauges (standard = 1/4", 1/2", 9/16" and 5/8"); stationary or vibrating or presser foot. 2 to 8 c.p.a. Max 500. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics. Also leather & rubber. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-29Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; cylinder shuttle. Hinged presser foot. For sails, tarpaulins and other heavy work. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-30Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial 'Set' stitch. Independent upper and lower feeds, foot lifter and S.D.A. 7x2
  7-31Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Alternating pressers, one needle. 4" high point long beak shuttle; drop feed on one or both sides of needle. Stitch length 1/8" - 1/2"; Presser foot clearance 9/16". Speed 550 spm With SDA. For heavy work in canvas; sail work; wagon covers etc. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-32 Industrial For stitching buff wheels not more than 3/8" thick and 18" diameter. Makes circular rows 5/16" to 1/2" apart (as ordered). Drop feed, alternating pressers and belt shifter. Speed 300. 7x2
  7-33Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial As 7-31, but without driving attachment. One needle. For mechanical or foot power. (09/1951) 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-34Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial One needle, long beak shuttle; 15 7/8 inches at the right of the needle. Alternating pressers (vibrating and lifting pressers) with lift of 5/8"; Stitch length 3/32" to 9/16". Oil cup. Underdriver or Foot Power. Speed 650 spm For awnings, mail bags, rugs, canvas covers, horse collars, sails, tents and other leather or canvas items. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-35Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For harness and other work in leather not more than 5/8" thick. drop feed, presser feed points for stitch 3/32" to 1/4" long. Speed 400. 7x2
  7-36 Industrial Cylinder shuttle; drop feed; hinged presser foot and S.D.A. Speed. 400. For sails, awnings, tents, wagon covers and other heavy work. 7x1 or 7x2
  7-37 Industrial    
  7-38 Industrial 2 needles/2 shuttles. As 7-27 but with S.D.A. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics; also leather & rubber. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-39 Industrial 2 needles/2 shuttles. 7-39. Same as 7-28 but with SDA. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics. Also leather & rubber. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-40 Industrial For stitching buff wheels not more than 7/16" thick. Attachment for making spiral rows of stitching. 7x1
  7-41 Industrial Drop feed; alternating pressers and belt shifter. One needle; belt shifter for flat belt. Similar to 7-31 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-42   For stitching tents, wagon covers, tarpaulins and general work in canvas. Two needles; two shuttles. 3" diameter cylinder shuttle. Gauges 3/4" to 1". Alternating pressers. Stitches 2 to 8 per inch.  
  7-44 Industrial 2 needles/2 shuttles. Standard gauge = 3/4"; alternating pressers with Singer Driving Attachment.  2 to 6 stitches per inch. Max 600 R.P.M. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics. 7x1 (fabrics)
  7-45 (Obsolete by 1955) Industrial    
  7-46 Industrial For bookbinding. Same as 7-11 except fitted with two speed balance wheel, for underdriver. Speed 100 depending on materials used, etc.  
  7-47 (Obsolete by 1955) Industrial    
  7-48 (Obsolete by 1955) Industrial    
  7-49 (Obsolete by 1955) Industrial    
  7-50 Industrial 2 needles/2 shuttles; standard gauge 1". Adjustable vibrating presser or stationary foot. 2 to 8 c.p.a. Speed 500 SPM. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics. Also leather & rubber. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-51 Industrial Same as 7-50 but with Singer Driving attachment. 7x1 (fabrics), 7x2 (leather)
  7-52 Industrial    
  7-54 Industrial 2 needles/2 shuttles. needles; gauges from 1" to 1 1/2". Independently adjustable upper and under feeds; with Singer Driving attachment. 2 to 8 c.p.a. Max speed 500 R. P.M. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics. 7x1 (fabrics), cat £5240
  7-55 Industrial    
  7-56 Industrial For heavy work in canvas. High point cylinder shuttle. Alternating pressers; SDA; pulley feed. Stitch length: 2 to 8 to the inch. Speed <550.  
  7-57 Industrial Same as 7-60 but with puller feed and S.D.A. For sewing sails, tents, tarpaulins, canvas bags and other work in canvas or heavy fabrics. Also leather & rubber. 7x1 5211
  7-58 Industrial Two needles; two shuttles; stitch lengths 2 to 8 to the inch; clearance under presser foot 9/16". Independent upper and lower feeds. Speed<500. For general work in canvas.
  7-61 Industrial Two needles; two shuttles (gauges 1 to 1 1/2"); stitch lengths 2 to 8 to the inch; clearance under presser foot 1/2". Independent upper and lower feeds. Speed<500. For general work in canvas.
  8- (class) Industrial Very large machine - 4' (some 6') bed. Two needles and two oscillating shuttles. Lock stitch. Max speed 250. 1" between needles. 24" to 36" to right of needle. For sewing canvas belts up to 54" wide and 3/4" thick and rubber belts up to 5/8" thick (03/1949). (N.B. Early catalogs stated "For sewing canvas belts up to 1" thick and 72" wide.") 5x1
  8K (class) 1897-1925 Industrial Kilbowie version of 8- (class)  
  8P Industrial Single thread chainstitch for blindstitching; hemming dresses, blouses, skirts, etc. Narrow cylinder (diam. 1 9/16"); swing-out work plates for flat or tubular work. Oscillating looper. 3 to 5 stitches per inch. Speed 2500 spm. Cat. 7425-61
  8PL Industrial 1 9/16" hemming drapes and curtains. Cat. 7425-61
  8-1 Industrial Ratchet feed; roller or flat presser. Sliding rod guide. For canvas belting of thickness 3/4" or less. Speed 250. 5x1
  8-2 Industrial As 8-1, with screw guide. 5x1
  8-3 Industrial Two needles and two cylinder shuttles. <1" gauge. Ratchet feed; roller or flat presser. Sliding rod guide. Speed 200. For canvas belting. 5x1
  8-4Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial As 8-3, with screw guide. Two needles; two shuttles. Two corrugated feed rolls. Bed 97 1/2"" long x 10 1/2" wide. Space at right of needle 27". Stitch length 2 to 3 to the inch. Clearance under presser foot 7/8". Speed 200. (03/1949) 5x1
  8-5 Industrial Drop feed; vibrating presser. Speed 250. For heavy work requiring long arm. 5x1
  8-6Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
  8-7Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For sewing canvas belting up to 5/8" thick and 54" wide. Two needles; two shuttles. Continuous worm actuated feed. Vibrating needle bar and presser bar.  
  8-8Singer Comprehensive Model List (8-8 size comparison to BrotherSinger Comprehensive Model List)   Industrial Two needles two shuttles. For heavy canvas work. Bed 85" long x 12" wide. Space at right of needle 28". Stitch length 2 to 3 to the inch. Clearance under presser foot 7/8". Speed 300. (03/1949)  
  9- (class) Industrial Oscillating shuttle. Bed 18 feet long; on heavy iron legs. "... Class 9 are the largest and most powerful sewing machines ever constructed..." -
  9SS-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial (Deerborn) Cylinder bed blindstitch machine. Single thread chainstitch. Upper feed. Work plate. Stitch length 5 to 10 SPI. For felling dresses, coats, etc. Cat. 3690
  9W (Class) 1906-13 Domestic Wheeler & Wilson D9 re-badged; later modified by Singer.  
 9-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Bed 18 feet long. Oscillating shuttle. For canvas belts up to 100" and 1 1/2" thick. Roller feed, two needles and two cylinder shuttles. Speed 80. For canvas belts up to 100" and 1 1/2" thick. 9x1 and 9x3
  9W1 1906-08 Domestic For use on foot power stand. Superceded by 9W7 & 9W8  
  9W2 1906-08 Domestic Hand-crank version. Furnished with portable case or base only.  
  9W3 1908- Domestic Same as 9W1 except: Arm fitted for attachment 205946. Bed for hinge 2992B.with Singer ornamentation. For export (ex USA).  
  9W4 1908- Domestic Same as 9W3 except: Arm fitted for attachment 205946. For export (ex USA).  
  9W5 1908- Domestic Has knee lifter 208771 and Singer 'Pearl' ornamentation. For export (ex-USA). Superceded by 9W10.  
  9W7Singer Comprehensive Model List 1909-13 Domestic Rotary hook mechanism, Singer 'Pearl' ornamentation. "Used on regular Singer woodwork and stands" (hinges now compatible). Treadle. 127x1
  9W8 1909-13 Domestic For family use. Fitted for hand attachment 205946, otherwise same as 9W7.  
  9W9   Domestic For family use. Fitted with hand attachment 205946. Otherwise same as 9W8.  
  9W10   Domestic Replaced 9W5 post 1908. Same as 9W7 but with knee lifter.  
  9W11 * Domestic *"To be in new book" (1908+)  
 10-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Cylinder bed 23" long. 4 1/2" across with 14" space at right of the needle. Balance wheel at right. Oscillating shuttle. Foot lifter. Upper feed. Presser feed for 1/8", 1/10" and 1/12" 'set' stitch available. SDA. Speed 200 spm For harness and heavy leather up to 3/4" in thickness. 7x2
 10-3 Industrial Cylinder bed 23" long. 4 1/2" across with 14" space at right of the needle. Oscillating shuttle. Foot lifter. For binding edges of cocoa mats with rope binding. High point 4" cylinder shuttle. Upper feed, footlifter and SDA. 5x5
 11FS-1 Industrial (Deerborn) Cylinder bed; blindstitch machines. Upper feed. Extra long arm. Single thread chainstitch. Stitch length 4 to 8 SPI. For staying and padding on fur coats.  
11- (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Cylinder bed 3 3/8" diameter at end. Long arm. Space to right of needle 21". Side wheel on right of arm. Drop feed. Cylinder oscillating shuttle. For stitching heavy tubular work - mail bags; coal bags; making grommet holes and overseaming or zigzag stitching on canvas, leather and heavy goods, etc. 128x3 (1653)
 11-1   Industrial Drop feed across the arm. For leather. Yielding presser but can be fitted with roller presser.  
 11W1 Industrial    
 11-2     Drop feed up the arm. For leather. Yielding presser but can be fitted with roller presser.  
 11W2 (Cancelled Feb. 1947) Industrial For light and medium weight fabrics. For foot power. Bobbin winder on arm. Stationary bobbin case. Drop feed.  
 11-3   Industrial Drop feed across the arm; alternating presser. For leather.  
 11-4   Industrial Drop feed across the arm; vibrating presser. For leather  
 11-5   Industrial Drop feed up the arm. For cloth.  
 11-6Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Drop feed across the arm; alternating presser. For cloth.  
 11W6Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled Dec. 1949) Industrial    
 11-7   Industrial Drop feed up the arm. Max stitch length 1/2".  
 11W7 (Cancelled July 1938) Industrial    
 11-8 (Cancelled Jan. 1949) Industrial Same as 11-7 but with reversible drop feed, up or off the arm; stitch length 1/8" to 1/2". For cloth. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-9   Industrial Drop feed across the arm. For cloth.  
 11-10 Industrial For seaming long boot legs. Feeds up the arm and makes overseaming stitch. Arm is 30" from needle to its "inner end".  
 11-11Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed, across the arm; speed 650. For leather. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-12 Industrial Drop feed, across the arm; speed 650. For cloth. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-13 Industrial Drop feed, up the arm; speed 650. For leather. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-14 Industrial Drop feed, up the arm; speed 650. For cloth. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-15Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial 30" space to right of needle. Drop feed across the arm. Vibrating presser, SDA and column stand. For buggy and carriage dashes. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-16 Industrial 30" space to right of needle. For overseaming up the arm. or straight stitches feeding across the arm. Drop feed; vibrating presser, SDA and column stand. Speed 650. For long boot legs. (02/1952) 7x1 or 7x2
 11-17Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Drop feed up the arm; overseaming; with parts to adapt for feed across the arm for plain stitching. Speed 650. For military boot legs, etc. (02/1952) 7x1 or 7x2
 11-18 Industrial Drop feed across the arm. Alternating pressers. Speed 650. For leather. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-19 Industrial Drop feed across the arm. Alternating pressers. Speed 650. For leather. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-20 Industrial Drop feed across the arm. Alternating pressers. Speed 650. Foot lifter. For cloth. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-21 Industrial Drop feed up the arm. Makes 1/2" stitch or less. Speed 650. For leather or cloth. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-22Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed across the arm. 30" needle to base of arm. Vibrating presser. For carriage and buggy dashes; leather, etc. 7x1 or 7x2
 11-23 Industrial Drop feed up the arm. Cylinder 2 1/2" diameter. Alternating pressers. Speed 650. For stitching fine boot legs, etc. 16x2
 11-24Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For making eyelets or grommet holes with or without metal rings in canvas and heavy fabrics. 30" space to the right of the needle. 7x1 or 7x5
 11-26Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 11-29   Industrial For general work in canvas. Feed ACROSS the cylinder. Cylinder diameter 3 3/8" at end. Space at right of needle 21". Maximum stitch length 2 2/3 to the inch. Alternating pressers. Cylinder shuttle. Speed <650. (02/1952)  
 11-30Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two needles, two shuttles. Cylinder bed. Very long arm - 30" space to the right of needle. For stitching rubberised material in the manufacture of aeroplanes and balloons. 29x3
 11-32Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 11-37   Industrial For stitching tubular articles of light and medium leather. Feed UP the the cylinder. Cylinder diameter 2 1/2" at end. Space at right of needle 21". Maximum stitch length 4 to the inch. High point shuttle. Speed <650. (02/1952)  
 11-38   Industrial (Formerly 11SV46). For general work in canvas or leather. Diameter of bed 5" at end. Feed UP the arm. Clearance under presser foot 3/4". Alternating pressers, Reversible feed. Speed <500. (02/1952)  
'New Family'
1865-1902 Domestic Long bobbin, reciprocating shuttle, portable handcrank & treadle. Serpentine 'fiddle' bed. Made in USA. (Download manual) 12x1
 12K 'New Family'Singer Comprehensive Model List 1867-1903 Domestic As 12 'New Family' but made in Kilbowie (Clydebank), Scotland  
 12K 'New Family' for manufacturingSinger Comprehensive Model List Industrial There were some 12K machines that were adapted for manufacturing use. Often with a vibrating presser and sometimes a narrow, free arm with no feed dogs (Pic.) The 1884 Singer catalogue describes a set of vibrating foot attachments for the class 12 'New Family'.  
 12 SS-1 Industrial (Deerborn) Cylinder bed blindstitch machine. Extra long arm. Single thread chainstitch. Stitch length 5 to 10 SPI. For felling dresses, coats, suits, etc. Cat. 3690
 12W (class) Industrial SHORT AND LONG ARM VERSIONS AVAILABLE. Long arm has 11" to right of needle. Rotary long beak hook. For cloth and leather stitching. For merchant tailoring, glove & shoe stitching; trimming (both vertical and oblique); vamping shoes, sewing extra thick work in cloth and leather, tacking coat pads, etc. -
 12W2 Industrial    
 12W7 Industrial   128x1
 12W10 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial For Leather and Gloves. For Power Table. Drop feed, roller presser. Speed 1800. Short arm. Replaced by 400W23. 128x4 or 128x6
 12W12 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial As 12W10 but with wheel feed. Speed 1800. Short arm. Replaced by 110W124. 128x4 or 128x6
 12W22 (Cancelled <1955) Industrial Replaced by 110W126  
 12W23 (Cancelled 12/1928) Industrial Replaced by 110W126  
 12W29 Cancelled <1955 Industrial Replaced by 110W127  
 12W35 (Cancelled Dec. 1928) Industrial Replaced by 151W1  
 12W100 (Cancelled April, 1924.) Industrial Drop feed; speed 1600 spm For tailoring and for shirts, wrappers, overalls, duck coats, heavy canvas, horse blankets, etc. or for binding cardigan jackets, etc. Singer suggested replacement: 12W102 with tight pulley. 128x1
 12W101 Industrial As 12W100 with head transmitter. 128x1
 12W102 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial As 12W100 with loose pulley. Foot power only. 128x1, 128x3
 12W103 Industrial As 12W102 but feed can be reversed off the stitches.
 12W104 Industrial Drop feed. Makes 1/2" stitches. Speed 800 spi. For stitching pamphlets, basting, etc.
 12W110 (Cancelled April 1, 1924) Industrial Drop feed. 7/8" roller presser, speed 1800 spm For leather and gloves. Singer suggested replacement: 12W112 with tight pulley. 128x2 or 128x6
 12W112 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial As 12W110 but with loose pulley. Foot power only. Replaced by 152W2. 128x2 or 128x6
 12W113 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Replaced by 110W124.  
 12W115 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial 128x4 or 128x6
 12W116 (Cancelled 12/1949) Industrial As 12W13 with loose pulley, otherwise is the same as. 1800 max. speed. Foot power only. Replaced by 31K48. 128x2 or 128x6
 12W125 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial Drop feed. Vertical seam trimmer. 1800 max. speed. For leather and gloves. Replaced by 110W126 128x4 or 128x6
 12W127 Industrial Wheel feed; vertical seam trimmer. For shoes and gloves.
 12W130 Industrial For tailoring. Drop feed. Alternating pressers. 126x3
 12W202Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial High arm. Drop feed, hinged presser foot. Bed 173/4" long. 10 7/8" space to right of needle. Speed 1200. Replaced by 111W150. 129x1
 12W203 (Cancelled April 1, 1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 12W20 with roller presser.  
 12W205Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 04/1948) Industrial Replaced by 144W103.  
 12W206Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 12W208 (Cancelled 07/1941) Industrial NO FEED MOTION. Has stop motion. For tacking coat pads, shoulder pads & stair pads; basting coats, etc. 129x1 (4401)
 12W209 (Cancelled 02/1941) Industrial NO FEED MOTION. Has stop motion. For tacking coat pads, shoulder pads & stair pads; basting coats, etc. With knee lifter. 126x3
 12W210Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled Feb. 1941) Industrial    
 12W211 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial High arm, flat bed, horizontal-axis sewing hook. Stop motion device. 1" between needle stripper bar and throat plate. NO feeding mechanism. For tacking coat pads and shoulder pads and for basting heavy coats. Replaced by 12W221. 129x1 (4401)
 12W212 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial As 12W211 but with auxiliary plunger or pad holder. Replaced by 12W222. 129x1 (4401)
 12W213Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial Mounted transversely on the table. Specially shaped narrow bed for basting shoulder pads of coats. Replaced by 12W223. 129x1 (4401)
 12W214Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial Cylinder bed and auxiliary plunger or pad holder. Max. 600 R.P.M. For tacking coat pads, shoulder pads and basting coats. Replaced by 12W224. 129x1 (4401)
 12W215 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial Same as 12W211 except the clearance under the needle stripper is 5/8". For basting vests, tacking coat pads, stair pads or other light and medium weight materials without compressing the padding. Replaced by 12W225. 126 x 3
 12W216 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial same as the 12W212 except clearance under the needle bar stripper is 5/8"; max. 600 R.P.M. For basting vests, tacking coat pads, stair pads and other light and medium weight materials without compressing the padding. 126 x 3
 12W217 (Cancelled Jan. 1954) Industrial Same as 12W215 except it has a specially shaped narrow bed. The machine is mounted transversely on the table on an iron bed. Max. 600 R.P.M. Replaced by 12W223. 126 x 3
 12W218 (Cancelled Jan. 1954) Industrial Same as 12W214 Machine except it has 5/8" needle bar lift; max. 600 R.P.M. for light and medium weight materials. 126 x 3
 12W221Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial High arm, flat bed, horizontal-axis sewing hook. Stop motion device. 1" from bottom of needle stripper bar to top of throat plate. NO feeding mechanism. Federal Stitch Type No. 301. For tacking coat pads and shoulder pads, and basting heavy coats. (01/54) 129x1 (4401)
 12W222 Industrial Same as 12W221 but with auxiliary plunger or pad holder to stretch the pad as it is stitched. (01/54) 129x1 (4401)
 12W223Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Specially shaped narrow bed For basting shoulder pads of coats;. Machine is mounted transversely on the table. 129x1 (4401)
 12W224Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Cylinder bed. For tacking coat pads, shoulder pads and basting coats. Max. 600 R.P.M. 129x1 (4401)
 12W225 Industrial Same as 12W221 except the clearance under needle stripper is 5/8".For basting vests, tacking coat pads, stair pads or other light and medium weight materials without compressing the padding. (01/1954) 126x3 (3303)
 13 "Medium" (USA) 1875-1900 Industrial Larger, longer arm version of the 12 'New Family'. Long bobbin, reciprocating shuttle. Regularly supplied on the "Trade Mark Stand" treadle. Some models heavily modified for manufacturing. 13x1
 13K "Medium" (Kilbowie)Singer Comprehensive Model List 1869-1903 Industrial As the USA version. Parts were available to convert machine to alternating presser, roll presser and combination presser. Also two-needle and "Zigzag fittings for New Family and Medium machines" (1884). 13x1
 14K (class) 1892- Industrial Multiple head machines. Expressly for lacing together pattern cards used in Jacquard looms. Two lengths. 6" to 24" and <42". -
 14K1 Industrial Three heads. Max. speed 80 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K2 Industrial Four heads. Max. speed 80 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Five heads. Max. speed 80 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14W3 (Cancelled 04/1924)  

Singer suggested replacement: 14W2 fitted for cloth.

 14K4 Industrial Six heads. Max. speed 80 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14W4Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial Triple lock stitch. Speed 1500 spm For articles subject to heavy wear like mail bags; traveling bags, etc. Needle vibrates back and forth. 130x17 (130x5)
 14K9 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26” in length. Vibrating shuttle. Three heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K10 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26” in length. Vibrating shuttle. Three heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K11 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26” in length. Vibrating shuttle. Four heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K12 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26“ long. Vibrating shuttle. Five heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K13 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 42” in length. Vibrating shuttle. Six heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K14 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 42” in length. Vibrating shuttle. Three heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K15 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 42” in length. Vibrating shuttle. Four heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K16 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 42 inches in length. Vibrating shuttle. Five heads. 205x1; 205x3; 205x5; 205x7
 14K17 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26” in length. Oscillating shuttle. Three heads. 15x1
 14K18 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26” in length. Oscillating shuttle. Four heads. 15x1
 14K19 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26" long. Oscillating shuttle. Five heads. 15x1
 14K20 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 26 inches in length. Oscillating shuttle. Six heads. 15x1
 14K21 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 42 inches in length. Oscillating shuttle. Three heads. 15x1
 14K22 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 42 inches in length. Oscillating shuttle. Four heads. 15x1
 14K23 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards u to 42 inches long. Oscillating shuttle. Five heads. 15x1
 14K24 Industrial For stitching Jacquard pattern cards up to 42 inches in length. Oscillating shut tlc. Six heads. 15x1
 14U11A Industrial 1 needle; 2 thread over-edge stitch (Type 503). For serging; seaming; neatening. Cat. 2053-01
 14U12A Industrial 1 needle; 3 thread over-edge stitch (Type 504). For over-edge seaming; also serging and neatening. Cat. 2053-01
 14U22A Industrial 1 needle; 3 thread over-edge stitch (Type 504). For over-edge seaming; also serging and neatening. Cat. 2053-01
 14U13A Industrial 2 needles; 4 thread safety stitch (Type 515). For seaming and simultaneously over-edging woollen materials. Cat. 2053-01
 14U23A Industrial 2 needles; 4 thread safety stitch (Type 515). For seaming and simultaneously over-edging woollen materials. Cat. 2053-01
 14U14B Industrial 2 needles; 4 thread mock safety stitch (Type 504/512). For seaming and simultaneously over-edging woollen materials. Cat. 2053-01
 14U234B Industrial Differential feed. Four thread overlocker. Cat. 2053-01
 IF 'Improved Family' (USA) 1879-95 Domestic Oscillating long beak shuttle. Lock stitch; drop feed. Serpentine 'fiddle'-shape bed plate. Old style (simple) bobbin winder. Treadle and some hand crank. Became the class 15. Electric version shown. (Photo: Pat Nordmark) 15x1
 IF 'Improved Family' (Kilbowie) 1879-? Domestic As the USA version. Parts were also available to convert machine to alternating presser, wheel feed and/or with a cutting device for manufacturing purposes.  
 IF 'Improved Family' (Electric)Singer Comprehensive Model List 1889   A couple (at least) of examples exist, both using a Gramme armature motor. An early attempt at electrification - see also class 27 electric. (Photo: West Dunbartonshire Libraries & Museums)  
 15- class (USA) 1895-1957 Domestic & industrial Oscillating shuttle. Knee lifter on 'industrial' machines. Lock stitch; drop feed. Bed 14 5/8" by 7" wide, with 6 1/2" space at right of needle. Some models "For use in manufacturing light fabrics and leather" otherwise for cloth. (Download generic manual) -
 15K class (Kilbowie) 1890 - 1957 Domestic & industrial Same as US version: tension on side face plate. Threads left to right. Vertical oscillating (C.B.) shuttle. Some varieties have long beak shuttle. Bobbin cases vary. Many light industrial models in the class. (Download generic class 15 manual) -
 15N 1982 Domestic See 15K 15x1
 15NL, CL 1985-90 Domestic Oscillating hook. For treadle. 15x1
 15-1 1879-95 Domestic H.O., for family use. Long beak shuttle. Spoked wheel. 15x1
 15K3 Domestic Oscillating shuttle. Drop feed; for family use. 15x1
 15K4 Domestic Drop feed; for family use. 15x1
 15K5 Industrial Drop feed; oscillating shuttle. For general cloth work. 16x1
 15K9 Industrial Drop feed; high point oscillating shuttle. For general cloth work. 206x11
 15-11Singer Comprehensive Model List Domestic C.B., H.O., for family use. "1 o'clock" bobbin case finger.  
 15K15 Industrial Drop feed; oscillating shuttle. For general cloth work. 16x2
 15K17 Industrial Wheel feed; oscillating shuttle; roller presser. For light leather work. 16x2
 15-22 Industrial High point oscillating shuttle. Drop feed ("fore & aft"). Rectangular bed. For collar and cuff work 15x1
 15-22 Domestic Long beak shuttle; drop feed. H.O. (for family use). 15x1
 15-23 Industrial Drop feed. Speed 1500. For cloth. 16x1
 15-24 Industrial Drop feed. Speed 1500. For leather. 16x2
 15K24 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Drop feed for family use. 15x1
 15-25 Industrial Wheel feed; for leather. Speed 1500. 16x2
 15K25 Domestic C.B. Shuttle. 15x1
 15-26 Industrial Drop feed; trimming attachment. Speed 1400. For leather. 16x2 or 16x22
 15K26 Domestic C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed for family use. 15x1
 15-27 Industrial Drop feed;  trimming attachment. Speed 1400. For leather. 16x2 or 16x22
 15K27 Domestic C.B. Shuttle 15x1
 15-28 Industrial Drop feed; C.B. shuttle; For general cloth work. Alternating pressers. Speed 1400. 16x1 or 16x2
 15K28 Industrial No alternating presser! 16x1
 15-29 Industrial Drop feed; upper and lower alternating pressers. Speed 1400. 16x1
 15K29 Industrial 16x73
 15-30 Industrial (!) C.B. Drop feed. Speed 1600. For cloth. 15x1
 15-30Singer Comprehensive Model List 1895-1933 Domestic (!) Family; C.B. shuttle; drop feed; H.O. (head only - treadle or hand). No reverse feed. "1 o'clock" bobbin case finger. (Download manual). 15x1
 15K30 Industrial (!) Wheel feed, roller presser; C.B. shuttle, for light leather work. 16x2
 15-31Singer Comprehensive Model List Domestic Drop feed; C.B. shuttle. Speed 1600. Max stitch length 5 1/3 to the inch. For cloth. (02/55) 15x1
 15-32 Industrial C.B. Drop feed. Speed 1600. For leather. 16x74
 15-33 Industrial C.B. Wheel feed. Speed 1600. For leather. 16x74
 15-34 Industrial C.B. Drop feed. Speed 1600. For collars and cuffs. 16x83
 15-35 Industrial C.B. Drop feed. Speed 1600. Max stitch length 5 1/3 to the inch. For shirts, linen and cotton goods. (02/55) 16x73
 15-36 Industrial C.B. Wheel feed. Trimming attachment. Speed 1400. For glove work, C.S.M. 16x97
 15K36 Industrial Drop feed; C.B. shuttle; roller presser. For light leather work. 16x2
 15-37 Industrial C.B. Drop feed;  trimming attachment. Speed 1400. For leather. 16x74 or 16x86
 15-38 Industrial C.B. Wheel feed;  trimming attachment. Speed 1400. For leather. 16x74 or 16x86
 15-39 Industrial C.B. Drop feed;  alternating pressers. Speed 1400. 16x73 or 16x74
 15-40 Industrial C.B. Drop feed; upper and lower alternating pressers. 16x73
 15-41 "For home manufacturing" C.B. shuttle; H.O. fitted for round shank needles. C.S.M. 16x73
 15-42 Industrial Drop feed from left to right. Speed 1600. For shirt and collar work. 16x74 or 16x83
 15-43 "For home manufacturing". Long beak shuttle; drop feed; H.O. fitted for round shank needles. 16x1
 15-44 Industrial C.B., drop feed from left to right; base cut away at right of needle. For collar and cuff work. "For home manufacturing". 16x73 or 16x83
 15-50 Domestic C.B. Shuttle; drop feed. H.O. with hand attachment. 15x1
 15K51 Industrial Drop feed ("fore & aft"). C.B. shuttle. For collar and cuff work.
 15-62Singer Comprehensive Model List Domestic   15x1
 15K62 Industrial Drop feed left to right. C.B. shuttle. For shirt and collar work. 16x1
 15K65 Industrial For general sack and hosiery work. Chain stitch - 3 to 18 to the inch with thread nipper. "Can be supplied with fittings for double chain stitch..." (when ordered). Speed 2500. (10/1952)  
 15K66 Industrial For dye and hosiery work requiring a very slack thread. Single thread chain stitch - 3 to 18 to the inch. (10/1952)  
 15K70 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Similar to 15K26 but with with different presser foot; throat plate etc. Lighter pulley. For Japan - 1/4" stitch for kimonos, etc. 15x1
 15K71 Domestic C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed for family use. 15x1
 15K72 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. As 15K26 but with different presser foot; throat plate etc. Heavy pulley. For Japan - 1/4" stitch for kimonos and sim. 15x1
 15K73 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Similar to 15K26, For Japan - 1/4" stitch for kimonos and sim. 15x1
 15-75Singer Comprehensive Model List Domestic C.B. "11 o'clock' bobbin case finger. Reverse feed. Same as 15-125 but with ext. motor. Solid wheel. Feed dogs drop, controlled within bobbin area. 15x1
 15K80 1910-56 Domestic C.B. Shuttle; drop feed. Dogs do not drop. "1 o'clock" bobbin case finger. Spoked wheel. 15x1
 15K81 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Drop feed for family use. 15x1
 15K82 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Drop feed for family use. 15x1
 15K83 Industrial Similar to 15K26. For Japan - 1/4" stitch for kimonos and sim. Light pulley. 15x1
 15K84 Industrial Similar to 15K26. For Japan - 1/4" stitch for kimonos and sim. Heavy pulley. 15x1
 15K85 Industrial Similar to 15K26. For Japan - 1/4" stitch for kimonos and sim. 3 1/4" diameter pulley. 15x1
 15-86 1895-1933 Domestic C.B. Shuttle; drop feed. Treadle. 15x1
 15-87Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Shuttle; drop feed. With BR Family sewing machine motor. (Download manual) 15x1
 15-88Singer Comprehensive Model List 1933-41 Domestic C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed. "11 o'clock" bobbin case finger. Spoked wheel. Round plate; with reverse feed; feed dogs drop. Treadle or electric. Photo: Bernard Pokorski. 15x1
 15K88 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Reverse feed. “Balanced” machine. Family use. 15x1
 15-89 Domestic As 15-88 but with hand-crank. Feed dogs drop. Reverse feed.. 15x1
 15K89 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Reverse feed. “Balanced” machine. Family use. 15x1
 15-90 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Reverse feed. '11 o'clock' bobbin case finger. Solid balance wheel. External electric motor. Feed dogs drop. 15x1
 15K90 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Reverse feed. “Balanced” machine. Family use. 15x1
 15-91 1930-1956 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Reverse feed. “Balanced” machine. P.G. motor and moulded Singerlight. Gear driven; built in (potted) motor; reverse feed; feed dogs drop. Solid balance wheel. '11 o'clock' bobbin case finger. Feed dogs drop. (Download manual) 15x1
 15K92 Domestic C.B. shuttle. Reverse feed. “Balanced” machine. Solid hand wheel. P.G. motor and Singerlight. Family use.  
 15K95 Industrial Drop feed, C.B. shuttle, with reverse. For stitching or joining tape belts on spinning and twisting frames. 16x1
 15-96 Domestic "1 o'clock" bobbin case finger. Spoked balance wheel. Dogs do not drop.  
 15-97 Domestic Belt drive. Reverse. Feed dogs drop. As 15-96 but with B.R. motor and Singerlight. Solid balance wheel. '1 o'clock' bobbin case finger. Dogs do not drop. belt drive. 15x1
 15-98   Domestic For family use. C.B. shuttle. Drop feed. “Balanced” machine. As 15-96 with hand attachment. Dogs do not drop. 15x1
 15K110 1957-63 Domestic C.B. oscillating shuttle. Cam take-up. Family use. Reverse feed. Solid balance wheel. 1 o'clock bobbin case finger.Feed throw out device (dogs drop) for darning and embroidery. (knob on the bed). 15x1
 15K111   Domestic C.B. oscillating shuttle. Cam take-up. Reverse feed. Solid balance wheel. '1 o'clock' bobbin case finger. Feed throw out device (dogs drop) for darning and embroidery (knob on the bed). 15x1
 15K112 1958-64 Domestic C.B. oscillating shuttle. Cam take-up. '1 o'clock' bobbin case finger. Solid balance wheel. Reverse feed. Feed throw out device (dogs drop) for darning and embroidery (knob on the bed). 15x1
15-125Singer Comprehensive Model List 1955-58 Domestic C.B. oscillating shuttle. Solid balance wheel. '11 o'clock' bobbin finger. Has reverse feed; green; electric; Feed dogs drop, but control is underneath in bobbin area. Same as 15-75 but with potted motor. Dogs drop. I am grateful to BJ Gates for the information 15x1
 15K128 Industrial For cloth. Drop feed. Max stitch length 5 to the inch. Knee lifter. C.B. shuttle. Speed 1800. (07/1953)  
 15K191 Domestic Reversible drop feed. C.B. shuttle. Hand attachment. Available with ride-on push truck. For joining tape belts on spinning and twisting frames. 15x1
 'Improved Manufacturing'Singer Comprehensive Model List c.1879- Industrial Originally 'fiddle' base. Base (of most models) = 19 1/2" x 8 1/2". "It is larger and stronger than the IF (Improved Family), but light running and with more room under the arm..." Parts were available to convert machine to alternating presser, wheel feed, roller presser etc. Became the Class 16.  
 16- (class) Industrial Bed 19 inches long, 10 1/4" space at right of needle. Lock stitch. Oscillating shuttle. Generally with knee lifter. For a variety of work of clothing and heavier work in woven fabrics, also in shoe work and many other articles in leather; some varieties fitted with lap seam fellers, folders, binders, corders and other attachments. -
 16K (class) 1890 - Industrial See class 16-. However, the 1950 catalogue page gives bed size as 18 3/4" long, by 7" wide and 10 1/2" space to the right of needle.  
 16W (class) Industrial Rotary motion, lockstitch, transversely located hook. 1200 SPM. Bed 19 1/2" x 8 1/2". For sewing 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 seams simultaneously. -
 16K1 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed. For general cloth work. 16x1
 16W1Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial For cording and imitation cording or air tucking. Two needles. Drop feed. Speed 1400. Singer suggested replacement 16W2 (specially fitted). 131x13 or 131x17
 16W2 Industrial For ornamenting gloves. Two needles. Speed 1200. 131x13 or 131x17
 16W3 Industrial For ornamenting gloves. Three needles. Speed 1000 131x13 or 131x17
 16W5 Industrial For ornamenting gloves. Four needles. Speed 1000 131x13 or 131x17
 16K5 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed; vibrating presser. 16x1
 16W6 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 16W9 (specially fitted).  
 16W7 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 16W2 (specially fitted).  
 16W8 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 16W2 (specially fitted).  
 16K9 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed. Lifting presser. 16x1
 16W9Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For ornamenting gloves. Four needles. Speed 1000. Drop feed. Supercedes 16W4 and 16WSV10. 131x27; 131x29 for silk.
 16W10 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 16W9 (specially fitted).  
 16W11Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial (Photos: Mike Anderson)  
 16K13 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; wheel feed; vibrating presser. 16x2
 16K15 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; wheel feed; lifting presser. 16x2
 16K23 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed. For leather. 16x2
 16K25 Industrial Oscillating shuttle, wheel feed, roller presser, for leather. 16x2
 16-26 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed; Speed 1500. For cloth. 16x1
 16-27 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed; Speed 1500. For leather. 16x2
 16K27 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed; for waxed thread. 16x2
 16-28 Industrial Wheel feed. for leather. Speed 1500.  
 16K28 Industrial Oscillating shuttle, wheel feed, roller presser, for waxed thread. 1800 spm Electric or foot power. 16x2
 16-29 Industrial Drop feed. Trimming attachment. For cloth. Speed 1400.  
 16K29 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed; vibrating presser; 2 speed balance wheel. 16x1
 16-30 Industrial Drop feed. Trimming attachment. For leather. Speed 1400.  
 16K30 Industrial Long beak shuttle, drop feed, vertical trimmer. Wheel feed. 1800 spm For leather. 16x2
 16-31 Industrial Wheel feed. Trimming attachment. For leather. Speed 1400.  
 16-32 Industrial Drop feed. Alternating pressers. Speed 1400.  
 16-33 Industrial Drop feed. Vibrating pressers. Speed 1400.  
 16K33Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial CB shuttle, drop feed, for general cloth work (flat bed machine). 1800 spm .For general cloth work. 16x73
 16-34 Industrial Wheel feed. Vibrating pressers. Speed 1400.  
 16K34Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 16-35Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Drop feed. Cloth. Speed 1600.  
 16-36 Industrial C.B. Drop feed. Cloth. Speed 1600.  
 16-37Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Wheel feed. For leather. Speed 1600. 16x73
 16K39 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed; lifting presser. Speed 1200 spm. 16x73
 16-40 Industrial C.B. Wheel feed. Trimming attachment. For leather. Speed 1400.
 16-41Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Oscillating shuttle, alternating pressers, for sewing cloth or light/medium weight leather in binding, clothing, sandals, shoe tongues, rubber coats, mattresses, carpets, lap robes, gun covers, automobile and carriage trimming etc.
 16K41 Industrial Oscillating shuttle, alternating pressers. For sewing cloth or light/medium weight leather; binding, clothing, sandals, shoe tongues, rubber coats, mattresses, carpets, automobile.
 16-42 Industrial C.B. Drop feed; vibrating pressers. Speed 1400.  
 16-43 Industrial C.B. Wheel feed; vibrating pressers. Speed 1400.  
 16K43 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Wheel feed; vibrating presser. 16x74
 16K44 Industrial Two needles, long beak shuttles. 1/32” to 5/64” gauges Drop feed. Speed 1400.  For shoe vamping.  
 16K45Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Wheel feed; lifting presser. As 16-44 but with wheel feed. Speed 1400 16x73
 16K46 Industrial As 16-44 but with wider gauges. Speed 1400. For shoe vamping.  
 16K47Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 16K53 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed. Speed 1500 spm. Roller presser. For leather. 16x74
 16K55 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Wheel feed. Roller presser. Speed 1500 spm For leather. 16x74
 16-71 Industrial C.B. Drop feed; cam on needlebar; for leather. Speed 1400. 16x74
 16-72 Industrial C.B. wheel feed; cam on needlebar; for leather. Speed 1400. 16x74
 16-76Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Drop feed; adjustable trimming attachment. Speed 1400. For leather 16x74 or 16x86
 16-81Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed, roller presser. Bed 19" long. Space at right of needle 10 1/2". For book and pamphlet sewing. Speed 150. 16x228
 16-82 Industrial C.B. drop feed. 1" stitch. Speed 1400. Upper and lower feeds. Alternating pressers. 16x73 or 16x74
 16-83 Industrial C.B. NO FEED PARTS. Speed 600. For lace darning. 16x27
 16-84Singer Comprehensive Model List      
 16-88Singer Comprehensive Model List (reverse)Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Oscillating shuttle. Independent upper and lower feeding mechanisms, for general work in cloth and leather. High lift.
 16-89 Industrial Oscillating shuttle. Drop feed. Reversible. Speed 1500.  
 16-90 Industrial C.B. Drop feed. Reversible. Speed 1500.  
16K98Singer comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed; with high lift. For carpet mitres. 29x3
 16K100 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed; with high lift and hinged presser foot. For corduroys and fustians. 29x3
 16K104 Industrial Single chain stitch, with looper. 2 to 6 stitches to inch. For sack and dye work. 207x1 or 207x3
 16K105 Industrial Double-chain stitch, with looper mechanism, 2 to 6 stitches to inch. For sack work. 207x1 or 207x3
 16K107Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Top and bottom feed. Max stitch length 3 to the inch. Cannot be supplied with Balance Wheel Stop Motion (the others can). CB shuttle #125018. Speed 600 spm. High lift for welting, rug binding, etc. Speed 600. 29x3
 16K108 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed. For 1/2" stitching. 16x73
 16K110 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Wheel feed. Roller presser. Speed 800 spm. For waxed thread. 16x74
 16K111 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Universal feed with feed controlling handle on bottom. For Lettering, scroll tracing, etc. 16x73
 16K112 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed; reversible; with high lift and hinged presser foot. For corduroys and fustians. 29x3
 16K113 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed. Reversible. Speed 1200 spm. For cloth. 16x73
 16K114 Industrial Oscillating shuttle; drop feed; reversible. For cloth. 16x1
 16K115 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. Drop feed. Alternating presser. For military clothing. 29x3
 16K116 Industrial Oscillating high point shuttle; with positive stop motion. "Fanning" for power. For high speeds. 16x1
 16K117 Industrial C.B. Shuttle. NO FEED. For darning linen, napkins, sheets, table cloths, towels, etc. 16x27
 16K119Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Shuttle. NO FEED. For darning or mending lace curtains. 16x27
 16-121 Industrial CB shuttle, no feed, clamp stop motion, for darning and embroidery work.
 16K121 Industrial CB shuttle, no feed, clamp stop motion, for darning and embroidery work.  
 16-133 Industrial Drop feed, presser foot. For general cloth work. 16x87
 16-137Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 16-141 Industrial Drop feed, alternating presser feet. For sewing cloth or light and medium weight leather; binding clothing, sandals, shoe tongues, rubber coats, mattresses, carpets, etc. 16x63 or 16x4 (16x198 size 22 for auto work.)
 16-188Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Upper AND under feeding mechanism, adjustable independently so that upper or under fabric may be fed slower or faster. Drop feed. High lift presser foot, 9/32" clearance. For sewing cloth or light/medium weight leather in the manufacture of waterproof covers, bags, tarpaulins, leather trims, etc. 16x63 or 16x4
 16U288Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Single needle flat bed. Makes lockstitch FST 301. Independent drop feed and presser feet. Speed 1400. 7 stitches per inch. Long arm. For general work in cloth or leather. Also Binding, cording and piping. In 1988, this was the last 16 class machines left in the catalog. Cat. 3861-01
 17 (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List 1905-39 Industrial Long beak shuttle and cylinder bed. For shoes and a large variety of articles made of leather, which are irregularly shaped, such as horse boots, saddles, suit cases, fine leather bags, portfolios, pocket books, music rolls, trusses, etc. 16x2 (2083)
 17-1Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Drop feed across the cylinder to left of needle. Roller presser (optional). 1200 stitches per minute. For sewing shoes, belts, music rolls, footballs. (in catalog 01/1954) 16x2
 17W1 (Cancelled 12/1949) Industrial (As 17-1 but feed at right of needle) Drop feed. Bed 17 3/4" long. 10 7/8" space to right of needle. Transverse rotary, long beak bobbin. For foot or mechanical power. Speed 1500. For overseaming and zigzag stitching in medium weight fabrics and light leather. Singer suggested replacements 107W, 143-3. or 32-. 128x3 (3303)
 17-2   Industrial Drop feed across the cylinder to RIGHT of needle otherwise same as 17-1. Speed 1200 s.p.m. Roller presser (optional). For sewing shoes, filled shot bags, etc. (01/1954) 16x2
 17W2 (Cancelled 12/1949) Industrial For overseaming and zigzag stitching. Singer suggested replacements 107W3 or 32-. 130x19
 17-3 Industrial Wheel feed across the cylinder to right of needle. Roller presser. For shoe work 16x2
 17-4 Industrial Wheel feed at right of needle. Exclusively for stitching in ends of cylindrical boxes. 16x64
 17-5Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed across the cylinder on both sides of the needle. Stitching mechanism at extreme outer end of the cylinder bed for stitching close to the edge of the work. Max 800 RPM. For stitching felt shoes, horse boots, musical instrument cases, gun cases, etc. 16x64
 17W5 (Cancelled 07/1933) Industrial For closing heel seams in shoes. Singer suggested replacements 107W2. 128x6
 17-6 Industrial Drop feed up the arm. For stitching tubular articles in cloth or leather. 16x1 or 16x2
 17-7 Industrial 2 needles and 2 shuttles. Drop feed across the cylinder. Max. 1200 RPM. For two-line stitching in irregularly shaped articles made of cloth or leather. 16x1 or 16x2; 16x21 or 16x22
 17-8Singer Comprehensive Model List (In catalogue Jan 1954) Industrial Drop feed across the cylinder and alternating pressers. Long beak, high point shuttle. Max. 1200 RPM. Bed 16 1/2", 2 1/2" diam. at end. For general work in cloth or leather and binding sandals, slippers, shoe tongues, etc. (01/1954) 16x1 or 16x2
 17-9 Industrial Wheel feed; alternating pressers. One Needle. 5/16" needle throw. For hemming window shades. Cloth or leather. 16x1 or 16x2
 17W9 (Cancelled 07/1933)   Singer suggested replacements 107W5.  
 17-10 Industrial Drop feed up the arm. One Needle. Alternating pressers. 1/4" needle throw for overseaming, joining carpets, glove making, etc. Speed 1200. For stitching tubular articles in cloth or leather. 16x1 or 16x2
 17W10 (Cancelled 07/1938)      
 17-11 Industrial Drop feed across the cylinder; roller presser. Adjustable vertical edge trimmer. Max. 1000 RPM. One Needle; high arm, 1/4" needle throw, for heavy work; leather mittens, razor strops, music rolls, etc. 16x2 or 16x22
 17W11 (Cancelled 07/1938)      
 17-12Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial NO UNDER FEED. 'Superior' upper feed instead. Different 'feet' for different stitch lengths. One needle for Embroidery work on pillow cases and other light material, such as chiffon, nun's veiling, etc. Speed 1200. Also for stitching horse boots, gun cases, etc. 16x64
 17W12 (Cancelled 07/1938)      
 17-13     Drop feed UP the arm. With feller. For cotton and linen goods. Max speed 1200.  
 17W13 (Cancelled 12/1949)      
 17-14     Drop feed OFF the arm. With feller. For cotton and linen goods. Max speed 1200.  
 17W14Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/1938)   For ropes from 1/8" to 1/4" diameter. Bed 17 3/4" long with 10 7/8" space at right of needle. Singer suggested replacement 17W15.  
 17-15 Industrial Drop feed across the cylinder and roller presser. For the manufacture of portfolios, pocketbooks and other leather articles which cannot be stitched on a flat bed. Max. 1200 RPM. (10/52) 16x1 or 16x2
 17W15Singer Comprehensive Model List   For tacking the ends of rope and electric lamp cord in sizes 1/8" - 1/4" and stitching rope onto grain bags, etc. Makes two stitch tack; length of tack is contriolled by the operator. Speed <1000.  
 17-16Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial As 17-15 but with reversible drop feed across the arm. Roller presser. For portfolios and pocketbooks. 16x1 or 16x2
 17-17 Industrial Drop feed across the arm. 1 5/8" extension to bed at left of needle. For making caps. 16x1 or 16x2
 17-18 Industrial Drop feed; special throat plate and feed. For helmet work. 16x64
 17-19 Industrial Drop feed across the cylinder at right of the needle and roller presser. Max. 1000 RPM. For stitching leather sweat bands into straw hats and close to a shoulder or in corners - valises, suit cases, etc. 16x1 or 16x2
 17-20 Industrial Drop feed; alternating pressers; For horse boots, etc. in leather. 16x64
 17-21Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two shuttles; drop feed across the arm; alternating pressers. Cloth or leather. 16x45 or 16x46; 16x51 or 16x52
 17-22Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed across the arm at right of needle; roller presser; For leather. C.B. shuttle; narrow cylinder bed (1 7/8"). For Leather. (Download manual) 16x74
 17-23   Industrial As 17-22 but with drop feed at left of needle. For leather. Max stitch length 6 1/3 to the inch. CB shuttle. (Photos: Mike Anderson) (01/1954) (Download manual) 16x74
 17-24 Industrial NO UNDER FEED - "special" device in place of presser foot provides upper feed instead. 'Set' stitch - different 'feet' for different stitch lengths. For fine leather bags, bicycle saddles, suitcases, etc. 16x64
 17-25 Industrial C.B. cylinder bed 1 7/8" diameter. Drop feed across the arm; alternating pressers. For cloth or leather. 16x74 or 16x87
 17-26 Industrial C.B. with removable work plate. Presser rises automatically after each stitch. NO FEEDING MECHANISM. For darning stockings, table linen etc. 16x1
 17-27 Industrial Horizontal undertrimmer; cylinder bed 2 7/16" diameter. Drop feed across the arm. Roller presser. Speed 1600. For pumps, eyelet ties, blucher Oxfords, etc. 16x99
 17-28Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. shuttle. Narrow cylinder (1 7/8"). NO FEEDING MECHANISM. Presser rises automatically after each stitch. For darning - stockings, linen, etc. 16x229
 17-29 Industrial Drop feed across the arm; roller presser; Horizontal under-trimmer. Cylinder bed 2 7/16" dia. For pumps, eyelet ties, Blucher oxfords. 16x46
 17-30Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Reversible drop feed across cylinder. HAS REVERSE. Narrow presser foot for handbag gussets, etc. (01/1954) 16x2
 17-31 Industrial NO FEEDING MECHANISM. 1800 RPM. For darning table linen. 16x229
 17-32 Industrial Drop feed, roller presser. Max. 1800 RPM. For stitching edges and under-trimming linings of pumps, eyelet ties, blucher Oxford shoes, etc., and other leather articles in one operation. 16x46
 17-33Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Single needle, central bobbin, oscillating shuttle, lock stitch, Cylinder bed is 1 7/8 inches in diameter at face-plate-end x 16-1/2 inches long  For darning socks, stockings, table linens, towels, knit underwear, etc. NO feeding mechanism. (01/1954) 16x229
 17-41 Industrial Drop feed across the arm and roller presser; max stitch length 5 1/3 to the inch. HAS REVERSE. For sewing portfolios, pocket books, etc. 1200 s.p.m. (01/1954) 16x2 (2083)
 17-42 Industrial Single needle; cylinder bed. Max stitch length 4.2mm. 16x2 (2083)
 17H508Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 18, 18U (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Cylinder bed, balance wheel on the left ("LEFT-HANDED"). Lock stitch, drop feed. Optional flat work plate. Long beak oscillating shuttle. Bed (most models) 16" long, 2 1/2" diam. at end. 10 1/2" space to left of needle. Knee or foot lifter. Designed for vamping shoes. Light and medium weight leather. Following models can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser: 18-1 to 18-3, 18-7, 18-8, 18-14, 18-15, 18-17, 18-22 (info from several part lists) -
 18-1 Industrial One needle. Cylinder 2 1/2" x 10 1/2". For shoe work. Roller presser drop feed. Speed 1400. Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser. 16x2 (2083)
 18-2Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Same as 18-1 except roller feed/drop is to the left of needle. Speed 1400. Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser. 16x2 (2083)
 18-3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Roller presser & drop feed to the left of needle. Cylinder 2 1/2" x 10 1/2". For shoe work. Speed 1400. Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser. 16x2 (2083)
 18-5Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two needles. Cylinder 2 1/2" x 10 1/2". Feed to left of needle, For shoe vamping and other work in leather. Speed 1400. 16x2 (2083) or 16x22
 18-6 Industrial Two needles. Feed to right of needle. For shoe vamping. Speed 1400. 16x2 (2083) or 16x22
 18-7 Industrial One needle. Feed to left of needle. For children's shoes and other small openings. Speed 1400. Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser. 16x74
 18-14 Industrial Drop feed at right of needle. Roller presser. For leather. 5" shorter than Nos. 18-1 to 18-9. Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser.  
 18-15 Industrial 5" shorter than models 18-1 to 18-9.One needle. Feed to left of needle. Cylinder 2 1/2" x 5 1/2". General work in leather. Speed 1500. 5" shorter than models 18-1 to 18-9. Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser. 16x2 (2083)
 18-16Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial 5" shorter than models 18-1 to 18-9. Two needles; max. 1/4" pitch. Cylinder 2 1/2" x 5 1/2" (5" shorter than Nos. 18-1 to 18-9) . Feed to left of needle. For vamping shoes and other work in leather. Speed 1500. 16x2 (2083) or 16x22
 18-17 Industrial 5" shorter than models 18-1 to 18-9. One needle. Cylinder 2 1/2" x 5 1/2". Feed to right of needle. For general work in leather. Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser. 16x2
 18-18 Industrial 5" shorter than models 18-1 to 18-9. Two needles, max. 1/8" pitch. Roller presser and wheel feed to left of needle. 16x2 (2083) or 16x22
 18-22Singer Comprehensive Model List     For shoe vamping and leather work. Max stitch length = 6 1/2 to the inch. Feed at left of needle. High point shuttle. Speed <1800. (In catalog 09/1954). Can also be equipped with foot instead of roller presser.  
 18-23     Same as 18-22 except wheel feed. (In catalog 09/1954)  
 18-25     For shoe vamping and leather work. Max stitch length = 6 1/2 to the inch. Two needles; two shuttles. Gauges vary. Feed at left of needle. High point shuttle. Speed <1800. (In catalog 09/1954)  
 19W (class) Industrial Rotary long beak hook, rotating ball bearing feed and presser foot. Adjustable bight. Rotary presser foot; raised or lowered by foot.Bed 17 3/4" long. 10 7/8” space to the right of needle. For working eyelets in textiles and leather. -
 19 (class) Industrial Cylinder bed. Side wheel. Feed up or off the arm. Oscillating shuttle. Knee or foot lifter. 10 1/2" space to rear of needle. -
 19K 1899 - 1907      
 19W1Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/1948) Industrial For making eyelets in fabrics or leather. Space to right of needle = 10 7/8". "Makes one radial stitch at each movement of the rotating feed during the first revolution of the clamp, then the radial stitches are locked at the desired distance from the centre of the eyelet by an intersecting line of stitches as the clamp makes its second revolution...". Singer suggested replacement 19W4. 126x1
 19W2 (Cancelled 07/1948)   Singer suggested replacement 19W4.  
 19W3 (Cancelled 07/1948)   Singer suggested replacement 19W4.  
 19-4 Industrial Drop feed. Two needles, one shuttle, 1/32" to 3/16" gauge. Makes two parallel seams on upper surface and an overcast or "stay" stitch on the under surface. Speed 1200. For leather. 19x2; 19x4; 19x6 and 19x6; 16x2 or 16x22
 19-5 Industrial Drop feed. Two needles, one shuttle, 1/32" to 5/16" gauge. Speed 1200. For cloth. 16x1 or 16x2; 16x21 or 16x22
 19-8 Industrial C.B. over seaming, drop feed. Speed 1000. For cloth or leather. 16x73 or 16x74
 19-9Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B., cylinder bed 1 13/16" diameter at end. Drop feed. Speed 1200. For cloth or leather. 16x73 or 16x74
 19-10Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. Drop feed. Over seaming cylinder bed 1 13/16" diameter at end. For cloth or leather. Speed 1000. 16x87 (2055)
 19-11 Industrial Drop feed. reversible. For cloth. Speed 1200. 16x1
 19-12 Industrial Drop feed. reversible. For leather. Speed 1200. 16x2
 19-13 Industrial C.B. Drop feed. reversible. For cloth. Speed 1200. 16x73
 19-14 Industrial C.B. Drop feed. reversible. For leather. Speed 1200. 16x74
 19-15 Industrial Two needles, two shuttles. Drop feed. Low bed. For cloth. 16x45 or 16x51
 19-16 Industrial Two needles, two shuttles. Drop feed. Low bed. For closing shirts. 16x1 or 16x21
 19-17 Industrial Two needles, one C.B. shuttles. Makes two parallel seams on top surface and overcast stitch beneath. Drop feed. For shoe work. 19x10; 19x12; 19x13 and 19x16; 16x74 or 16x86
 19-18Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Small diameter cy1inder bed- 1 13/16" inches. NO feeding mechanism. Ratchet wheel. Max. 800 C.P.A. For tacking bows, buckles and ornaments on shoes, after lasting. 31x1 (3027 )
 20 'Sewhandy' 1910 - Domestic Marketed as both 'small portable' and toy. ('Sewhandy') 24x1
 20-1 Domestic Hand-driven. 24x1
 20-2Singer Comprehensive Model List As 20-1 but with motor. Optional hand-drive. 24x1
 20-10 Domestic Single thread chainstitch ("made especially for children"). Hand-driven. 24x1
 20U (class) 1973 - 1997 "Artisan" "Professional" zigzag. 9mm stitch width; 2000 SPM (at full bight); needs power table. Rotating  hook. Link take-up. Max stitch width 9mm (Blue Book says 12mm). Length 5 SPI. Speed 2,000 RPM at widest stitch. For sewing light and medium weight fabrics, from ladies’ lingerie to overcoating. -
 20U13Singer Comprehensive Model List "Artisan" No built in bobbin winder  
 20U33Singer Comprehensive Model List "Artisan" 3/4 size - with boss for attaching a domestic style SM motor. Built-in bobbin winder.  
 20U51 "Artisan" 9mm bight, for treadle 135x9
 20U53 "Artisan" 9mm bight 135x9
 20U62 "Artisan" 12mm bight, for embroidery. 135x9
 20U63 "Artisan" 12mm bight 135x9
 20U73/73B "Artisan" 9mm bight 135x9
 20U83 (B) "Artisan" 12mm bight 135x9
 20U143   "Full size"  
 21W (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Vertical rotating sewing hook with stationary bobbin case mechanism at right of needle; lock stitch. For special lines of work, such as shirts, shirt waists, wrappers, corsets, underwear, overalls, duck coats, canvas, tailoring, gloves, shoes, slippers, awnings, flossing, etc. 126x1, 126x3, 128x1, 128x2, 128x3, 128x4, 128x5. 128x6, 128x7, 128x11, 128x13
 21W1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial   128x3
 21W4 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 111W150.  
 21W15 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 111W150.  
 21W25 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 111W152.  
 21W30 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 152W2.  
 21W50 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 152W2.  
 21W52 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 21W162.  
 21W54 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 111W152.  
 21W100 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 21W115.  
 21W101 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 21W118  
 21W102 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 21W118  
 21W115 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 111W150.  
 21W118 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 111W150.  
 21W122   Industrial For flossing or bone tacking corsets, etc. also basting and ornamental stitching. Has stop motion. Clearance under presser foot 3/16". NO FEED MOTION. Machine stops automatically with presser foot raised when pressure on foot pedal is removed. Mechanical opener.Speed 900. (In catalog 05/51)  
 21W125  (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial

Singer suggested replacement: 21W25

 21W126 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 21W54  
 21W130 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 21W160.  
 21W160 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 152W2.  
 21W162Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Wheel feed; stitch length up to 4mm. For light and medium weight leather. (In catalog 05/51) 128x4
 21W180Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 111W150.  
 21W182 (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 152W2.  
 22K1Singer Comprehensive Model List 1897 - post 1944 Industrial For stitching eyelets. 29x3 or 29x4
 22W (class) Industrial Vertical rotating sewing hook with stationary bobbin case mechanism for making the lock stitch simultaneously in two parallel seams at high speed in a variety of fabrics and leather. Speed 2200 unless specified (1800 with alternating pressers). -
 22W1 (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 112W145.  
 22W25 Industrial For cross thread embroidery. Speed 2000. 128x13 or 128x3 (3303)
 22W31Singer Comprehensive Model List      
 22W34Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 112WSV90 for gauge 1/32" to 3/32" - or 112WSV139 for gauge 1/8" to 1 1/2".  
 22W39 (Cancelled 07/33)      
 22W40 (Cancelled 08/48)      
 22W41 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W57  
 22W46 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W60 or 112W122.  
 22W57Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 112W146.  
 22W58 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W57 With foot lifter.  
 22W59 (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 112W146.  
 22W60Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 112W147.  
 22W71 (Cancelled 08/48)      
 22W72 (Cancelled 08/48)      
 22W73 (Cancelled 08/48)      
 22W74 (Cancelled 08/48)      
 22W110 (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 112W145.  

(Cancelled 04/1924).

  Singer suggested replacement: 22W112.  
 22W112Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 112W145.  
 22W113 (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 112W139.  
 22W125 (Cancelled 07/33)   Singer suggested replacement 112W139.  
 22W131 (Cancelled 05/31)   Singer suggested replacement 112W127.  
 22W133 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial For Brier stitching. Speed 1800. 128x13 or 128x3 (3303)
 22W135 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W57 or 112W121  
 22W140 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W59 or 112W121  
 22W145 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W60 or 112W122  
 22W155 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W156  
 22W156 (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 112W146.  
 22W157 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W59 or 22W158  
 22W158 (Cancelled 1955)   Singer suggested replacement 112W146.  
 22W159 (Cancelled 04/1924)   Singer suggested replacement: 22W62  
 22W165 (Cancelled 12/28)   Singer suggested replacement 112W140.  
 22W166 (Cancelled 1955)   Singer suggested replacement 112W140.  
 22W167 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial As 22W (class) but with depressed beds and offset throat plates. Singer suggested replacement 112W140. 128x13 or 128x3 (3303)
 22W168 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial As 22W class but with depressed beds and offset throat plates. Singer suggested replacement 112W140. 128x13 or 128x3 (3303)
 22W169 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial As 22W class but gauges = 3/4" to 2 1/4". Singer suggested replacement 112W116. 128x13 or 128x3 (3303)
 22W170 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial As 22W class but gauges = 3/4" to 2 1/4" and with depressed beds and offset throat plates. Singer suggested replacement 112W116. 128x13 or 128x3 (3303)
 22W172 (Cancelled 12/28)   Singer suggested replacement 112W140 with roller presser.
 22W173 (Cancelled 12/28)   Singer suggested replacement 112W140 with roller presser.
 22W180 Industrial Non standard for class
 22W182 Industrial Non-standard for class
 22W204 (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 112W139 or 145W103.  
 22W206 (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 112W139 or 145W103.  
 22W207 (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 144WSV49  
 22W208 (Cancelled 08/48)   Singer suggested replacement 145W103.  
 23- (class) Industrial For buttonholes in in clothing, shoes, etc. Looper mechanism.  
 23W (class) Industrial Vertical rotating sewing hook with stationary bobbin case mechanism at left of needle, for making the lock stitch.  For shirts, shirt waists, wrappers, underwear, collars, cuffs, shoes, gloves, corsets, suspenders, infants' clothing, table cloths, etc. 126x1, 126x3, 128x1, 128x2, 128x3, 128x4, 128x5. 128x6, 128x7, 128x11, 128x13
 23-1 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial For buttonholes 3/8" to 1 1/8" long in leather. Speed 1000. 23x2
 23W1 (Cancelled 07/33)      
 23-2 Industrial For buttonholes 3/8" to 1 1/8" long in leather. Speed 1000. Taper bar attachment. 23x2
 23-3 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial For buttonholes 3/8" to 1 1/8" long in leather. Speed 1000; with automatic stop. 23x2
 23-4 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial For buttonholes 3/8" to 1 1/8" long in leather. Speed 1000; with straight barring attachment and automatic stop. 23x2
 23-5 Industrial For buttonholes 3/8" to 1 1/8" long in leather. Speed 1000; with taper barring attachment and automatic stop. 23x2
 23W5 (Cancelled 12/28)      
 23-6 Industrial For eyeless buttonholes 3/8" to 1 1/8" 23x2
 23W6 (Cancelled 07/33)      
 23-7 Industrial Short needle. For cotton thread on linen and cotton fabrics. Speed 1000. Speed 1000. 23x3
 23W7 (Cancelled 07/33)      
 23-8 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial For buttonholes 1/2" to 1 1/2" long in cloth . With cutting attachment. Speed 1000. Singer suggested replacement 99W110 (cutafter). 99W130 (cut first). 23x1
 23-9 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial For buttonholes 1/2" to 1 1/2" long in cloth . With cutting and taper bar attachments. Speed 1000. 23x1
 23-10 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial For buttonholes 1/2" to 1 1/2" long in cloth . With cutting attachment and automatic stop. Speed 1000. 23x1
 23-11 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial For buttonholes 1/2" to 1 1/2" long in cloth . With cutting and straight barring attachments and automatic stop. Speed 1000. 23x1
 23-12 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.). Singer suggested replacement 99W110 (cutafter). 99W130 (cut first).  
 23-13 to 23-28 Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-14   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-15   Industrial For eyelets only, cloth or leather. 23x1
 23-16   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-17 * Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

*(Cancelled 08/1909)

 23-18   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-19   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-20 * Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.). Singer suggested replacement 99W112 (cutafter). 99W132 (cut first). *(Cancelled 07/46) 23x1
 23-21   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-22   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-23   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-24   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-25   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-26   Industrial For buttonholes in cloth (eyelets, etc.).

 23-27Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Cloth. With upper purling device for making double-faced buttonholes up to 1 1/2" long; with tension releaser for upper threads, and pressure cutting attachment - otherwise same as 23-26. 23x1
23-28   Industrial Cloth. For buttonholes 1/2" to 1 1/2" long. With cutting attachment.  
 23-29 * Industrial Cloth. For buttonholes 1/2" to 1 1/2" long; with cutting attachment. For very narrow bight, otherwise same as 23-8. *(Cancelled 09/1909 - "order 23-30")  
 23-30 * Industrial Cloth. For imitation hand-made buttonholes 1/2" to 1 1/2" long; with cutting attachment. Long, narrow bight. Formerly 23SV23. Supercedes 23-29. *(Cancelled 07/38)  
 24W (class) Industrial Vertical rotating sewing hook with stationary bobbin case mechanism for making the lock stitch simultaneously in two parallel seams at high speed in a variety of fabrics and leather. with depressed beds and offset throat plates.  
 24W1 Industrial 128x13 or 128x3 (3303)
 24- (class) 1900-60 Industrial & Domestic Chain stitch. Some, mostly hand crank models, were 'domestics'.  
 24K (class) 1897 to post-1943 Industrial & Domestic As class 24. Some hand crank models were 'domestics'  
 24-3 Industrial Automatic tension. 8-30 stitches to the inch. 24x1 or 24x2
 24-4Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For two row stitching. Two needles. Two loopers. Automatic tension. 8-30 stitches to the inch. 24x3; 24x1 or 24x2
 24-5 Industrial Plain tension 24x1 or 24x2
 24-6 Industrial For stitch up to 3/16" long. Plain tension. Speed 2000 spm 24x1 or 24x2
 24-7Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For caps and similar articles (for general stitching). Clearance under presser foot 1/4". Plain tension. 4-12 stitches to the inch. Speed 2000 spm. (In catalog 09/1951) 24x1 or 24x2
 24-8 Industrial As 24-4 but with plain tension. For two row stitching. Speed 2500. 24x3; 24x1 or 24x2
 24-9 Industrial Automatic tension. Side plaiting attachment. Knee lifter. 24x1
 24-10 Industrial Plain tension; with power tucker. 24x1
 24-11 Industrial Automatic tension; with power tucker. 24x1
 24-12 Industrial Adjustable gathering feed. 24x1
 24-13Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For gathering. Has lever for adjusting the fullness of gathers. Automatic tension; adjustable feed; fitted with an adjustable gathering feel for gathering at high speed, light material for infants' wear, aprons, dresses, etc. Speed 2500 spm 24x1
 24-14 Industrial For tucking. Positively driven power tuck marker driven by link from arm rock shaft. Fitted with a special tuck marking attachment for tucking aprons, dresses, infants' wear, etc. Automatic tension. Speed 2500 spm 24x1
 24-15 Industrial For making plain, box, or double box pleats in strips up to 3/4" wide. 24x1
 24-17Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial NO STITCHING MECHANISM. For folding and crimping the edges of fabrics. 24x1
 24-18 Industrial Automatic measuring tension; adjustable for tight or loose stitches. For umbrella seaming and imitation spoke stitching. 8 to 30 stitches to the inch. 24x1
 24-19Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Fitted with a plaiting attachment for making knife plaits, single, double and triple plaits. Also for making plain, box, or double box plaits across, not lengthwise. Plain tension. Speed 1000 spm 24x1
 24-21 Industrial For two row stitching. Two needles. Two loopers. Plain tension. 4 to 12 stitches to the inch. Speed 2500. 24x3; 24x1 or 24x2
 24-22 Industrial Plain tension. For making plain or box overlapped plaits in strips or ribbons. For edge work only. Stitches across the plaits 24x1
 24-23Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For full or scant ruffling on either edge of the goods. Has right and left hand guides; separator blades; positive ruffling mechanism for ruffling aprons, dresses, infants' wear, shirts, wrappers, underwear, etc. Plain tension. Speed 2000 spm. (In catalog 09/1951) 24x7
 24-25   Industrial Automatic tension with device for plaiting and finishing ladies' belts. Speed 1800.  
 24-26   Industrial For stitching in fabrics. 8 to 30 stitches to the inch. Automatic tension. Speed 2500 spm. (In catalogue 09/1951) 24x1
 24-27 Industrial Plain tension; positive ruffling mechanism. For full or scant ruffled scallops of strips or ribbons 5/16" to 5/8" wide. 8 stitches to the scallop. For millinery and novelty trimmings. 24x7
 24-28Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Plain tension; positive ruffling mechanism. For full or scant ruffled scallops of strips or ribbons 7/16" to 1" wide. 16 stitches to the scallop. For millinery and novelty trimmings. 24x7
 24-29 Industrial For full or scant ruffling on either edge of the goods. Two needles; two loopers.  Has right and left hand guides; separator blades; positive ruffling mechanism. Plain tension. 24x1 (1111)
 24-31Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Speed 2000-2500 spm Plain tension Stitch length 8 to 30 SPI. For stitching in fabrics. 24x7
 24-32Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial As 24-31 but with automatic tension. Speed 2500 spm. (In catalog 09/1951) 24x7
 24-33Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Plain tension. Heavy arm and bed. For cap work, etc. 4 to 12 stitches to the inch. Speed 2000 spm 24x7
 24-34Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Special tuck marking attachment for tucking aprons, dresses, infants' wear, etc. Speed 2500 spm 24x7
 24-36Singer Comprehensive Model List      
 24-37Singer Comprehensive Model List * Industrial For two row stitching. Two needles and two loopers. Automatic tension. 8 to 30 SPI. *(In catalog 09/1951) 24x3; 24x1 or 24x2
 24-38 Industrial For tucking. Positively driven power tuck marker driven from looper shaft. Automatic tension. Speed 2500. 24x7
 24-39 Industrial For seaming, imitation spoke stitching, etc., in the manufacture of umbrellas and parasols. Speed 2500 spm 24x7
 24-50Singer Comprehensive Model List Domestic Automatic tension. 24x1
 24-51 Domestic Automatic tension; with hand attachment. 24x1
 24-52Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For seaming, imitation spoke stitching, etc., in the manufacture of umbrellas and parasols. Speed 2500 spm 24x1 (1111)
 24-53 Industrial Speed 2500 spm For forming and stitching picot edging upon casket linings, curtains, draperies, etc. 24x1 (1111)
 24-54Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For forming and stitch picot edging on lace curtains, millinery goods and novelty trimmings. Speed 2000 spm 24x1 (1111)
 24-55 Industrial Two needles and two loopers. Plain tension. 8 to 30 SPI. Speed 2500. For covering and reinforcing the inside seams of cloth caps with a folded strip.  
 24-56 Industrial Speed 3200 spm For use in the manufacture of caps. All sizes of caps from the smallest to the largest are easily handled as bed can be made wide or narrow. 24x1 (1111)
 24-57 Industrial For making linings for women's hats. With combination attachment which folds bias strip to form piping into which a cord may be inserted, while the gathering feed gathers the side of the encircling strip, the whole being simultaneously stitched to the crown of the lining. Speed 2000 spm 24x1 (1111)
 24-60Singer Comprehensive Model List Domestic For family use. Automatic tension. 24x1
 24-61 Domestic For family use. Automatic tension. 24x1
 24-62 (Obsolete by 1931) Domestic For family use. B. T. Motor and metal base plate; for portable set No. 202 with knee controller. 24x1
 24-63 (Obsolete by 1931) Domestic For family use. For B. T. motor with foot control. To be used on cabinet table and foot power stand 24x1
 24-65 (Obsolete by 1931) Domestic For family use. B. U. Motor. With Singerlight and metal base plate; for Portable Set; with knee control. For portable case set 202. 24x1
 24-66 Domestic As 24-62 but with B.U. motor; different base. Carbon knee control etc. Portable set 205. 24x1
 24-67 Domestic As 24-62 but with B.U. motor; different base. Carbon knee control etc. Cabinet table set #40. 24x1
 24-72     Head only (movable) - for use with 24-74. Single needle. Length of stitch 4 to 12 to the inch. (In catalog 07/ 1953)  
 24-73     Head only (stationary) - for use with 24-74. Single needle. Length of stitch 4 to 12 to the inch. (In catalogue 07/ 1953)  
 24-74Singer Comprehensive Model List     TWO HEAD machine for hemming or binding both edges of side walls of mattresses and goods such as curtains, drapes,etc. in one operation. (In catalog 07/ 1953)  
 24-80 Domestic Single thread chainstitch; auto tension 24x1 (1111)
 24W105 (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 112W145.  
 24W107 (Cancelled 1955)   Singer suggested replacement 112W139.  
 25TC 1990 Domestic Straight lockstitch. "15 class motorized in a bentwood case". Black. 15x1
 25- (class) Industrial Cylinder bed (mostly), 1 5/16" diameter. 5" space at right of needle. Single thread; chain stitch. Rotating hook. -
 25-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For light fabrics. Automatic tension. 8 to 30 SPI. Speed 2500. 24x1 or 24x2
 25-2 Industrial For light fabrics. Plain tension. 8 to 30 SPI. Speed 2500. 24x1 or 24x2
 25-3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Automatic tension. 4 to 12 SPI. Speed 2000. 24x1 or 24x2
 25-4 Industrial Plain tension. 4 to 12 SPI. 24x1 or 24x2
 25-6 Industrial Automatic measuring tension; adjustable for tight or loose stitches; 8 to 30 SPI. 24x1 or 24x2
 25-51 Industrial Single thread chain stitch; rotating hook; plain tension, Speed 2500. For stitching straw braid in straw hat work. (As 25-50 but balance wheel is uncovered). 25x1
 26-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two separate sewing machines coupled together to work in unison. Rt. hand machine fixed; left hand machine is adjustable relative to it - from 1 1/2" to 16". Automatic tension. Speed 2000. For making bags for tobacco, flour, seeds, etc. 24x1
 26-2 Industrial As 26-1 with widest distance between needles (between machines) increased to 24". 24x1
 26W Industrial Vertical rotating sewing hook with stationary bobbin case mechanism for making the lock stitch simultaneously in two parallel seams (gauges = 3/4" to 2 1/4") at high speed in a variety of fabrics and leather. Speed 2000. -
 26W100 (Cancelled 07/33)   Singer suggested replacement 112W145.  
 26W102 (Cancelled 07/33)   Singer suggested replacement 112W139.  
 26W103 Industrial For sewing on labels. Speed 1000. 126x1, 126x3, 128x1, 128x2, 128x3, 128x4, 128x5. 128x6, 128x7, 128x9, 128x11, 128x13, 128x20, 129x1, 129x2, 129x3, 129x5, 129x6, 132x1, 132x2
 26W106 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 24W105  
 26W107Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial    
 26W108 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 24W107  
"High Arm Family"Singer Comprehensive Model List 1885-1886/7 Domestic High arm. Transverse shuttle. Long bobbin. Drop feed. Two upper thread tension variants. Treadle. 20x1
 VS1 1885-1886 Domestic High arm. Vibrating shuttle mechanism. Long bobbin (bullet- shape). ‘Fiddle’-shaped bed. Low, old-style bobbin winder.  
 VS2 1887-1891 Domestic Vibrating shuttle mechanism. ‘Fiddle’-shaped bed. Low, ‘automatic’ bobbin winder. 15x1
VS3 1887-1890 Domestic 3/4 size rectanular bed. Became class 28. 15x1
 27 class (USA) 1889-1913 Domestic Vibrating shuttle; rectangular bed, low bobbin winder;  manual tension release; standard (full size) 14 5/8" bed. 8" to right of needle. 15x1
 27 class electricSinger Comprehensive Model List early 1890s   Early experiment with Diehl's integrated Gramme armature motor. Engraving from 1896 catalog.  
 27K class (UK) 1890-1915 Domestic As USA version: VS, long bobbin fits front to back. Bobbin winder low on arm. 14 ½ " bed. Threads left to right. 15x1
 27-1   Treadle.  
 27W1 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial For plain ruffling. Lockstitch. Vertical rotating hooks. One needle one hook. Singer suggested replacement 400W18. 126x3
 27-2 Domestic Handcrank. Standard (full size), 14 1/2" bed; low bobbin winder; manual tension release without a shuttle eject button. 15x1
 27-3. Domestic Foot powered (treadle). Standard (full size, 14 5/8") bed. Low bobbin winder, round shaped rear inspection plate, manual tension release without shuttle eject button. 15x1
 27-4Singer Comprehensive Model List 1889-1913 Domestic As 27-3 but handcrank. Standard (full size, 14 1/2") bed; low bobbin winder; manual tension release without shuttle eject button. 15x1
 27W20   Singer suggested replacement 112WSV.  
 27W50 Industrial! Singer suggested replacement 112WSV up to 1 1/2" gauge.  
 28 (class) 1890- 1918 Domestic! As class 27 but with 3/4-size bed (12 1/4" long; 6 1/2" needle to base of arm). Vibrating shuttle; manual tension release, no shuttle eject button. Originally 'VS3'. 15x1
 28K (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List 1890-(1943) Domestic As class 28. 15x1
 28W (class)   Vertical rotating sewing hook with stationary bobbin case mechanism for making the lock stitch simultaneously in two parallel seams (gauges = 3/4" to 2 1/4") at high speed in a variety of fabrics and leather. With depressed beds and offset throat plates. Speed 2000. 128x3
 28-1 (formerly VS3) Domestic V.S. (vibrating shuttle). Bed length 12 1⁄4". Low bobbin winder, long kidney shaped rear inspection plate, manual tension release without a shuttle eject button. Shuttle requires a notch. Foot power (treadle). 15x1
 28K1 Domestic As 28-1. 15x1
 28-2 1890-1918 Domestic Hand-crank version.  
 28K2 Domestic As 28-2. 15x1
 28-3 Domestic Fitted for use on a foot power stand and table with cover. 15x1
 28K3 Domestic As 28-3. 15x1
 28-4 Domestic As 28-3 with handcrank. 15x1
 28K4 Domestic As 28-4. 15x1
 28-5 Domestic Treadle/Cabinet model. 15x1
 28-8 Domestic Treadle, for export (ex-USA).  
 28-9 Domestic As 28-8 but with hand crank version. No shuttle eject button; high bobbin winder. For export (ex-USA). 15x1
28W100 (Cancelled 07/33)   Singer suggested replacement 112W145.  
28W104     Singer suggested replacement 112W139.  
UFA "Universal Feed Arm"Singer Comprehensive Model List 1877 to 1892+ Industrial Universal Feed Arm. Un-numbered predecessor of class 29. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29- (class) Industrial Universal feed arm (rotates 360 degrees). Upper feed only (MOST models). Arm lengths: short = 12 1/4", long = 17 1/2". Hand or treadle powered. Horizontal oscillating shuttle. For patching boots, etc. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29KSinger Comprehensive Model List 1877- Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"  x 1", small bobbin. (Production included U.F.A.) 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K1 1887-1921 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x  1"  x 1", small bobbin. End Wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29-2 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"  x 1", small bobbin. End wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K2 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"  x 1", small bobbin, side wheel. For general work. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W2 (Cancelled 07/33)   Singer suggested replacement 110W126.  
 29-3 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"x 1", small bobbin, side wheel. Waxed thread. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K3 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"  x 1", small bobbin. Waxed thread. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29-4Singer Comprehensive Model List 1896-1927 Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Arm 12 1/4" x 1" x 1", small bobbin, end wheel. For boot and shoe repairing, putting in gores, etc. Replaced by 29-51 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K4 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1" x 1", small bobbin, side wheel; waxed thread. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29-5 1906-12 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"  x 1", small bobbin, side wheel, TWO needles, one shuttle. Distance between needles 1/8". Upper feed. Lockstitch. "Feeds from the operator only" 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K5 1900-21 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"  x 1", small bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K6 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x 1", small bobbin. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W6 (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 110W126.  
 29K7 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x 1", small bobbin, side wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K8 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x 1", small bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K9 Industrial Arm 12 1/4"x 1 1/8" x 1", small bobbin, side wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K10 Industrial Arm 12 1/4"x 1 1/8" x 1", small bobbin, end wheel, 5/16" long stitch. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W10 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 29W14  
 29K11 Industrial Narrow arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x 1", small bobbin, side wheel, long stitch (5/16"). 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W11 (Cancelled 07/38)   Singer suggested replacement 111W141.  
 29K12 Industrial Narrow arm 12 1/4"x 1" x, 7/8", small bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K13 Industrial Narrow arm 12 1/4"x 1" x, 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K14 Industrial Narrow arm 12 1/4"x 1" x, 7/8", small bobbin, end wheel; waxed thread. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W14 (Cancelled 03/31)   Singer suggested replacement 110W126.  
 29K15 Industrial Narrow arm 12 1/4"x 1" x, 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel; waxed thread. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W15 (Cancelled 07/38   Singer suggested replacement 110W127.  
 29K16 Industrial Narrow arm 12 1/4" x 1" x 7/8", small bobbin, end wheel,  long stitch (5/16") for worsted slipper work. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K17 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x, 1", small bobbin; end wheel. Upper & lower feeds for shoe binding. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K18 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x, 1", small bobbin, side wheel. Upper & lower feeds for shoe binding. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K19 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x, 1", small bobbin, end wheel, special needle bar. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K20 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x, 1", small bobbin, end wheel, special needle bar. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K21 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x, 1", small bobbin, side wheel, high lift. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W21 (Cancelled 12/28)   Singer suggested replacement 110W127.  
 29K22 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x1", small bobbin, end wheel, long stitch (5/16"). Upper & lower feeds for shoe binding. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K23 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 1/8" x, 1", small bobbin, side wheel, long stitch (5/16"). Upper & lower feeds for shoe binding. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29W23 (Cancelled 12/28)   Singer suggested replacement 110W127 (0.15" margin)  
 29W27 (Cancelled 12/28)   Singer suggested replacement 110W127 (0.15" margin)  
 29K30 Industrial Arm 17 1/2" x 1 5/32" x 1 3/32", large bobbin, end wheel; waxed thread. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K31 Industrial Arm 17 1/2" x 1 5/32" x 1 3/32", large bobbin, side wheel; for waxed thread;. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K32 Industrial Arm 17 1/2" x 1 3/32" x 7/8", small bobbin. end wheel; waxed thread; for sewing in smaller spaces than 29K30. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K33 1900-21 Industrial Arm 17 1/2" x 1 3/32" x 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel; waxed thread; for sewing in smaller spaces than 29K30. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K51Singer Comprehensive Model List 1922- Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 12 1/4"x 1 1/8" x 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel. For boot and shoe repairing. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K52 Industrial Arm 12 1/4"x 1 1/8" x 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel, long stitch (5/16"). 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K53 Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 12 1/4"x 1" x 7/8" (narrow); small bobbin, side wheel. For boot and shoe repairing. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K54 Industrial Arm 12 1/4"x 1 1/8" x 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel, long stitch (5/16"). 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K55Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 17 1/2" x 1 5/32"x 1 3/32" (long), large bobbin, side wheel. For boot and shoe repairing (waxed thread). 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K56 Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 12 1/4" x 1 3/32"x  7/8" (narrow), small bobbin, side wheel. For boot and shoe repairing (waxed thread). 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K57 Industrial Small bobbin 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K58 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1" x 7/8", small bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K60 Industrial Arm 17 1/2" x 1 5/32"x 1 1/16", large bobbin, end wheel. Max. speed 500 SPM. Used extensively for repair work and also in the manufacture of  a wide range of tubular articles such as, canvas hose, golf bags, automobile tool bags, artificial limbs and other miscellaneous work. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K62 Industrial Arm 17 1/2" x 1" x 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K70 Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 12 1/4" x 1" x, 7/8", small bobbin, end wheel. Max. stitch length 5 SPI. For boot and shoe repairing. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K71 Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 12 1/4" x 1" x 7/8" (narrow), small bobbin, side wheel. For boot and shoe repairing. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K72 Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 17 1/2" x 1 5/32"x 1 1/16", large bobbin, side wheel. For boot and shoe repairing. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K73 Industrial Oscillating horizontal shuttle. Helical presser foot spring. Arm 17 1/2" x 1 x 7/8", small bobbin, side wheel. For boot and shoe repairing. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K171 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 5/32" x 1 1/16", large bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29U171 Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1 5/32" x 1 1/16", large bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29U171A Industrial Arm 12 1/4" x 1"x 7/8", small bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K172 Industrial Large bobbin 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29U172 Industrial Large bobbin 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29U172A Industrial Arm 17 1/2" x 1 5/32" x 1 1/16", large bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29K173 Industrial Small bobbin 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29U173 Industrial Small bobbin 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 29U173A Industrial Arm 171/2"x1" x 7/8", small bobbin, end wheel. 29x3 (cloth), 29x4 (leather)
 30K 1912-27 Domestic Chainstitch. Half size on an iron base, designed for domestic use, primitive presser foot lifter. (The serial number is stamped underneath the machine casting, so hidden when the machine is attached to the base. Production end usually dated to 1913 but 6 were manufactured in 1927.)
 30TC 1990-95 Domestic Straight stitch. 15 class with handcrank and bentwood case (portable). 15x1
 31- (class)     For cloth, leather, coated fabrics, etc. as described. Lock stitch. Short beak oscillating shuttle. Central Bobbin. Link take up. Drop feed unless specified. Bed 18 3/4" long, 7" wide. Space at right of needle 10 1/4". (10/1952)  
 31K (class) 1901-? Industrial Oscillating shuttle. Bed 18" long. 10 1/4" between needle and base of arm. Link take-up (mostly). Three shaft bearings in arm. Knee lifter. -
 31W Industrial 16x2 (2083)
 31-4Singer Comprehensive Model List      
 31-15Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial (As 31K15). For cloth, tailoring, etc. Clearance under presser foot 5/16". Max. stitch length 5 1/2 to the inch. Shuttle #19292. Speed 2200 SPI. (10/1952) (Treadle modelSinger Comprehensive Model List) 16x87 on power table, 16x73 on foot treadle.
 31K15 Industrial The 'Tailor's Machine". Drop feed for cloth work. 16x87 on power table, 16x73 on foot treadle.
 31-16 Industrial Drop feed. Special shuttle and sectional race for easy removal of shuttle. Special presser foot. Oil cup on arm. Bobbin #2996  
 31K16 Industrial Special shuttle and sectional race. Special presser foot. Drop feed. Oil cup. For mackintosh and gossamer rubber work. 16x87 or 16x88
 31-17 Industrial Drop feed. Bobbin #2996. For leather.  
 31K17Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed, Roller presser; heavy bed plate; "high speed" (2000). Max. stitch length 4 1/2 to the inch. Shuttle #19292 For leather work. (10/1952) 16x6 or 16x26
 31-18Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Wheel feed. Bobbin #2996. For leather.  
 31K18Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Wheel feed. Roller presser; heavy bed plate. Max. stitch length 8 to the inch. Shuttle #19292. For leather work. (10/1952) 16x6 or 16x26
 31-19Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial One needle, oscillating shuttle, lock stitch; alternating pressers (a vibrating and a lifting presser). Max. stitch length 5 1/2 to the inch. Shuttle #19292. Clearance under the presser foot is 11/32". For sewing coated, enamelled or plain fabrics and lightweight leather, also shoes, mattresses, blankets, awnings, school bags, braces, etc. Speed 2000. (10/1952) 16 x 87 on power table, 16 x 73 on foot treadle.
 31-20Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For cloth. Throat plate flush with bed. Large bobbin. Max. stitch length 5 1/2 to the inch. Shuttle #20758. Clearance under the presser foot is 5/16". Speed 2200. (In catalog 10/1952)  
 31K20Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed. Throat plate flush with bed. For cloth work. Speed (10/1952) 16x87 (2055) on power table, 16x73 on foot treadle.
 31K22 Industrial Drop feed. Throat plate flush with bed. High lift presser - clearance 5/16". Max. stitch length 5 1/2 to the inch. Shuttle #20758. For cloaks and other heavy cloth work. (02/52) 16x113
 31K24 Industrial Drop feed; positive reciprocating feed slide under presser foot and above the work. For shade work; felling and seaming fabrics. Speed 2200. (31-24Singer Comprehensive Model List)  
 31-27 Industrial Drop feed; single needle; positive ruffling mechanism. For full or scant ruffles on thick or thin fabrics, aprons, dresses, etc. Speed 2000. 16x87
 31-28Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Long beak shuttle. Cam thread take-up. Speed 1800. For boots. shoes and general work in light and medium weight leather. 16x2
 31-29Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial As 31-28 with wheel feed. 16x2
 31-30Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; long beak shuttle. cam thread take-up; horizontal trimming attachment. For edge and under edge trimming in boots and shoes.

16x6; 16x26
 31-31 Industrial As 31-30 with wheel feed. 16x6; 16x26
 31K32 Industrial Same as 31K15 except fitted with reversible drop feed. Speed 2200. (Same as 31-32). (02/52)  
 31-32 Industrial Same as 31-15 except fitted with reversible drop feed. For cloth. (10/1952) 16x87 on power table, 16x73 on foot treadle.
 31-35Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 31-36Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed. Bobbin #2996. Trimming attachment. For leather.  
 31-37 Industrial For pleating. Makes single, double or triple box pleats or ruffles across strips up to 2 1/4" wide; and on edges of fabrics. Nine pleating cams. Speed 600. (10/1952) 31x1
 31-38 Industrial Vertical trimmer; wheel feed and  Speed 1800. For leather. 16x6 or 16x26
 31-39Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For darning lace curtains. Small needle hole. NO FEED MECHANISM. Speed 1800. 16x73
 31-40Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 31-44 Industrial Max. stitch length 5 to the inch. Roller presser. Automatic stop motion and thread cutting mechanism. Foot lifter. Speed 1000RPM. For stitching tongues in shoe vamps and other leather work. (10/1952) 16x10
 31K45 Industrial Wheel feed. Roller presser. Sectional shuttle race; For light work on boots and shoes.. 16x6
 31-47Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Presser foot clearance 3/8" (high lift), otherwise similar to 31-19. Alternating pressers. Shuttle #19292. Speed 2000. For medium and heavy clothing as well as leather and enamelled cloth. (10/1952) 16 x 113
 31K47 Industrial Same as 31-47. (02/52)  
 31K48 Industrial Wheel feed. Roller presser. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Clearance under roller presser 5/16". Shuttle #19292. For leather work. Speed 2000. (In catalog 02/52) 16x6
 31-52Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed. Two nededles. Two shuttles. High raise foot. For general work in fabrics.  
 31-53 Industrial TWO needles; TWO shuttles. Bobbin #19131. For heavy work only in cloth, Duck, canvas, etc. Gauges from 3/16" to 1 1/4"; throat plate flush with bed. Drop feed. Speed 1800.  
 31-54 Industrial TWO needles; TWO shuttles. Bobbin #19131. For cloth. Gauges from 3/16" to 1 1/4"; throat plate flush with bed. Drop feed. Speed 2000.  
 31-55 Industrial TWO needles; TWO shuttles. Bobbin #19131. For vamping and staying shoes. Gauges from 1/32" to 3/16" for vamping; 3/32" to 1/4" for staying. Throat plate flush with bed. Drop feed. Speed 1800.  
 31-60 Industrial TWO needles; TWO shuttles. Bobbin #19131. For ruffling; for thick or thin fabrics, aprons, dresses, curtains, etc. Positive ruffling mechanism. gauges of machine 1/8" to 3/4". Drop feed.  
 31-61Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 31-63Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For pleating or pleating and stitching aprons, skirts, dresses, etc. Clearance under presser foot 7/32". Two needles. Two shuttles. Can be used for single needle work. Cams supplied for various styles of pleats, Speed up to 450. (In catalog 06/1954)  
 32 (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Bed 15 3/4" long. 7 5/8" needle to to base of arm. Vibrating needle; oscillating shuttle. Speed 1200 unless specified. For overseaming or zigzag lock stitching and plain straightaway seaming in fabrics and light weight leather. Used in the manufacture of clothing, hats, suspenders, hosiery, knit goods, underwear, shirt collars, carpets, gloves, shoes, window shades, etc. Bobbin #2996. -
 32K 1893-(1940?) Industrial Ckydebank-made class 32.  
 32-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For overseaming in fabrics; drop feed; makes zigzag stitch up to 1/4" width, the needle vibrating across a central line. Extensively used for serging pants and for overedge stitching. 16x73 (cloth), 16x74 (leather).
 32K4Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B. shuttle. For straight buttonholes for white work with hand barring attachment. Knee lifter. 16x87
 32-24 Industrial For overseaming in fabrics, has a drop feed and makes zigzag stitch up to 1/8" width, the needle vibrating to the right of a central line. For attaching binding to clothing, corsets, cloaks, hats, etc. . 16x73 (cloth), 16x74 (leather).
 32-25 Industrial As 32-24, except that needle vibrates to the left of a central line. . 16x73 (cloth), 16x74 (leather).
 32-26 Industrial For overseaming in fabrics, has a drop feed and makes a zigzag stitch up to 1/8" width, the needle vibrating across a central line. Especially fitted for making suspender ends from narrow braid and for general overseaming work in clothing. 16x73 (cloth), 16x74 (leather).
 32-27Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 32-29Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 32-38Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For making long or short tacks in garments, also for serging clothing and overcasting the raw edges left in "seaming up" trousers, coats, cloaks, etc. Drop feed and makes the zigzag stitch up to 1/8" width, the needle vibrating across a central line. 16x73
 32-45Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For overseaming and serging ingrain carpets. It is fitted with upper and lower feeds and alternating presser feet. 16x71
 32-48Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For serging the raw edges of pile carpets, producing a blind stitch selvage which cannot unravel. It has a special guide and is equipped with an upper feed wheel. Speed 800. 16x71
 32-49Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial High lift presser foot, for overseaming or zigzag stitching in felt pads or other thick fabrics. Upper and lower feeds alternating presser feet. Needle vibrates across a central line; makes zigzag stitches up to 5/16" in width. Speed 800. 16x71
 32-53Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 32-54 Industrial For basting and padding clothing and general overseaming work in fabrics. Drop feed. Makes the zigzag stitch up to 5/16" in width, the needle vibrating across a central line. 16x73 (cloth), 16x74 (leather).
 32-56Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For hemming window shades and is equipped with a positive reciprocating feed slide. 16x73
 32-57   For open work and ornamental stitching. Clearance under presser foot 7/32". The machine has a vibrating needlebar movement which alternately makes three stitches to the right and three to the left and drop feed which moves the material forward for two stitches and returns the fabric towards the operator at every third stitch. Fittings for fagot stitch; with compensating presser foot. Speed 1000.  
 32-58Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 32-59 Industrial For heel seaming shoes, has a foot lever to instantly change from zigzag to straight stitching or vice versa. Drop feed and roller presser; makes zigzag stitches up to 1/8" width, the needle vibrating to the right of a central line. Speed 1200. 16x73
 32-60 Industrial Overseaming with mechanism operated by hand lever for changing from zigzag to straight stitching. For heel seams of shoes.  
 32-61 Industrial Drop feed. Speed 1000. For cording and overedging fabrics or leather. Makes ornamental stitch #11. 16x73
 32-62 Industrial 1/8” needle throw. Needle vibrates to left of line. Attachment for folding and guiding  bias strips. For the edges of hat sweats. 16x73
 32-64Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For serging and attaching a binding to edge of carpets in one operation with zigzag stitch. Needle throw up to 1/4". Upper wheel feed. Speed 1200 RPM. Adjustable guides. 16x263
 32-69Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 33 (class) Industrial Hemstitch. C.B. vertical shuttle; drop feed. 7 5/8" space to right of needle. -
 33K (class) 1893-(1940?) Industrial Clydebank-made 33 class.  
 33-1 Industrial For "revere" stitch. Speed 1200.  
 33-5 Industrial For fine hemstitching. With awl and plunger. Speed 1200. 33x5
 33-8 Industrial For hemstitching with attachment for tucking at the same time. 33x5
 33-9 Industrial For "revere" stitch with attachment for tucking at the same time. Speed 1200. 33x1
 33-10Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For fine hemstitching. High speed (1600). 33x5
 33-11 Industrial For fine hemstitching and tucking at the same time. Knee lifter. 33x5
 33-12Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For fine hemstitching in light and fine materials; high speed (1600) two awls - one in front of needle, one behind. Knee lifter. 33x5
 33-23Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 33K57 Industrial Drop feed; for "rider's edge stitch" on thread drawn work 33x1
 34- (class) Industrial Raised 'post' bed. Horizontal oscillating shuttle. 10 1/2" space to the right of the needle. Knee lifter. For stitching hollow objects, etc. -
 34K (class) 1892-(1944+) Industrial Clydebank-made 34 class.  
 34-1 Industrial Post 11" high. Drop feed. Speed 1000. 34x1 or 34x2
 34K1 Industrial Post bed. 213x1 or 213 x 2
 34W1 Industrial (Cancelled 07/46) Singer suggested replacement 35- or 36-.  
 34-2Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Post 7" high. Speed 1000. Drop feed. 34x1 or 34x2
 34-3 Industrial Post 11" high. Speed 1000. Upper feed. 34x1 or 34x2
 34K6 Industrial C.B. shuttle. For overedge purl stitch on linen table covers, tea cloths, corsets and light textile materials. Knee lifter.  
34-7 Industrial    
 34K11 Industrial Post bed (pillar 11" high) Max. stitch length 6 to the inch. Clearance under roller presser .485". Large bobbin. Drop feed to left of needle. Speed 500.  
 35-1 Industrial Carpet stitcher.  
 35K1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For stitching carpets. Driven by hand. Two thread chain stitch. Spool tensions. (Photos: Mike Anderson) 35x3 (size 26)
 35K2 Industrial As 35K1. Disc tensions (it's threaded differently). 35x3 (size 26)
 36-1 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 36-4.  
 36-3 (Cancelled 08/27) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 36-4.  
 36-4 Industrial Positive feed. For seaming all grades of carpets and rugs, light, medium or heavy.Has lever driven needle slide with great penetrating power. Speed 800. (10/1952)  
 37- (class) Industrial Central bobbin. One vertical shuttle, but fitted with two or more needles. The needle threads are interlocked by the shuttle thread forming two or more straight lines of stitching on the upper side, and an overseam (stay stitch) on the under side. 7 1/2" space at right of needle. -
 37-2Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two needles. Drop feed. Speed 1200. For staying or cording. 16x73 or 16x74, 16x85 or 16x86
 37-3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two needles, diagonal stitch. Has attachment for folding and sewing bias strips with inserted reed upon the edges of sweats in one operation. Upper feed. Speed 1200. For hat sweats. 16x73 or 16x74, 16x85 or 16x86
 37-4Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Four needles, knee lifter, drop feed. Speed 1200. For cording and plain stitching. 16x74 or 16x86, 19x2 and 19x4, 19x6 and 19x8, 37x2 or 37x4
 37-6 Industrial Four needles, knee lifter, drop feed. Speed 1200. For cording.

16x74 or 16x86, 19x2 and 19x4, 19x6 and 19x8, 37x2 or 37x4
 37-8 Industrial Two needles, drop feed. Speed 1200. 16x73 or 16x74, 16x85 and 16x86,
 37-10 Industrial As 37-3 but makes the diagonal stitch reversed. Speed 1200. For hat sweats and glove backs. 16x73 or 16x74
 39 Domestic Drop-feed vibrating shuttle sewing machine, made for Export only at the Elizabethport factory. 15x1
 39-2 Domestic Drop Feed (Family). For export only. 15x1
 39-3 Domestic Drop Feed (Family); with Hand Attachment. For export only. 15x1
 40K Domestic Chain stitch.
 41 (class) Industrial Base 18 3/4” inches long; 10 1/2"” space at right of needle bar centre. Multiple needles. For simultaneously making a number of parallel rows of stitching. Shuttles for ready wound cops only. For corset, skirt, cloak and suit manufacture and decoration. -
 41-5Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Five needles, five shuttles. Speed 1100. 16x29
 41-6 Industrial Six needles, six shuttles. Speed 1050. 16x29
 41-7 Industrial Seven needles, seven shuttles. Speed 1000. 16x29
 41-8 Industrial Eight needles, eight shuttle. Speed 950. 16x29
 41-10 Industrial Ten needles, ten shuttles. Speed 850. 16x29
 41-12Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Twelve needles, twelve shuttles. Speed 750. 16x29
 42K (class) Industrial For stitching medium weight leather and the heavier woven fabrics. Used in the manufacture of leather cushions, curtains, etc. for automobiles, tarpaulins, sword belts, wagon covers, etc. 10 1/2" space to right of needle. For power table or treadle. 16x83 (3861)
 42- (class) Industrial Large shuttle for coarse thread. Bed 19" long; space to the right of the needle = 10 1/2". Originally recommended for foot power. Knee lifter. -
 42-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For leather. C.B.; cam on needle bar, drop feed at left of needle, roller presser. Speed 400. 16x64
 42-2Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For cloth. C.B.; link needle bar connection; drop feed both  sides of needle. Hinged presser foot. Speed 400.


 42-3 Industrial For cloth. C.B.; link needle bar connection; drop feed both sides of needle, vibrating presser. Speed 400. 16x63
 42-4Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For leather. Long beak cylinder shuttle. Link needle bar connection; drop feed at left of needle. Roller presser. Speed 1000. (03/49) 16x64
 42-5Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Cylinder shuttle, drop feed, alternating pressers. Flat bed. Oil bath for thread. Speed 1000. For heavy fabrics. (03/49) 16x63 or 16x64
 42-6 Industrial For leather. C.B.; cam on needle bar, drop feed both sides of needle; vibrating presser. Speed 400. 16x64
 43 (class) Industrial Central Bobbin (C.B.); 10 1/2" space at right of needle; Large shuttle. Cylinder bed 3 3/16” diameter at end. C. B. models ideally mounted on treadle. -
 43-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial C.B., drop feed at left of needle, roller presser. Speed 400.  For leather. 16x64
 43-2 Industrial C.B., drop feed both sides of needle. Speed 400. For cloth. 16x63
 43-3 Industrial Drop feed both sides of needle. Speed 400. Long beak cylinder shuttle, vibrating presser. Speed 400. For leather. 16x64
 43-4 Industrial Long beak cylinder shuttle. Drop feed at left of needle; roller presser. Speed 400.  For leather. 16x64
 43-5 Industrial Long beak cylinder shuttle. Drop feed at left of needle; alternating pressers. Speed 1000. For leather. 16x64
 43-6 Industrial Cylinder shuttle, upper feed. Speed 400. For stitching sweatbands, cap bands, and visor cushions into the bodies of caps.  
 43-7 Industrial For stitching curved visors, sweat bands and cap bands into the into the bodies of caps in one operation. Upper feed. - lifting and vibrating foot(s). No under feeding. Speed 600. Max stitch length 1/4". (03/49)  
 43K52Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 44- (class) Industrial Short arm. 7 3/8" space to right of needle. Lock stitch. Drop feed unless specified. C.B. Short beak oscillating shuttle. Link take-up; knee lifter. Light and medium weight cloth & leather. Bed 15 11/16" by 7" wide. Space at right of needle 7 3/8". -
 44K (class) 1899-(1944+) Industrial Clydebank-made class 44.  
 44-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; for general cloth work. 16x87
 44-2 Industrial Drop feed; for shirts, linen and cotton goods. 16x87
 44-3 Industrial Drop feed; for collar and cuff work. 16x87 or 16x93
 44-4Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Photo: Bernard Pokorski  
 44-7Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Vertical trimmer. Drop geed. Speed 1800. For shoes. 16x6 or 16x26
 44-8Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; vertical trimmer. For light or heavy cloth. 16x87 or 16x95
 44-9Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; alternating pressers. For work (and binding) of uneven thickness and for binding with binds of different widths. For leather or cloth. Speed 1600. (Photos: Mike Anderson) 16x87 or 16x88
 44-10 Industrial Drop feed, roller presser, Speed 2000. For leather. (44-10 threaded with wire. Photos: Mike Anderson) 16x6 or 16x26
 44-11 Industrial As 44-10 but with wheel feed. Speed 2000, 16x6 or 16x26
 44-12 Industrial For glove work. Vertical trimmer, wheel feed, yielding presser. Speed 1800. 16x97
 44-13 Industrial Throat plate flush with bed. Drop feed. Speed 2200. For cloth. 16x87
 44-17 Industrial Throat plate flush with bed. Drop feed. For collars and cuffs. 16x87 or 16x93
 44-18Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 44-20Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; short stitch; for light work only (in cloth). 44x3
 44-22 Industrial Drop feed. One needle. Positive ruffling mechanism. For ruffling and stitching thick or thin fabric; aprons, dresses, infants' garments, skirts, etc. 16x87
 44-23 Industrial Upper and lower positive feed. Alternating pressers, For general work. 16x87
 44-24 Industrial Drop feed; for tucking. 16x87
 44-26Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 44-27 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 11-w127.  
 44-28 Industrial Drop feed, single needle, positive adjustable ruffling mechanism with trimming attachment. For cloth. 16x87 or 16x95
 44-29 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial Drop feed. For collars and cuffs. 44x3
 44-30 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 31-17  
 44-34 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-35Singer Comprehensive Model List (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-37 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-38 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-39Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial 2 needles; 2 shuttles; Drop feed. Makes 'Briar' embroidery stitch. (44K39 shownSinger Comprehensive Model List) 31x1 (3027)
 44-40 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-60Singer Comprehensive Model List (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial Positive ruffling mechanism. Two needles; two shuttles. Drop feed. Speed 2000. For ruffling thick or thin fabrics, aprons, curtains, etc. 31x1 (3027)
 44-61Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 44-62 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial Two needles; two shuttles. Drop feed. Speed 2000. With finger that carries one, or two silk or other threads across in front of the needles, and fastened down by the stitches. Can also be used with one needle only. For cross thread embroidery. 31x1 (3027)
 44-72 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial Positive upper and under feed and alternative pressers. For binding corsets, etc. and for stitching work of uneven thickness. Singer suggested replacement 151W1. 16x113
 44-74 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial Drop feed; hand driving attachment. For repairing belts in cotton mills, etc. 16x87
 44-75 Industrial Drop feed. Positive ruffling mechanism. For binding aprons. For folding band, inserting and fulling in body of garment in one operation. 16x113
 44-79   Industrial For leather gloves; light & medium materials. Alternating pressers. Adjustable edge guide (roller). Max. stitch length 5 1/3 to the inch. Speed 1600. (03/1949) 31x1 (3027)
 44-81Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For leather gloves. Max. stitch length 8 to the inch. Vertical trimmer. Wheel feed. Roller presser. (In catalog 03/1949)  
 44-82 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-83 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-84 (cancelled) 09/1948) Industrial    
 44-89 (cancelled) 09/1933) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 44-90.  
 44-90Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For leather gloves; light, medium and heavy wight fabrics. Alternating pressers. High lift. Upper and under feed. Adjustable edge guide (roller). Max. stitch length 5 to the inch. Speed 2200. (03/1949) 134x1
 44-91   Industrial For leather gloves of extra heavy materials. Alternating pressers. Upper and under feed. Adjustable edge guide (roller). Max. stitch length 5 to the inch. Speed 2200. (03/1949)  
 45K (class) 1896-(1944+) Industrial Flatbed or cylinder bed depending on model. -
 45W (class) Industrial Two needles, vertical hook, horizontal cylinder machines with balance wheel at the LEFT of the operator. Max. 1800 stitches per minute, (leather), 2000 stitches per minute (fabrics). For vamping shoes when the vamp overlaps the quarter. (45W2Singer Comprehensive Model List) -
 45K1Singer Comprehensive Model List c.1896- Industrial Drop feed, 10" to right of needle. Cylinder shuttle; possible heating attachment; needle bar link. Max. stitch 3/8". Speed 900 spm For general work up to 1/2" thick in leather and cloth. (In catalog (07/1953) (45KSV1Singer Comprehensive Model List) 214x1 and 214x3, or 214x2 and 214x4
 45W1 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 45W2.  
 45K5 Industrial Drop feed, flat bed, needle bar link, roller presser, max. stitch 3/8". Speed 600 spm For leather work. (07/1953) 214x2 and 214x4
 45W7 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial

Singer suggested replacement: 45W8

 45K11Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed, flat bed, needle bar link, max. stitch 1/2", 600 spm For cloth work. (07/1953) 214x1 and 214x3
 45K21Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Needle bar link; drop feed. Two speed balance wheel. Speed 900. For horse feed bags and cylindrical work. 214x1 and 214x3, or 214x2 and 214x4
 45K25 Industrial Cylinder bed, drop feed, needle bar link, roller presser, Speed 900 spm For general work in heavy leather. 214x2 and 214x4
 45K41 Industrial Cylinder bed, drop feed, needle bar link, special feed dog, speed 900. Fitted with 1 plain presser foot and roller for helmet work; leather and textiles. 214x1 and 214x3, or 214x2 and 214x4
 45K42 (cancelled 06/1951) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 45K53.  
 45K48Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Cylinder shuttle. Needle bar link. Two speed balance wheel. Lifting presser. For darning or patching bags. Speed 400. 214x5 and 214x7 and 214x13
 45K49 Industrial As 45K48 but with S.D.A. Speed 400. Flat work plate available for cylinder models. 214x5 and 214x7 and 214x13
 45W51   Industrial (Cancelled 12/49) Singer suggested replacement 45W53.  
 45K52 (cancelled 06/1951) Industrial    
 45K53Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Independent upper and lower feeds - either suspendable. Speed 500. For general saddlery, footballs, bags. etc. (12/49) 214x4 and 214x12 and 214x22
 45W53 Industrial (Cancelled 12/28) Singer suggested replacement 45W53.  
 45K56 Industrial Cylinder bed. Drop feed. Needle bar link. Vibrating and climbing presser. For general saddlery, bag and portmanteau, rubber heel work, etc. Replaced by 45K89. 214x2 and 214x4
 45K57 Industrial Cylinder bed, drop feed, needle bar link, lifting presser. Friction controlled balance wheel and work plate. For darning and patching sacks. 214x5, 214x7 and 214x13
 45K58 Industrial Drop Feed, Flat bed, vibrating and climbing pressers. For general saddlery, bags, portmanteaux, cloth, canvas work, etc. 214x1 or 214x2
 45K63Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Cylinder bed. Oil bath for thread. 214x2
 45K65 Industrial NO FEEDING MECHANISM - similar to 45K48 but without feed motion parts.  
 45K66 Industrial Formerly 45KSV60. For heavy boots and shoes. Compound take-up. Gas heating device for hot wax stitching. Roller presser. Culinder shuttle 98622. Speed 700.  
 45K67 Industrial Formerly 45KSV58. For saddlery and heavy leather. High lift. Stitches material up to 11/32" thick. Compound take-up. Vibrating and climbing presser. Cylinder shuttle.Speed 350.  
 45K68 Industrial Drop feed; cylinder bed; Needle bar cam; Compound take-up and high lift. For stitching soles up to 5/8" thick. Formerly 45KSV65. 214x40 and 214x42
 45K69 Industrial Needle bar cam; drop feed; compound take-up and high lift. Stitch length max. 1/4". For stitching soles on shoes (max. 5/8"). 214x40 and 214x42
 45K71 Industrial Drop feed, cylinder bed , needle bar cam, compound take-up, high lift and climbing presser. Fitted with hand attachment. For stitching soles up to 5/8" thick. 214x40 and 214x42
 45K72 (cancelled 06/1951) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 45K70 fitted with Spirit Heating Device.  
 45K74Singer Comprehensive Model List (cancelled 06/1951) Industrial Replaced by 45K76 214x5, 214x7 and 214x13
 45K75 Industrial Cylinder bed. NO FEEDING MECHANISM. needle bar link, lifting presser. Friction controlled balance wheel and work plate. Fast and loose pulleys and belt shipper.  For sack darning. "Same as 45K67 fitted with spirit heating device" 214x5, 214x7 and 214x13
 45K76 Industrial Cylinder bed, NO FEEDING MECHANISM. Drop feed, needle bar link, lifting presser. Friction controlled balance wheel and work plate. For darning sacks. 214x5, 214x7 and 214x13
 45K87 Industrial Flat bed. NO FEEDING MECHANISM. Needle bar link, lifting presser. For darning oil press cloths. 214x5
 45K89 Industrial Cylinder bed. Reversible drop feed. Needle bar link. Vibrating and climbing presser. For general saddlery, bag and portmanteau, rubber heel work, etc. 214x2 or 214x4
 46- (class)   Industrial Single thread overedge chain stitch. Looper. Disc feed. Horizontal needle bar. Foot lifter.  
 46-100 Industrial For stitching sweat bands into soft felt hats; lays a cord on the edge of the sweat band under the stitching. Max. 1000 spm. (1955)  
 46-101Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For blind-stitching sweat bands into soft felt hats; lays a cord on the edge of the sweat band under the stitching. Hinged guide. Max. 1400 spm. (3/50)  
 46K (class) 1898 to (1944+) Industrial The "Pique" is a two-thread or double chain stitch and is formed by the threads carried by the vertical needle and the oscillating looper. The chain stitch is formed on the under surface of the material; upper surface looks like regular lock stitch. Pivoted guide and combined top feed and vibrating presser. 5 1/2" between needle and base of arm. Bed 11 1/2" inches long. Tapered vertical post specially adapted for stitching the fingers of gloves.
 46K1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial "Piqué" stitch (two-thread, double-chain stitch). Combined top-feed and vibrating presser. 5 3/4" clear to right of needle. Speed 700spm. Narrow "post bed" for stitching fingers of gloves. (Photos: Mike Anderson) 46x1 or 46x2
 46K2 Industrial As 46K1 but with smaller column and looper. Speed 700. Makes "piqué" stitch (two-thread, double-chain stitch). Combined top-feed and vibrating presser. 5 3/4" clear to right of needle. Small post bed for children's gloves. 46x1 or 46x2
 46K3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 46K11Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 46K15Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For glove work with "Prix seam" stitch. Same stitch forming mechanism as regular C.B. but operated horizontally. Two feed roll discs; one plain, one grooved. 46x3
 46K22Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For glove work with round seam stitch ('surjeteuse'). Stitch regulator in place of feed ratchet wheel. Stitch length 8-28 to the inch. Superseded by 46K25 214x2 and 214x4
 46K23 Industrial For fine fur sewing with round seam stitch ('surjeteuse'). Stitch regulator in place of feed ratchet wheel. Stitch length 28 to the inch. Superceded by 46K26
 46K24 Industrial For course fur sewing with round seam stitch ('surjeteuse'). Stitch regulator in place of feed ratchet wheel. Stitch length 8 to the inch. Superceded by 46K27
 46K25Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For glove work with round seam stitch ('surjeteuse'). Close looper cam. Single or double chain stitch. Stitch regulator in place of feed ratchet wheel. Stitch length 7-10-14-21-28 to the inch. 46x5
 46K26Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For fine fur sewing with round seam stitch ('surjeteuse'). Close looper cam. Single or double chain stitch. Stitch regulator in place of feed ratchet wheel. Stitch length 7-10-14-21-28 to the inch. 46x5
 46K27Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For course fur sewing with round seam stitch ('surjeteuse'). Close looper cam. Single or double chain stitch. Stitch regulator in place of feed ratchet wheel. Stitch length 7-10-14 to the inch. 46x7 or 46x9
 46K28Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For heavy glove work and heavy fur sewing. with round seam stitch ('surjeteuse'). Close looper cam. Single or double chain stitch. Stitch regulator in place of feed ratchet wheel. Stitch length 7-10-14 to the inch. 215x1
 46K29 Industrial As 46K25. "Round seam" stitch for fine glove work; ratchet Feed for 18, 22 or 26 stitches to the inch; single or double thread stitch. (Supersedes machine). (Formerly known as 46KSV24 machine). 46x5
 46K30Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial As 46KSV28. Heavy version of 46K29. Speed 1800 spm For glove work. 46x5
 46K31 Industrial As 46KSV26. Speed 1600 spm Stitch regulator and friction feed, single or double chain stitch. For fine fur work (surjeteuse), 46x5
 46K32 Industrial As 46KSV27. Speed 1400. Stitch regulator and friction feed, single or double chain stitch. For fur work (surjeteuse). 46x5
 46K33Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial   215x9
 46K34 (Cancelled 02/1927) Industrial Replaced by 46K48.  
 46K35 (Cancelled 02/1927) Industrial Replaced by 46K49.  
 46K37   Industrial For turned slipper work. Lifting needle guide. Single thread chain stitch. Friction feed motion. Max. stitch length 4 to the inch. Speed 500. (02/1952)  
 46K40 (Cancelled 09/1932) Industrial High speed (3000 spm); double thread chain stitch; adjustable friction feed mechanism; max length of stitch 1/4 inch; feeds from right to left. For seaming the selvedges of knit goods. Replaced by 46K50. 215x11
 46K41 (Cancelled 09/1932) Industrial As 46K40 but both feed discs positively geared. Speed 3000 spm For fine hosiery work. Replaced by 46K51. 215x11
 46K45   "For home manufacture" For seaming hosiery with selvedge (selvage) edge. Max. stitch length 7 to the inch. Feeds from left to right. Foot power only.  
 46K48Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For fine fur work (Surjeteuse); with stitch regulator with indicator; friction feed motion and ball bearing front feeding disc. Single thread chain stitch. 215x17
 46K49 Industrial For fur work (Surjeteuse); with stitch regulator with indicator; friction feed motion and ball bearing front feeding disc. Single thread chain stitch. 215x15
 46K50 Industrial For seaming knit goods and hosiery. Max stutch length 4 1/2 to the inch. - but feed gears for 7.9.11 and 13 stitches to the inch supplied un;less otherwise ordered. Positive feed from right to left. Two thread chain stitch. Speed 3000.  
 46K53 Industrial For linen and handkerchief work. With stitch regulator with indicator; friction feed motion and ball bearing front feeding disc. Single thread chain stitch. 215x17
 46K100 Industrial For stitching sweat bands into soft felt hats. "Perfect" blind stitching. Max. 1000 spm 46x4
 46W (class) Industrial Two needles and two belt driven rotary sewing hooks for parallel lines of lock stitching. Cylinder bed for stitching tubular, concave or other irregularly shaped articles in cloth or leather. -
 46W6 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 46W61 (with roller presser).  
 46W21 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 46W61.  
 46W27 Industrial (Cancelled 12/28) Singer suggested replacement 46W62.  
 46W51 (Cancelled 01/33) Industrial Same as 46K50 except both feeding discs are positively driven. Singer suggested replacement 46W61.  
 46W52 (Cancelled 01/33) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 46W62.  
 46W61Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Plain presser foot and drop feed. Speed 3000 spm For tailoring and for stitching shirts, overal1s, gloves, etc. 126x3 (3303)
 46W62Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed and alternating pressers. Speed 2500 spm For sewing sleeves to the body of coats, for binding and stitching overal1s, gloves, canvas, etc., and for tailoring. (Photos: Mike Anderson) 128x3
 46W200 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 154sSV6.  
 47K (class) 1899 to (1944+) Industrial    
 47W (class) Industrial One needle and belt driven rotary sewing hook; lock stitch. Cylinder bed.  for stitching tubular, concave or other irregularly shaped articles in cloth or leather. -
 47K1 Industrial For canvas, sacks and other heavy materials. Max. throw of needle 3/8". Cylinder shuttle 92823. Speed 400. (07/1953)  
 47K3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Large cylinder shuttle. For grommets from 1/4" to 3/4" diam. in sail, sack and canvas. Max. throw of needle 3/8". Cylinder shuttle 92823. Speed 400.(07/1953) 214x9 or 214x11
 47K5Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 06/1951) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 47K1.  
 47W5 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial    
 47W10 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 47W62.  
 47W11 (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 47W63.  
 47W20 Industrial One needle; rotary sewing hook; lockstitch. Cylinder bed. NO FEEDING MECHANISM. Max. speed 2800 spi. For darning in heavy materials. 126x3 (3303)
 47W26Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 12/28) Industrial Drop feed. Cylinder bed. Alternating pressers. For leather and gloves. Singer suggested replacement 47W66. 128x2 or 128x4
 47W51 (Cancelled 01/33) Industrial    
 47W52 Industrial (Cancelled 01/33) Singer suggested replacement 47W62.  
 47W53 Industrial (Cancelled 10/32) Singer suggested replacement 47W63.  
 47W54 (Cancelled 09/40) Industrial    
 47W55 (Cancelled 02/47) Industrial    
 47W56 Industrial (Cancelled 07/32) Singer suggested replacement 47W66.  
 47W61 (Cancelled 01/54) Industrial Ball bearing rol1er presser and drop feed. Speed 3000 spm. For stitching shoes, gloves and other work in leather. 126x2, 128x4
 47W62 Industrial Plain presser foot and drop feed. Speed 3000 spm. For stitching shirts, linen and cotton underwear, pyjamas, overal1s and other work in light and medium weight fabrics. (12/1949) 126x3 (3303), 128x13
 47W63 Industrial Alternating presser feet; drop feed. Speed 2500 spm. For tailoring and for stitching overalls, leather gloves and inserting sleeves into coats and jackets (binding). (12/1949) 126x3 (3303)
 47W64 (Cancelled 01/54) Industrial Vertical trimmer; ball hearing roller presser; drop feed. Speed 2500 spm. For stitching and trimming at one operation in the manufacture of shoes, gloves and other work in light and medium weight leather. Stitches and trims both the outside and lining at the same time. (12/1949) 126x2, 128x4
 47W65 (Cancelled 01/54) Industrial Oblique underedge trimmer; ball bearing roller presser and a drop feed. Speed 2500 spm For stitching and undertrimming the linings of shoes, sandals, slippers, etc., in one operation. 126x2, 128x4
 47W66 Industrial Alternating presser feet; drop feed. Speed 2500 spm For stitching leather gloves and other work in light and medium weight leather. Also for binding shoes, slippers, etc., and for stitching gloves with roll welt gauge. 126x2, 128x4
 47W67 (Cancelled 01/54) Industrial Horizontal trimmer and edge guide. Speed 3000 spm For stitching the edges and undertrimming the linings of shoes, sandals, etc., in one operation; for gloves, pocket books, small leather cases and other articles requiring a cylinder bed and a horizontal trimmer. 126x2, 128x4
 47W68 Industrial For stitching pocketbooks, wrist watch straps, leather handbags, portfolios etc. Fitted with feed reversing mechanism operated by foot pedal for back stitching. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Forward or reverse. Clearance under presser foot 3/16". Speed up to 3000. (12/1949)  
 47W69Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For stitching gussets in pocketbooks, leather handbags, portfolios etc. The end of the cylinder bed is cut away and presser foot and feed are made narrower to permit stitching closer to corners. No mechanical opener - otherwise same as 47W68. Speed up to 3000. (12/1949)  
 47W70Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 47W71 (Cancelled 12/49) Industrial    
 47W72 (Cancelled 01/54) Industrial    
 47W118 Industrial Drop feed. Cylinder bed. Alternating pressers. For leather and gloves. 126x2, 128x4
 47W120 (Cancelled 02/39) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 47W70.  
 47W201 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 153W101 or 153W103.  
 48W (class) Industrial One-needle, vertical hook, horizontal cylinder machines and have the balance wheel at the LEFT of the operator. Max. 1800 stitches per minute, (leather), 2000 stitches per minute (fabrics). For sewing fabrics and leather. -
 48K1 1899-1914 Domestic High arm, transverse shuttle. Treadle, black balance wheel 15x1
 48K2 1899-1914 Domestic Portable version of 48K1 15x1
 48K3Singer Comprehensive Model List 1899-1914 Domestic High arm, transverse shuttle. Treadle, plated wheel 15x1
 48K4 1899-1914 Domestic Portable version of 48K3 15x1
 49K1Singer Comprehensive Model List 1893 to 1953 Industrial "Kilting machine". Singer suggested replacement 707K101.  
 49K2 (Cancelled 07/1953) Industrial Singer suggested replaement 707K102.  
 49W (class) Industrial One-needle, vertical hook, horizontal cylinder bed; balance wheel at the LEFT of the operator and hook at the right of the needle. Max. 1800 stitches per minute, (leather), 2000 stitches per minute (fabrics). Fitted for sewing leather. -
 49W51 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 110W151.  
 51- (class) Industrial For barring buttonholes, tacking shoes, clothing, etc. Makes stitches lengthwise to the tack, covered afterwards by shorter, transverse stitches. Automatic stop. Base and foot lifter. Speed 1200 RPM. -
 51W (class)   Industrial Single needle post bed (7" high) machines. Lock stitch. Makes Fed. stitch #301. Drop feed. Foot lifter. Vertical axis hooks .Foot lifter.Post 7" high by 2" at the top. (09/1956)  
 51-1 (Cancelled <1955) Industrial For making bars 1/8” to 1/4”  long; six long, ten cross stitches. 16x73 or 16x74
 51-2Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled prior to 05/1955) Industrial For making tacks. to 3/16” to 3/8” long; six long, twelve cross stitches. 16x73 or 16x74
51-3 (Cancelled prior to 05/1955) Industrial    
 51-4 (Cancelled prior to 05/1955) Industrial For shoes. Makes tack 3/16” to 3/8” long; 8 long stitches and 8 cross stitches. 16x73 or 16x74
 51-6 (Cancelled prior to 09/1948) Industrial For making bars 1/8” to 1/4” long; six long and twelve cross  stitches. Clamp for closing together and holding the end of buttonhole while tacking. Singer suggested replacement 68-39. 16x73 or 16x85
 51-7 (Cancelled prior to 05/1955) Industrial As 51-6 but clamp does not close end of buttonhole. 16x73 or 16x85
 51-8 (Cancelled prior to 05/1955) Industrial    
 51-9 (Cancelled prior to 05/1955) Industrial    
 51-10Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 69-8.  
 51K15Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 51W25 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W51.  
 51W26 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial    
 51W27 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W52 (fitted for leather).  
 51W28 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W54.  
 51W29Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial For stitching and trimming edges of shoes, gloves, mittens,l military boots, etc/ Max stitch length 6 to the inch. Clearance under presser 7/32". Has vertical trimmer. Ball bearing poller presser. Speed 2000. Bed 16 3/4" long by 7" wide. Space at right of needle 8 1/4". Singer suggested replacement 51W55.  
 51W30 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W56.  
 51W31 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W57.  
 51W32 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W100.  
 51W44 (Cancelled 09/25) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W54.  
 51W45 (Cancelled 09/25) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W55.  
 51W46 (Cancelled 09/25) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W56.  
 51W47 (Cancelled 09/25) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W57.  
 51W49 (Cancelled 09/25) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W59.  
 51W51Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial

Short arm machine. Belt driven. Mechanical opener. Link take-up. For shirts, corsets, underwear, tailoring and plain sewing in irregularly shaped textiles, etc. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Bed 16 3/4" long by 7" wide. Space at right of needle 7 1/8". Speed 3000. (09/1956).

 51W53 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 51W52 (fitted for leather).  
 51W54 Industrial Post bed; one-needle; rotary hook; lockstitch. Speed 3000 spm For general stitching in the manufacture of shoes; vamping; sewing in gores, etc. 128x4
 51W55 Industrial Post bed; one-needle; rotary hook; with vertical trimmer; lockstitch; speed 2500 spm For stitching and trimming the edges of gloves, shoes mittens, etc. 124x4
 51W56Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial (Photos: Mike Anderson) 128x2 or 128x4
 51W57 Industrial Trims abreast of needle. Throat plate with 0.050" trimming margin - otherwise same as 51W56. (11/55)  
 51W59 Industrial For simultaneously stitching the edges and undertrimming the linings of shoe uppers and other leather work. Max. stitch length 8 to the inch. has horizontal undertrimmer. Ball bearing roller presser. Speed 2500. (11/55) (Photos: Mike Anderson)  
 52- (class) Industrial Bed 14 1/2” long; 6 ½” space to right of needle. Multiple needles. Single thread chain stitch. Oscilating loopers. Drop feed. For rows of parallel stitching.

 52W (class) Industrial Post bed (7" high); TWO needles and two belt driven rotary sewing hooks on vertical axes. Lock stitch. Drop feed. Link take-up. Foot lifter. Post is 7" high; top measures 1 7/8" by 3 1/2". Speed 2500 spm For stitching shoes and other articles of light and medium weight leather. -
 52WLST Industrial (Photos: Mike Anderson)  
 52-1 Industrial 52x7 (1604)
 52-2 Industrial Two needles, two hooks. Speed 2400. 52x1 (1601)
 52-3 Industrial Three needles, three hooks. Speed 2400. 52x1 (1601)
 52-4 Industrial Four needles, four hooks. Speed 2400. 52x1 (1601)
 52-5Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Five needles, five hooks. Speed 2400. 52x1 (1601)
 52W5 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 52W1  
 52-6Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Six needles, six hooks. Speed 2400. 52x1 (1601)
 52W6 (Cancelled 05/30) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 52W20.  
 52-7 Industrial Seven needles, seven hooks. Speed 2400. 52x1 (1601)
 52W7 Industrial (Cancelled 08/48) Singer suggested replacement 52W22.  
 52-8 Industrial Eight needles, eight hooks, Speed 2400. 52x1 (1601)
 52-9 Industrial Nine needles, nine hooks, Speed 2000. 52x1 (1601)
 52-10 Industrial Ten needles, ten hooks, Speed 2000. 52x1 (1601)
 52W10 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 52W20.  
 52-11 Industrial Eleven needles, eleven hook Speed 2000. 52x1 (1601)
 52W11 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 52W19.  
 52-12Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Twelve needles, twelve hooks. Speed 2000. 52x1 (1601)
 52W12Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Post bed; two needles and two rotary hooks; lock stitch; max. speed 3000 spm For use in the manufacture of shirts, waists, corsets and other similar articles having tubular, concave or convex surfaces. 128x13
 52W13 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Post bed; two needles and two rotary hooks; lock stitch; max speed 2500 spm For overall and similar work. Singer suggested replacement 138W101. 128x13
 52-15Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 52W15Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For simultaneously stitching the edges and undertrimming the linings of shoe uppers and other leather work. Max. stitch length 8 to the inch. has horizontal undertrimmer. Ball bearing roller presser. Bed 16 3/4" long by 7" wide. Space at right of needle 8 5/8". Speed 2500. (12/49)  
 52W16Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 03/46) Industrial Post bed. High speed, drop feed, roller presser. For vamping, stitching in gores; back stays, etc. Singer suggested replacement 52W22. 128x4
 52W17 (Cancelled 03/46) Industrial Post bed. High speed, drop feed, roller presser. For vamping, glove stitching, etc. In gauges from 3/32" to 1/4". Singer suggested replacement 52W22. 128x4
 52W18 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 52W19.  
 52W19Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Post bed; two needles and two belt driven rotary sewing hooks on vertical axes; lock stitch. Drop feed with guide to keep presser foot rigidly straight; with flat presser foot spring plus regular presser spring. Post is 7" high; top measures 1 7/8" by 3 1/2". Speed 2500 spm For staying shoes without changing their shape. 128x4
 52W21 Industrial Drop feed, ball bearing (no back) roller presser and short beak hook. It makes two lines of lock stitch. Speed 2500 spm For vamping and stitching on back stays, stitching in gores and for vamping operations in light and medium weight shoes and other stitching operations in leather. 128x4
 52W22 Industrial Drop feed, ball bearing (no back) roller presser and long beak hook. Speed 2500 spm For medium and heavy leather. 128x4
 52W30 (Cancelled 05/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 52W31.  
 52W31 Industrial For shirts, underwear, house dresses, corsets etc. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Two needle, post bed. Feed cannot overthrow. Speed 3500. (12/49)  
 52-52 Industrial Two needles, two loopers.Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (In catalog 03/1950)  
 52-53 Industrial Three needles, Three loopers. Length of stitch: 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (In catalog 03/1950)  
 52-54 Industrial Four needles; Four loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000.  
 52-55Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Five needles; five loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-56 Industrial Six needles; six loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-57 Industrial Seven needles; seven loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-58 Industrial Eight needles; eight loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-59 Industrial Nine needles; nine loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-60 Industrial Ten needles; ten loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-62 Industrial Twelve needles; twelve loopers. Length of stitch = 6 to 18 spi. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-66Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial For folding buttonhole facings and linings and stitching to knit undershirts. Four needles; four loopers. Stitch length 6 to 18 to the inch. Upper and under folders and tape reels. Folders can be thrown out of use. Foot lifter. Speed 2400. (03/1950)  
 52-67 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial For closing and taping heel seams of shoe linings. Three needles and three loopers. Adjustable lap seam guide. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-73   Industrial Three needles; three loopers. Makes three tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-74   Industrial Four needles; four loopers. Makes four tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-75Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Five needles; five loopers. Makes five tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-76   Industrial Six needles; six loopers. Makes six tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-77   Industrial Seven needles; seven loopers. Makes seven tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-78   Industrial Eight needles; eight loopers. Makes eight tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-79   Industrial Nine needles; nine loopers. Makes nine tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52-80   Industrial Ten needles; ten loopers. Makes ten tucks. Speed 3000. (03/1950)  
 52W100 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 138W102  
 53- (class) Industrial One needle. Oscillating hook. Single thread chain stitch. Bed 14 ½” long; 6 1/2" space at right of needle.  
 53-1Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled prior <1955) Industrial Drop feed. Speed 2400. For cloth. 52x1
 53-3 (Cancelled <1955) Industrial Max. stitch length 1/4", drop feed. Speed 1800. For bag sewing. 52x1
 55-(class) Industrial Two thread and single thread chain stitch as described. Drop feed. Bed 18 3/4" by 7", with 10 1/8" space at right of needle. Knee lifter. For bag stitching and basting clothing. -
 55-3Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Stitch length 1/4" to 1/2", drop feed. Speed 1800 (2500 in later manuals). Single and double chain stitch; an extra looper and throat plate included in the regular equipment for also making two-thread chain stitch. Speed 2500 stitches per minute. For stitching bags made of burlap, light and medium weight canvas and similar fabrics with twine or very coarse thread. Oscillating looper. (02/52) 55x3 (4301)
 55-4   Industrial Same as 55-3 but with two loopers and two needles. Single and two thread chain stitch. Stitch length 2 2/3 to 6 1/3 to the inch. Speed 2500 stitches per minute. For stitching bags made of burlap, light and medium weight canvas and similar fabrics. For stitching with twine. (02/52) 55x3 (4301)
 55-5Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Stitch length 2 to 4 to the inch. Single thread chainstitch. Speed 2500 stitches per minute. For basting. (02/52) 55x3
 55-6Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Stitch length 2 2/3 to 6 1/3 to the inch. One needle, one looper. Single thread chainstitch. Speed 1500. For stitching tickets on clothing. 55x3
 55-20Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Single needle, gear-driven rotary looper, producing the single-thread chain-stitch. With a compensating presser foot and an adjustable guide adjustable stitch length from 1/4"to 1/2"; working space at the right of the needle is 10 1/8 inches. For basting materials up to 3/8" thick. (02/52) 16x259
 55K23Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For basting materials up to 3/4" thick. Space to right of needle 10 1/8". Single needle; gear driven rotary looper producing single thread chain stitch. 16x259
 56-4Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial For simultaneously stitching the edges and upper trimming the linings of shoes, etc. Under edge trimmer. Drop feed across the arm. 16x50 or 16x56
 56-13 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial  
 56-14 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial  
 57-1 Industrial 16x2
 57-2Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial Two needles, two shuttles, drop feed up the arm. For cloth. 31x1 (3027)
 57-3 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial One needle; drop feed up the arm; feed both sides of needle. For cloth. 16x87
 57-4 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial One needle; extended throat plate for use with universal felling attachment; drop feed up the arm. For clothing, etc. For clothing. 31x1
 57-14 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial One needle; drop feed across the arm; feed at left of needle. For cloth. 16x87
 58-1 (Obsolete 03/1929) Industrial For large buttons. Makes 12 stitches in button shank and 15 stitches between buttons. Greatest distance between buttons 2 1/4". For leggings.  
 58-2Singer Comprehensive Model List (Obsolete 03/1929) Industrial Same as 58-1 but with different stitch forming cam and driver. For large buttons. Makes 12 stitches in button shank and 9 stitches between buttons. Greatest distance between buttons 1 1/2". For overgaiters.  
 58-3Singer Comprehensive Model List (Obsolete 03/1929) Industrial For shoe buttons. Makes 12 stitches in button shank and 9 stitches between buttons. Greatest distance between buttons 1 1/2".  
 58-4 (Obsolete 03/1929) Industrial For shoe buttons. Makes 12 stitches in button shank, 4 fastening stitches and no stitches between buttons.  
 58-5 (Obsolete 03/1929) Industrial Same as 58-3 but with different Stitch corming cam and driver. For shoe buttons. Makes 10 stitches in button shank and 7 stitches between buttons. Greatest distance between buttons 1 1/4".  
 58-9 (Obsolete 03/1929) Industrial For regular and milo shoe buttons; has automatic adjustable button carrier for different size buttons. Makes 12 stitches in button shank and 4 fastening stitches. No stitches between buttons.  
 58-11 (Cancelled 06/1927) Industrial For regular and milo shoe buttons; has automatic adjustable button carrier and auto. Thread cutting device for sutting needle thread. Makes 14 stitches in button shank and 2 fastening stitches. No stitches between buttons. Replaced by 175-60.  
 58-12 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial For regular and milo shoe buttons; has automatic adjustable button carrier. No thread cutting device for sutting needle thread. Makes 14 stitches in button shank and 2 fastening stitches. No stitches between buttons. Replaced by 175-60.  
 58-14 (Cancelled 03/1940) Industrial Replaced by 175-60.  
 58-15Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For regular and milo shoe buttons; has automatic adjustable button carrier and automatic thread cutting and thread nipping for cutting both threads and holding the ends until the first three stitches are made. Makes 14 stitches in button shank and 2 fastening stitches. No stitches between buttons. (Photos: Mike Anderson) 58x1 or 58x2
 58-16 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Replaced by (order instead) 175-60.  
 59-1Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial NO BED PLATE! Lock stitch - short beak shuttle. Needle feed. All sewing and feeding mechanism is in the arm head and adjustable to position as desired. For binding hat bands and the brims of stiff felt hats.  
 60-24 Industrial (Photos: Mike Anderson)  
 61W (class) Industrial Horizontal, belt driven, rotating hook with stationary bobbin case. Link thread take-up. For lockstitch at high speed in fabrics and light leather work. "Distinguished for absolute cleanliness" for stitching white goods. Short arm machines = bed 15 11/16" long, by 7" wide. Space at right of needle 7 7/8". -
 61W2Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial For shirts, corsets, underwear, shirt waists, flannels, etc. Singer suggested replacement: 61W52 135x1 or 135x3
 61W12 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W52  
 61W13 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W63.  
 61W16 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W66.  
 61W18 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W66  
 61W22 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W72  
 61W24 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W74  
 61W26 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W76  
 61W28 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W78  
 61W30 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W80  
 61W31Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 61W41 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W91.  
 61W42 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W92  
 61W52Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm. Singer suggested replacement 400W21. 135x1 (1451) or 135x3
 61W52   Industrial Belt driven, horizontal hook, Lock stitch. Knee lifter. Drop feed. For light and medium weight fabrics. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Use same power table as class 95-. Singer suggested replacement 400W1.  
 61W74   Industrial For hemming bell-shaped or gored skirts, house dresses, circles, etc. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Drop feed.  
 61W91   Industrial For light and medium weight fabrics; also for binding and setting sleeves into garments. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Has vertical seam trimmer and binder. Speed 3000.  
 61W92   Industrial For light and medium weight fabrics. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Has vertical seam trimmer. Speed 3000.  
 61W62 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial As 61W class. Speed 3000 spm. Singer suggested replacement 151W3. 135x1 (1451)
 61W63 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial As 61W class. Speed 3000 spm. Singer suggested replacement 151W3. 135x1 (1451)
 61W66 Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm 135x5
 61W72 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm 135x1 (1451)
 61W74 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial As 61W class. For hemming bell-shaped or gored skirts, hous dresses, cirdles etc. Max 8 stitches to the inch. Max speed 3500 spm 135x1 (1451)
 61W76 Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm 135x1 (1451)
 61W77 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial    
 61W78 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm. Singer suggested replacement 400W22. 135x1 (1451)
 61W80 (Cancelled 04/36) Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm. 135x4
 61W84 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm. Singer suggested replacement 400W21. 135x1 (1451)
 61W91 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Variation from class. For light and medium weight fabrics; also for binding and setting sleeves into garments. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Has vertical trimmer and binder for trimming and binding in one operation. Speed 3000. Singer suggested replacement 400W12. 135x5
 61W92 (Cancelled 08/48) Industrial Variation from class. For light and medium weight fabric. Max stitch length 8 to the inch. Has vertical trimmer. Singer suggested replacement 400W11. 135x5
 61W104 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W154  
 61W106 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W156.  
 61W107 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial Singer suggested replacement: 61W157.  
 61W108 (Cancelled 04/1924) Industrial For shirts, corsets, underwear, shirt waists, flannels, etc., knee lift. Singer suggested replacement: 61W154 135x1
 61W154 Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm. 135x1 (1451)
 61W156 Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm. 135x5
 61W157 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial As 61W class. Max speed 3500 spm. Singer suggested replacements 400W102 or 400W103, 135x5
 62- (class) Industrial High speed, with one or more loopers, forming a smooth stitch on the upper surface, and a two-thread, or double chain on the under surface. 8 inches clear working space at right of centre of needle bar. Two thread chain stitch. Knee or foot lifter.  
 62W1 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial As 61W52 but for sewing tubular articles, 135x1 (1451)
 62-5Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 62-9Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 62-13Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 62-25 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial One needle, one looper. Speed 2800. For plain stitching on light and medium weight fabrics; closing linings and stitching top facings on shoes. 62x20 or 62x21
 62-26 Industrial One needle, one looper, roller presser. Speed 2800. For closing shoes. 62x20
 62-28Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial One needle, one looper; transverse tubular binder and auxiliary feed. Speed 2800.For stitching button stays on knit underwear. 62x21
 62-29 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial    
 62-31 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial    
 62-32 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial    
 62-38 (Cancelled c.1955) Industrial Two needles, one looper; makes two parallel rows of elastic chain stitching. For making belt loops and ornamenting silk, satin and other materials in the making of petticoats 62x3
 62-39 (Cancelled 04/1931) Industrial    
 62-40Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 62-43 (Cancelled prior to 1955) Industrial    
 62-45 (Cancelled 04/1931) Industrial    
 62-46 (Cancelled prior to 1955) Industrial    
 62-48 (Cancelled prior to 1955) Industrial    
 62-51 (Cancelled 12/1931) Industrial    
 62-54Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial For sewing loose lace to the top and edges of knit underwear, brassieres, etc. Two needles, one looper, in various gauges. Elastic chain stitch with four threads (two needle threads, one looper thread and top covering thread. 62x3
 62W52Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 62-55Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Similar to 62-45 but for joining cuff and ankle pieces to knit underwear and the attaching of collarettes. Three needles, one looper, in various gauges. Makes elastic stitch with five threads. Available with work guide. 62x3
 62-56 (Cancelled prior to 1955) Industrial    
 62-57 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 62-58 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 62-61 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 63- (class) Industrial "Firm, rigid and free from vibration...". Feed left to right.Link take-up; short needlebar and light balance wheel. Work plate extends beyond the presser foot on right hand side. Arm points towards operator. -
 63-1 Industrial Drop feed; adjustable presser feet. Speed 2800. For running and banding collars and cuffs. 88x9 (1361)
 63-2 Industrial Drop feed. Speed 2800. For shirts, linen and cotton goods. 44x3
 63-3 Industrial Drop feed. Speed 2800. For underclothing; dressmaking and general work. 44x3
 63-6Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 03/26) Industrial Drop feed. Speed 2800. Singer suggested replacement 400W21. 44x3
 63-7 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 63-8Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Supercedes 63-6. (Formerly 63SV2). Drop feed. Speed 2800. For underclothing, dressmaking etc. 88x1 (1315)
 64-3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Lock stitch. Rotating hook and take-up/ 7 3/8" between needle and base of arm. Drop feed; stationary bobbin case. Speed 3000. For general work on light and medium weight fabrics. 64x1
 65W Industrial 135x1 (1451)
 65W1 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 400W21. - for tubular work order 400W9.  
 65W2 (Cancelled 10/47) Industrial    
 65W5 (Cancelled 10/47) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 400W21. - for tubular work order 400W9.  
 65W6 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial    
 66 (class) 1902-56 (USA) Domestic Side drop-in bobbin; horizontal oscillating hook; bed size 14 3/4" (later 14 5/8") long x7" wide; space to right of needle 8". Drop feed. Lock stitch. Stationary bobbin case. External motor where fitted. 15x1
 66K (class) 1907 to 09/1948 (UK) Domestic As 66 class. Oscillating, horizontal hook. Drop-in bobbins. Stationary bobbin case. 15x1
 66-1 Egyptian (green) 1902-06. Scroll (red) 1906-23. Domestic Treadle; plain tension; stitch length knob; early bobbin winder. Rear mounting presser feet. 15x1
 66K2 Domestic "For Family use."  
 66-3 Domestic As 66-1 but with handcrank. Rear mounting presser feet. 15x1
 66-4Singer Comprehensive Model List 1923-?? Domestic Treadle;  plain tension : stitch length knob : early bobbin winder; spoked balance wheel. Side clamping presser feet. 15x1
 66-5 Domestic As 66-4 but with handcrank. Side clamping presser feet. 15x1
 66-6Singer Comprehensive Model List 1921-31 (Blue Book '34) Domestic Disc balance wheel; plain tension; stitch length knob; early bobbin winder; side clamping presser feet. No reverse. Fitted with electric tables #19, 20, 305, 306, or 40. Photo: Bernard Pokorski. 15x1
 66K6 Domestic Often supplied with library table. Electric motor.  
 66-8 Domestic Disc balance wheel; plain tension; stitch length lever: low bobbin winder; side clamping presser feet. 15x1
 66-13 1920-?? Domestic Portable. Side clamping presser feet. 15x1
 66-14 Domestic Oscillating hook. Bobbin case position bracket hinged to throw out for easy removal of bobbin case. Spoked balance wheel #15282. For foot power. With reverse. Plain tension, stitch length lever, later bobbin winder. In place of 66-4. (April 1941). 15x1
 66-15 Domestic As 66-14 but with handcrank; side clamping presser feet. In place of 66-5 (April 1941). 15x1
 66-16 Domestic As 66-14 but fitted with B.R. motor, Singerlight, controller and disc balance wheel #32872. Numbered tension, stitch lever with reverse, late bobbin winder, Electric motor. Belt driven. Knee or foot controller. Side clamping presser feet. In place of 66-6 (April 1941). 15x1
 66-18 Domestic Horizontal oscillating hook. Bobbin case position bracket hinged to throw out for easy removal of bobbin case. Solid balance wheel #32672. Plain tension. Stitch lever with adjustable reverse, late bobbin winder. Knee or foot control for cabinet. Wrinkle finish ".. that resists scratching and reduces glare". BY6 Motor and spotlight; side clamping presser feet. 15x1
 66-19 1934-60 Domestic With reverse. 15x1
 66-20 Domestic 15x1
 66-24 Domestic As 66-18 but fitted with BY-2 motor for portable set #212, or with BY-10 motor for portable set 191. Solid balance wheel. plain tension, stitch lever with reverse. late bobbin winder. knee or foot control for portable. (04/1941) 15x1
 67-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For stitching carriage dashes and fenders, etc. Overall length 6' 4". Space between needle and upright part of frame = 4' 1 3/8". With dash supporter and iron legs. Independent upper and lower feeds; oscillating shuttle; smooth feed surfaces. 67x2
 68- (class)   Industrial For barring, tacking and ornamenting as described. Flat bed. Lock stitch. Oscillating shuttle. Auto. stop and belt shifter. Bed 18 21/64" long by 8 1/2" wide.  
 68-1 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial For flat buttons. Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Sews two or four hole or bar buttons on overcoats and clothing generally. Each button attached with 18 stitches and 3 tying stitches. Makes two parallel bars of stitches in four-hole buttons. Speed 1000. Singer suggested replacement 69-5 or 114-50. 68x3
 68-2 Industrial 68x3
 68-3 Industrial 68x3
 68-4 Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For sewing flat buttons upon clothing, shirt waists, pants, knit underwear, etc. 68x3
 68-5 Industrial 68x3
 68-6Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Sews two or four hole or bar buttons on clothing, shirtwaists, etc. Each button is attached with eighteen stitches and three tying stitches. Makes crossed stitches in four hole buttons. Singer suggested replacement 69-5 or 114-53 68x3
 68-7 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Sews small two or four hole buttons on shirts, waists, underwear, etc. Each button is attached with eleven stitches and three tying stitches. Makes crossed stitches in four hole buttons. Singer suggested replacement 69-6 or 114-54. 68x3
 68-9Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Sews straps to garments, underwear, etc., with bars ranging from 3/8" to 7/8" long. Each bar consists of seven staying, thirty-two covering and three tying stitches. For barring and tacking in leather or knit goods. Singer suggested replacement 69-11. 68x7 (light goods); 68x5 (heavy goods or leather)
 68-10 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For barring pockets and buttonholes in leather or knit goods; also clothing, tacking bows on shoes, tacking button laps, tacking ends of trousers binding, tacking hangers to coats, etc. Each bar or tack consists of twelve staying, twenty-seven covering and three tying stitches. The makes bars or tacks from 5/16" to 5/8" length. Singer suggested replacement 69-8. 68x9 (68x5 in another manual)
 68-11 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For barring buttonholes in fine work and for tacking bows or other ornaments to shoes or garments. It makes a bar 1/8" to 1/4" long, each bar consisting of 21 stitches, comprising seven long, eleven cross and three tying stitches. For barring and tacking in leather or knit goods. Singer suggested replacement 68-9. 68x7 (light goods); 68x9 (heavy goods or leather - 68x5 in another manual)
 68-12 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. As 68-11, with the exception that it is fitted with a special work clamp, manually operated, for closing together the end of the buttonhole before it is barred. For barring and tacking in leather or knit goods. Singer suggested replacement 69-38. 68x7 (light goods); 68x9 (heavy goods or leather)
 68-13 Industrial 68x7 (light goods); 68x9 (heavy goods or leather)
 68-14Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For tacking together the edges of shoe quarters (in leather). It makes tacks up to 3/8"  length and the width of tack can also be adjusted as desired. Each tack consists of twenty-one stitches, comprising two staying, nine long and. seven cross stitches in the centre of the tack, and three tying stitches. Singer suggested replacement 69-7. 68x5 or 68x9 (or 16x77 in another manual)
 68-15 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For barring and tacking in leather - tacking ornaments to shoes, etc. It makes tacks from 3/32" to 3/16" length, each tack consisting of eleven cross and three tying stitches. 68x5 or 68x9 (or 16x77 in another manual)
 68-16 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. As 68-14 but makes tack with eighteen stitches, there being no tying stitches. Singer suggested replacement 69-7. 68x5 or 68x9 (or 16x77 in another manual)
 68-17 Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For ornamenting garments with cross stitch. 68x7 or 68x9
 68-18 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For tacking tags or cost marks of small size upon clothing, etc. It makes tacks from 3/32"  to 3/16" length. Each tack consists of four cross stitches and tl1ree tying stitches.  Barring and tacking in leather or knit goods. Singer suggested replacement 114-31. 68x3
 68-19 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For tacking tags or cost marks of small size upon clothing, etc. It makes tacks from 3/32"  to 3/16" length. Each tack consists of four cross stitches and tl1ree tying stitches.  Barring and tacking in leather or knit goods. Singer suggested replacement 69-27. 68x5
 68-20 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Makes ornamental tacks which are especially adapted for reinforcing and finishing the ends of seams, etc., in the manufacture of knit underwear; and for ornamenting garments with cross stitch.. Each tack consists of 42 stitches, including three tying stitches, the tack resembling a fern leaf in shape. When these tacks are made in groups of three, a crow foot or three point tack is formed. The crow foot tack is used as a reinforcement for the ends of seams in uniforms, men's suits, overcoats, middy blouses, women's skirts, etc. Singer suggested replacement 69-28. 68x7
 68-21 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Sews two or four hole buttons of extra large size from 14 to 46 lignes, upon coats, cloaks, overcoats, etc. Each button is attached with eighteen stitches and three tying stitches. Makes crossed stitches in four hole buttons. Singer suggested replacement 69-15. 68x11 or 68x13
 68-22 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For sewing safety pin tubes and attaching single tongue buckles to shoes, knee pants, overalls, overgaiters, vests and many other articles of cloth or leather upon which this style of buckle is utilized. Equipped with a buckle clamp which will accommodate buckles having an inside length ranging from 3/8" to 3/4". Each buckle is attached with 42 stitches, including three tying stitches. The bar of the buckle is overstitched on both sides of the tongue, the stitches passing around the shank of the tongue so that the tongue can swing freely. Singer suggested replacement 19-18. (68SV22 shownSinger Comprehensive Model List) 68x5
 68-23 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle.  For barring and tacking in leather or knit goods; also for tacking tags or cost marks of large size upon clothing, etc., or when it is desired to fasten a tag more securely than is possible with 68-18. Each tack consists of six stitches in two sections and three tying stitches. The length of the tacks can be varied from 3/16" to 3/8", as desired. Singer suggested replacement 114-31 68x7
 68-24 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For tacking and reinforcing the seams of underwear and knit goods and for barring and tacking in leather. It makes a triangular tack or ornament, consisting of 42 stitches. The base of the tack can be varied in width from 1/4" to 5/8" and the distance from the apex to the base can be varied up to 3/8". Singer suggested replacement 69-29. 68x5
 68-25 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For sewing self-shank buttons on men's shirts, ladies' shirt waists and children's dresses, this style of button being commonly used for ornamenting linen, duck, flannel and other light weight summer dresses. Each button is attached with fourteen stitches, including three tying stitches. The button clamp is adjustable to accommodate self-shank buttons varying in size from 1/4" to 1/2" diameter and from 3/32" to 1/4" thick. The clamp is equally adaptable for pearl, bone, metal or cloth shank buttons with round, oval or flat tops. Singer suggested replacement 175-61. 68x13 (68x11 in two other manuals - all Singer!)
 68-26 Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For sewing self shank buttons. 68x13
 68-27 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For stitching press studs or snap fasteners on skirts, waists, etc. Each section of the fastener is attached with fourteen stitches, including three tying stitches. With adjustable guide graduated from 1 3/4" to 3 1/2", to regulate the distance between the snap fasteners. Clamp adjustable to accommodate different sizes of "Koh-i-noor" fasteners, the outside diameter of which varies from 3/16" to 1/2". Singer suggested replacement 175-61 68x3
 68-29 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Sews two or four hole grooved buttons on men's and boys' clothing. Two hole buttons are attached with nine stitches, including tying stitches. Four hole buttons are attached with two parallel bars of stitches, each bar consisting of nine stitches, including tying stitches. Singer suggested replacement 69-18. 68x3
 68-30 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Sews two or four hole grooved buttons on men's and boys' clothing. Two hole buttons are attached with eighteen stitches, including tying stitches. Four hole buttons are attached with two parallel bars of stitches, each bar consisting of eighteen stitches, including tying stitches. Singer suggested replacement 69-17. 68x3
 68-31Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Especially designed for smocking ladies' blouses, shirt waists, night dresses, underwear, dresses, skirts, millinery, children's wear, etc. Each tack consists of fourteen stitches. Any length or width of fabric can be accommodated. All kinds of fabrics from the finest chiffon to velvets and woolens are readily handled. (03/50) 68x7
 68-32   Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For barring the pockets and collars of army overcoats and clothing generaI1y. The will accomplish barring in fabrics up to 5/8" thickness and is adjustable to make bars varying from 5/16" to 5/8" length. Each bar consists of twelve staying, twenty-seven covering and three tying stitches. (03/50) 68x13
 68-33Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. Makes ornamental tacks which are used to form five point stars for ornamenting naval and other uniforms. Crow foot or three point tacks are also made for a large variety of work, including the reinforcing and finishing of pockets and ends of seams in military uniforms, men's suits, overcoats, middy blouses, women's skirts, etc. Each tack or point of the star consists of 42 stitches. (03/50) 68x5
 68-34 (Cancelled prior to 1955) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 68-38.  
 68-35Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Variation from class. For heavy goods or leather. 16x87
 68-38Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For barring buttonholes in clothing and is used in connection with Machines of Class 99W. It makes a bar from 1/8" to 1/4" long, consisting of seven staying, eleven covering and three tying stitches. It is fitted with a special work clamp which automatically contracts the buttonhole when it is lowered on the work. 68x7 (light goods); 68x5 (heavy goods or leather)
 68-39 Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For tacking belt loops on trousers, knickerbockers, etc. It makes tacks from 5/16" to 5/8" length. Each tack consists of twenty-eight stitches, including three tying stitches. 68x5
 68-40 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Lock stitch; oscillating long beak shuttle. For tacking the end of the fringe after it has been stitched onto rugs. It makes a bar 5/8" by 3/16", consisting of five staying stitches, twenty covering stitches and three tying stitches. Singer suggested replacement 69-26. 68x5
 69- (class)   Industrial For stitching on buttons, barring, tacking and ornamentation as described. Lockstitch oscillating shuttle; Automatic thread cutter. Automatic stop and belt shifter. Ball bearing loose pulley.  
 69-1Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial    
 69-5Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For sewing flat buttons on knee pants, coat sleeves and other garments. It makes crossed stitches in four hole buttons and can be adjusted for two hole and bar buttons. Eighteen cross stitches and three tying stitches are made for each button sewn on. Central bobbin, short beak shuttle. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 10/1952) 68x3
 69-6   Industrial Same as 69-5 but makes 14 stitches. For sewing two or four hole or bar buttons of small size on shirts, waists, underwear, etc. It makes crossed stitches in four hole buttons. Eleven cross stitches and three tying stitches for each button sewn on. Speed 1000. (In catalog 10/1952) 68x3
 69-7   Industrial For tacking shoes. Makes tacks up to 3/8" in length. Each tack consists of twenty-one stitches, comprising two staying, nine long, seven cross and three tying stitches. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 10/1952) 16x77
 69-8Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For barring pockets in clothing. It makes a bar from 5/16" to 5/8" length. Each bar consists of forty-two stitches, comprising twelve staying, twenty-seven covering and three tying stitches. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 10/1952) 68x5
 69-9 Industrial For barring buttonholes in fine work and for tacking bows or other ornaments upon shoes or garments. It makes a bar from 1/8" to 1/4" in length. Each bar consists of twenty-one stitches, comprising seven staying, eleven covering and three tying stitches. Speed 1000 spm. 68x3
 69-10   Industrial Singer suggested replacement 68-38. (in catalogue 10/1952)  
 69-11 Industrial For sewing straps upon underwear and other garments. It makes a bar from 3/8" to 7/8" length. Each bar consists of forty-two stitches, comprising three staying, thirty-six covering and three tying stitches. Speed 1000 spm 68x7 (lightweight goods). 68x5 (heavy goods or leather).



Industrial Singer suggested replacement 69-7.  
 69-14 Industrial Especially adapted for tacking Blucher shoes. It makes a tack from 7/32" to 7/16" length. Each tack consists of eighteen staying stitches in two parallel lines, and three tying stitches. Speed 1000 spm 17x74
 69-15 Industrial For sewing large buttons upon coats, cloaks, overcoats, etc. It makes crossed stitches in four hole buttons and can be adjusted for two hole and bar buttons. Eighteen cross stitches and three tying stitches are made for each button sewn on. Speed 1000 spm 68x11 or 68x13
 69-16 Industrial As 69-14 but with long beak shuttle which particularly adapts it for use on the heavier shoes. Speed 1000 spm 17x74
 69-17 Industrial For sewing two hole or four hole grooved buttons on men's and boys' clothing. It makes two separate bars in four hole buttons, there being no cross stitches between the bars. Eighteen stitches including three tying stitches are made for each bar. Speed 1000 spm 68x3
 69-18 Industrial For sewing two hole or four hole grooved buttons on men's and boys' clothing. It makes two separate bars in four hole buttons, there being no cross stitches between the bars. Nine stitches including three tying stitches are made for each bar. Speed 1000 spm 68x3
 69-19 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial For shoe tacking. Makes tack up to 3/8" long; 2 staying, 9 long, 7 cross in centre of tack and NO TYING STITCHES. Speed 1000 RPM. Singer suggested replacement 69-7. 68x5
 69-20Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For making the fern leaf design at the upper end of the clocking "stem" on hosiery. It makes forty-two stitches in each complete design. Speed 1000 spm 68x7
 69-21   Industrial Makes the arrow head design at the upper end of the clocking "stem" on hosiery. It makes thirty-six stitches in each complete design. Speed 1000 spm. (in catalog 02/1951) 16x1
 69-22   Industrial For sewing Cash's marking tags or similar strip identification tags on articles to be laundered. It is also used for tacking Blucher shoes. The machine sews the four sides of each tag, making a rectangular tack 50/64" by 15/64", consisting of twenty-one lock stitches, including three fastening stitches. There are six stitches in each of the upper and lower rows of stitches and three stitches in each end. Speed 1000 spm. (in catalog 02/1951) 68x1
 69-23   Industrial For laundry tags. As 69-22, except that there are five stitches in each of the upper and lower rows of stitches on the tag and four stitches in each end. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 02/1951) 68x1
 69-24Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial For stitching back stays in Oxfords. It makes a single line tack 5/8" long, consisting of twenty-one stitches including three tying stitches. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 02/1951) 68x5
 69-26   Industrial For barring. As 69-8 except that it makes eight staying, seventeen covering and three tying stitches. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 02/1951) 68x5
 69-27   Industrial Fastens safety pin tubes and truss buckles to clothing. It makes thirty-nine covering and three tying stitches covering 3/8" inch to 27/32" length. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 02/1951) 68x5
 69-28   Industrial For ornamental tacking makes a fern leaf-shaped tack, 3/8" to 5/8" long, on leather coats, suits and skirts and on knit underwear, etc., using forty-two stitches, including three fastening stitches. Speed 1000 spm. (In catalog 02/1951) 16x74
 69-29 Industrial For tacking and ornamenting fine underwear. It makes a triangular tack consisting of forty-two stitches. Speed 1000 spm. 68x5
 71- (class) Industrial Designed for automatically making straight buttonholes with the purl or whip stitch, and with or without barred ends according to the description of each machine (except 71-47). Buttonholes are made in cotton and linen fabrics, knit goods, etc. (71-1 shownSinger Comprehensive Model List) -
 71-1 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 71-30 or 71-101.  
 71W1 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 118W4.  
 71-2 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 71-30 or 71-101.  
 71W2 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 118W4.  
 71-3 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 71-32 or 71-107.  
 71W3 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 118W4.  
 71-4 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 71-32 or 71-107.  
 71-5 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 71-30 or 71-101.  
 71-10 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 71-30 or 71-101.  
 71-13 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial    
71-16 Industrial    
 71-23 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial    
71-28 Industrial    
 71-30Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Makes purl stitch buttonholes from 3/8" to 3/4" long with barred ends, and cuts the threads and hole after stitching. Can make 1" buttonholes by changing clamp check. (In catalog 01/1954) 71x1
 71-31   Industrial Makes purl stitch buttonholes from 3/8" to 3/4" long with wide barred ends and cuts the threads and hole after stitching. Can make 1" buttonholes by changing clamp check. (01/1954) 71x1
 71-32Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Makes purl stitch buttonholes from 3/8" to 1 1/2" long with barred ends; cuts the threads and hole after stitching. (01/1954) 71x1
 71-34 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 71-30 fitted for whip stitch.  
 71-35 (Cancelled 03/35) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 71-35 fitted for whip stitch.  
 71-45 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial    
 71-46 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Makes whip stitch top corded buttonholes from 3/8" to 1 1/8" long. Square bar at start end; taper bar at finishing end. Cuts hole and thread after stitching. Speed 1600 spm. Singer suggested replacements 71-48 or 71-112. 71x1
 71-47 (Cancelled 01/54) Industrial Tacks and finishes the ends of binding on corsets, making a whip stitch tack from 1/4" upward. The machine is adjustable according to the width of binding and number of stitches desired. It has no barring or cutting device. Singer suggested replacements 79-104 or 69-11. 71x1
 71-48Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Designed for making whip stitch top-corded buttonholes from 3/8" to 3/4" long in linen and cotton fabrics, knit goods, etc. Makes a square bar at first end and taper bar at finishing end, lays a cord on the top side under the overseaming stitches; automatically cuts the needle and bobbin threads, cord and hole after stitching. For making buttonholes in sweater work and other elastic material. Device which enables operator to stitch buttonholes once or twice over as desired. Buttonholes 1 1/4" long can also be made on this machine by using alternative parts. Max. speed 1600 s.p.m. 71x1; 71x5
 71-49 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial    
 71-50 (Cancelled 03/35) Industrial Singer suggested replacements 71-30 "and submit sample".  
 71-51 (Cancelled 01/49) Industrial    
 71-52 (Cancelled 01/49) Industrial Makes whip stitch top corded buttonholes from 3/8" to 1 1/8" long with square bar at first end and taper bar at finishing end. Lays a cord on the top side under the overseaming stitches and cuts the hole after stitching. Max. speed 1600 s.p.m. Singer suggested replacement 71-112. 71x1; 71x5
 71-53 (Cancelled 01/49) Industrial    
 71-101Singer Comprehensive Model List (in catalog 05/1950) Industrial Makes purl stitch buttonholes from 3/8" to 3/4" long with square barred ends, and cuts the threads and hole after stitching. Positive gear driven intermittent feed. High speed. 71x1
 71-103 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 71-101.  
 71-107 Industrial Makes purl stitch buttonholes from 3/4" to 1 1/2 " long with square barred ends, and cuts the threads and hole after stitching. Positive gear driven intermittent feed. High speed. 71x1
 71-108   Industrial Singer suggested replacement 71-107.  
 71K112   Industrial For buttonholing knotty goods and fabric where an especially strong and durable hole is required. Makes whip stitch top corded buttonholes up to 1 1/4" long. Gear driven feed. Square bar at first end and taper bar at finishing end. "High speed" 2000. (10/1952) 71x1
 71-113 (Cancelled 01/54) Industrial Same as 71-112 except cuts the under thread and hole only. No upper trimmer. Has device to hold and sever the needle thread and cord. Speed 2000. Singer suggested replacement 71-112.  
 71-141Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial Makes purl stitch. Elongated barred ends. Cuts both ends and the hold after stitching. Speed 2000. (10/1952)  
 71-142 (Cancelled 01/49) Industrial    
 72-12Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Flat bed. Link take-up. Horizontal rotating hook. Knee lifter. Speed 2500. Two needles; two hooks. Drop feed. For general work.Singer suggested replacement 119W5. 16x87 or 16x95
 72W12 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W2.  
 72-13 Industrial Two needles two hooks. Drop feed. Speed 2000. For vamping and shoe work. 16x4
 72W13 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W3.  
 72W14 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W7.  
 72W15 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W8.  
 72W16 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W6.  
 72W17 (Cancelled 07/33) Industrial    
 72W18 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W4.  
 72W19 (Cancelled 07/46) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W1.  
 72W20 (Cancelled 07/38) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 119W5.  
 72W19 Industrial    
 73-1 Industrial Post bed. Hook bobbin and feed contained in upper end of post. Link take-up. Horizontal rotating hook. Knee lifter. One needle, one hook. Drop feed. Speed 2000. Post 7" high. For stitching in elastic gores and other tubular and flexible articles. 16x87
 73-2 Industrial One needle one hook. Drop feed Speed 2000. Post 7" high. Roller presser. For leather. 16x4
 73-12Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 75-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two thread chain stitch. For overedging. Speed 3000. 75x1
 75-2 Industrial Two thread chain stitch. For overedging and trimming knit goods. 75x1
 75-3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For over-edging carpet (no trimmer). Max speed 3000.  
 75-4Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 76-1Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Running stitch; for gathering. Stationary needle on which the fabric is forced by corrugated rolls. 76x1
 77-1 Industrial Morley button sewer - for sewing on shoe buttons. Speed 175 buttons per minute. 77x1
77-2Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For sewing on shoe buttons. Speed 350.
 78- (class)   Industrial For strapping and tacking. Lock stitch. No under feed. Combined upper and needle feed. Central bobbin. Short beak oscillating shuttle. Machines have positive gear driven intermittent feed mechanism which spaces the stitches uniformly the entire length of the tack. Bed 1§8 3/4" long, 7" wide. Space at right of needle 10 1/2".  
 78-1Singer Comprehensive Model List (In catalogue 03/1950) Industrial Walking Foot - One Needle. Max speed 1600 spm For lightweight work in fabrics only. 16x99; 16x100; 16x198
 78-2 (In catalogue 03/1950) Industrial For close filled mattresses. Also for binding filled mattresses after they've been closed. End of machine is flush with shuttle race so mattress can be brought close to the needle. Combined upper and needle feed. No under feed. 77x1 or 77x2
 78-3 (In catalogue 03/1950) Industrial Walking Foot - One Needle. Max. speed 1600 spm. For lightweight work in imitation leather; upholstery. Automobile tops. Combined upper and needle feed. No under feed. 16x99; 16x100; 16x198
 79 (class)   Industrial For strapping and tacking. Positive gear driven feed.  
 79-101   Industrial For tacking straps to underwear, labels to garment and for similar purposes. Makes a whip stitch tack 3/8" to 7/8" long.Speed 2000. (10/1939)  
 79-103 (In catalogue 1942/54) Industrial Intermittent feed. Max speed 2000 spm For high speed tacking hose supporters to corsets, etc. Makes a whip stitch tack from 5/8" to 1 5/8" long and cuts both threads. 71x1
 79-104 Industrial Speed 2000 spm High speed tacking of labels to garments, etc. 71x1
 79-105 Industrial High speed, gear driven feed. Max speed 2000 spm For tacking; stitching buckles on garters, etc. 71x1
 81K (class) 1935 to ? Industrial For over-edging lightweight fabrics - blindstitch hemming or welting; and serging trousers with 1, 2, 3 or 4-thread chainstitch as described. Drop feed. Foot lifter. Auto lubrication. Clearance under presser foot 1/8" unless specified. Speed 3300. (In catalog 07/1953) -
 81-1 (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-12.  
 81K1 Industrial 3-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm 81x3
 81-2Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial 3-thread over-edge chain stitch; Speed 4500spm. For flannels, muslin, denims, etc. Inserting sleeves into shirt waists. Singer suggested replacement 246-12. 81x1
 81K2 Industrial 3-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm 81x1
 81-3Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial For trimming, overedging and closing seams in knit goods. Two thread stitch. Auxiliary feed. Speed: 3300. Singer suggested replacement 246-12. 81x1
 81K3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For trimming and over-edging fabrics. One needle; two loopers; three thread over-edge chain stitch. Bight adjustable 1/8" to 3/16". Auxiliary feed to prevent fulling. Speed 3300. (07/1953) 81x1
 81-4 (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial As 81-3 but with handwheel to adjust bight. Singer suggested replacement 246-12. 81x1
 81K4 Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm 81x1
 81-5 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial For trimming and overedging fabrics up to 5/16” thick. For closing pockets and stitching over heavy seams in trousers. Speed: 3300. Singer suggested replacement 81-75. 81x5
 81K5 Industrial For trimming and over-edging heavy fabrics. One needle; two loopers; three thread stitch. Bight adjustable 5/32" to 7/32". Speed 3300. (07/1953) 81x5
 81-6 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial With auxiliary feed. Two thread stitch. Speed: 3300. For trimming, overedging and blindstitch hemming or welting in knitwear. Singer suggested replacement 81-76. 81x1
 81K6 Industrial For trimming, over-edging and blind stitch hemming or welting knit underwear. Bight adjustable up to 1/4". One needle; one looper; two thread over-edge chain stitch. Auxiliary feed to prevent fulling. Speed 3300. (07/1953) 81x1
 81-7 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial With trimmer and auxiliary feed mechanism; high lift. Speed 3300. For seaming and inserting sleeves in heavy sweaters; trimming and blind stitching, etc. Singer suggested replacement 81-77. 81x11
 81K7 Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm 81x11
 81-8 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial    
 81K8 Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm 81x3
 81-9 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 81-75.Singer suggested replacement 81-60.  
 81-10 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial See 81K10. (Photos: Mike Anderson)  
 81K10 Industrial 3 thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3000 spm For over-edging carpets etc. 81x5
 81-11 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-12.  
 81K11 Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm Foot lifter. No trimmer. For closing selvage edges of knit fabrics, producing a flat seam. 81x3
 81-12 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 81-60.  
 81K12 Industrial For over-edging insoles, automobile rugs, blankets, carpets, etc. One needle, two loopers; three thread stitch. Bight adjustable from 1/8" to 1/2". No trimmer. Speed 3000. (07/1947) 81x5
 81-13 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch. Speed 3300. No trimmer. For serging pants and cut edges of cloth. Singer suggested replacement 246-12. 81x1
 81K13 Industrial For serging. One needle; one looper. Two thread stitch. Bight adjustable from 1/8" to 7/32". No trimmer. Speed 3000. (07/1947) 81x1
 81-14 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3000 spm, For closing heavy gloves. Narrow bight. Clearance at rear of needle. 81x1
 81K14   Industrial For over-edging leather. One needle, one looper; two thread stitch. Narrow bight adjustable from 3/64" to 3/16". No trimmer. Speed 3000. (07/1947)  
 81-16 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-12.  
 81-20 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm For trimming, overedging and closing seams in fine stockings and underwear, silk, lisle thread, etc. Singer suggested replacement 246-13. 81x1
 81K20   Industrial For trimming and over-edging fine hosiery and underwear. One needle; one looper; two thread stitch. Bight adjustable 1/16" to 1/8". Auxiliary feed to prevent fulling. Speed 3300. (07/1947)  
 81-21 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial 2-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm For trimming, overedging and blindstitch hemming or welting on underwear made of silk, lisle thread, etc. Singer suggested replacement 81-76. 81x1
 81K20   Industrial For trimming, over-edging and blind stitch hemming or welting silk underwear. Bight 1/16" to 1/8". One needle; one looper; two thread stitch. Auxiliary feed to prevent fulling. Speed 3300.  
 81K21   Industrial For trimming, over-edging and blind stitch hemming or welting silk underwear. Bight 1/16". One needle; one looper; two thread stitch. Auxiliary feed to prevent fulling. Speed 3300. (07/1947)  
 81-22 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial 3-thread over-edge chain stitch; speed 3300 spm; double feed dog. Height of back feed adjustable. Formerly 81SV13; supercedes 81KSV6). Later Singer suggested replacement 246-13. 81x1
 81K22   Industrial For trimming, over-edging and closing seams in knit goods. One needle, two loopers. Three thread stitch. Bight adjustable 1/8" to 3/16". Speed 3300. (07/1947)  
 81-23 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-12.  
 81K23 Industrial For trimming and over-edging pockets for trousers up to 3/16" thick. Single thread over-edge chain stitch. Bight adjustable 5/32" to 7/32". Wide knife with high lift. Speed 3300. (07/1947) 81x1
 81K24 Industrial (Same as 81-2). For piece-end stitching. Single thread over-edge chainstitch. Bight adjustable 5/16" to 3/8". Trimmer. Speed 3000. 81x5
 81-50 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-13.  
 81-52 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-12.  
 81-53 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-13.  
 81-56 (Cancelled 04/1936) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 81-76.  
 81K60 Industrial High speed; no trimmer. Adjustable bight 1/4" to 7/16". Max stitch length 1/4" Three thread stitch. 'Improved' oiling system. High speed. For over-edging carpets. Speed 3600 RPM. 81x5
 81K61 Industrial High speed; three thread stitch. For over-edging rubber-backed carpets and rugs, blankets, felt pads, etc. pants and cut edges of cloth.
 81-63 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial    
 81-65Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial High speed; two thread stitch. One needle; one looper. Can be fitted for three thread chain stitch. No trimmer. Adjustable guide. Speed 4500 spm. Stitches materials up to 3/16" thick. Max stitch length 1/4". For serging pants and cut edges of cloth. Max speed 4500 RPM for long runs. (07/1947) 81x1
 81W65Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial    
 81-70 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial    
 81K70 (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial High speed; 2 or 3 over-edge chain stitch and trim in advance of the stitching. Automatic oiling. Gathering feed; speed 4500RPM for long riuns. For trimming and closing seams in light & med. knit fabrics. Singer suggested replacement 246-13. 81x1; 81x13
 81-72 (Cancelled 09/1954) Industrial    
 81K72 (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial High speed; 2 or 3 over-edge chain stitch and trim in advance of the stitching. Automatic oiling. For trimming and over-edging flannels. Also for rayon where gathering feed is not required, inserting sleeves and stitching pockets in trousers. One needle; two loopers; three thread stitch. Bight adjustable 5/32" to 7/32". Max speed 4500 RPM for long runs. Singer suggested replacement 246-12. 81x1
 81-73Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial High speed; 2 or 3 over-edge chain stitch and trim in advance of the stitching. Automatic oiling. Gathering feed. Bight adjustable 1/8" to 3/16" for knit goods or 1/16" and 3/32" to 5/32" for rayon. For trimming, over-edging and closing seams in light and med. weight knits and rayon. Max speed 4500 RPM for long runs. Singer suggested replacement 246-13. 81x1 or 81x13
 81-75Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial
 81K76 Industrial High speed; 2 or 3 over-edge chain stitch and trim in advance of the stitching. Automatic oiling. Gathering feed; max speed 4500 RPM. For trimming, over-edging and blindstitch hemming or welting in knit underwear 81x1
 81-77 (Cancelled 09/54) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 246-15.  
 81-78 Industrial Two needles; two loopers; width of seam 7/32". Speed 4500 RPM. For trimming, over-edging and blindstitch hemming or welting in knit underwear. Sewing pockets on trousers up to 3/16" thick. 81x1
 82- (class)   Industrial For glove work. Two thread chain stitch. Oscillating looper. Drop feed. Flat presser foot. Space to right of needle 5 1/8".  
 82-3Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial One needle; one looper; makes 2-thread chain stitch. Speed 2500 spm For silk, lisle thread and tricot glove work and stitching chiffons. Singer suggested replacement 82-4. 82x1
 82-4Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial One needle; one looper; makes 2-thread chain stitch. Larger work plate. 2500 spm For silk, lisle thread and tricot glove work and stitching chiffons. (In catalog 01/1954) 82x1
 82-10 (Cancelled <1955) Industrial    
 82-11   Industrial (In catalog 01/1954)  
 82-20 (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial    
 82-21 (Cancelled <1955) Industrial    
 82-22 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial    
 84 (class) Industrial For making straight buttonholes, barred on both ends; purl or whip stitch in light and med. weight fabrics. 71x1
 84-1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Foot power stand; 1200 spm 71x1
 84-2 Industrial As 84-1 but for mechanical power. 1400 spm 71x1
 85- (class)   Industrial For ornamental stitching. Single thread crochet stitch. Drop feed.  
 85-1Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial For overedging blankets, harness pads and other heavy fabrics which require deep bight and considerable distance between stitches. One needle; one latch hook; distance between stitches 1/8" to 3/8". Speed 1500. Singer suggested replacement 81-60. 85x1
 85-2Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial As 85-1 but fitted to make stitches 1/4" to 1/2" apart. Singer suggested replacement 81-60. 85x1
 85-3 (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial For ornamental stitching blankets or heavy material. One needle, one latch hook. Length of stitch 3 to 16 to the inch. Speed 1500. Singer suggested replacement 81-60. (03/1939)  
 85-10 (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial For making shell stitch on knit goods, etc. One needle, one latch hook. Six stitches to each shell. Speed 1600. (03/1939)  
 86-3Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Cylinder bed; 1 15/16" diameter. Hand wheel on side. Elastic chain stitch, Feed up the arm. Two needles one looper; enclosed mechanism. Outside stitch regulating device. Speed 3200. 86x1
 87K (class) 1912 to 1955 Domestic With pantograph for freehand embroidery. For making one embroidered design at one operation. Also parts and attchments for plain sewing. (10/39)  
87K1 (Cancelled 1955) Domestic "For embroidery and family sewing". Embroidery in overcast stitches; making monograms, wreaths, bouquets, etc. The fabric is fastened in a hoop attached to a pantograph (if desired) for freehand embroidery. For making one embroidered design at one operation. Also parts and attachments for plain sewing. (10/1939) . 16x11
 87-1   For making one embroidered design at each operation. Also attachment for plain sewing.  
 87-6   For making SIX embroidered design at each operation. Has six stitching machines conected to work in unison. Speed 200.  
 87-6*   *Same as the other 87-6 but with electric motor. (It had the same class/variety name in 1926 when motors were still fairly new.)  
 87K14 Industrial SIX 87K HEADS fitted on special table.  
 87-16   Same as 87-6 but with mechanism for making Madeira work. Speed 200 spm.  
 88-1 Industrial 88x1
 91K (class) 1920 to 1944+ Industrial    
 91K5Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial For pique stitch; glove work 46x1, 46x2
 92- (class)   Industrial For making bags. Base 13 5/8" long. Space to right of needle 3 1/2". Single or two thread chain stitch. Drop feed. Knee or foot lifter. Loopers and throat plates supplied for single and two thread chain stitch.  
 92-1Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 06/1940) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 157-3. (Photo: Bernard Pokorski)  


(Cancelled 09/48) Industrial For jute, burlap, canvas bags, etc. One needle; one looper. Stitch length 2 to 4 to the inch. Speed 2500. Singer suggested replacement 157-4.  
 92-3 (Cancelled 06/1940) Industrial Singer suggested replacement 157-4.  
 92-4Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial For stitching heavy burlap bags weigh flax, jute or hemp twine. One needle; one looper. Stitch length 2 to 4 to the inch. Speed 2500. Singer suggested replacement 157-4.  
 92-5 (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial Same as 92-4 except fitted with thread nipper and needle bar for small needle to take finer size of twine. Singer suggested replacement 157-4.  
 92-6 (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial Same as 92-5 except fitted with same mechanism for regulating length of stitch as on 92-2. Singer suggested replacement 157-4.  
 92-20Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial For light and medium weight bags. One needle; one looper. Stitch length 3 to 6 per inch. Splash lubrication. Speed. 3500. Singer suggested replacement 157-3.  
 94- (class)   Industrial For gloves. Bed 9 7/8". Space to right of needle 5 1/2". Two thread chain stitch.  
 94-2Singer Comprehensive Model List   Industrial One needle, one looper, two-thread elastic stitch. Drop feed. Feed dog and thread retainer adjustable to height. Max. stitch, 8 to the inch. For making gloves form silk, lace, tricot, Milanese, etc. Speed 1500. (In catalog 1949) 94x3 or 94x5 or 94x7
 94-10   Industrial For making gloves form silk, lace, tricot, Milanese, etc. One needle; one looper. Vertical trimmer. Stitch length 12 to 30 to the inch. Speed 1500. (In catalog 1949)  
 95- (class) 1911?- Industrial Shorter version of 96 class. Bed 15 11/16" x 7" wide. Space at right of needle 7 3/8". With clutch stop motion. High speed, gear driven rotary hook; single needle lockstitch. Drop feed. For light and medium weight general clothing manufacture. 88x1 (1315)
 95K (class) 1912 to 1944+ Industrial    
 95-1Singer Comprehensive Model List 1912 to 04/1947 Industrial High speed, gear driven rotary hook; single needle lockstitch. Drop feed. Max stitch 7 to the inch. Link take-up. Knee lifter. For light and medium weight fabrics (cloth). Speed 3500. 88x1
 95K1Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial   88x1
 95-2 1912 to Industrial Drop feed. For collar and cuff work. Speed 3500. 88x1
 95-10 Industrial Drop feed. High speed, gear driven rotary hook; single needle lockstitch. Max stitch 7 to the inch. 3500 RPM. For light and medium weight fabrics. 88x1
 95-11 Industrial Drop feed. High speed, gear driven rotary hook; single needle lockstitch. Max stitch 7 to the inch. 3500 RPM. For collar and cuff work. 88x1
 95-12 Industrial Drop feed. High speed, gear driven rotary hook; single needle lockstitch. Vertical trimmer. Max stitch 7 to the inch. 3500 RPM. For light and medium weight fabrics. 88x3
 95K32 (Cancelled 07/1953) Industrial For thread drawing. NO NEEDLES. Singer suggested replacement 708K101. N/A
 95K33 (Cancelled 07/1953) Industrial For thread drawing. NO NEEDLES. Singer suggested replacement 708K102. N/A
 95-40Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 05/1937) Industrial Gear driven rotary hook. Drop feed. High speed (4000 spm). Max stitch 7 to the inch. For light and medium weight fabric. 88x1
 95K40Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial As 95-40. Clearance under presser foot 9/32". Speed <3500. (07/1953) 88x1
 95K41 Industrial Drop feed. Max stitch 7 to the inch. For collar and cuff work. Speed <3500. (07/1953) 88x1
 95-41 (Cancelled <1955) Industrial    
 95-42 (Cancelled 07/1938) Industrial High speed (3500 spi.); one needle; gear driven rotary hook; lockstitch. Vertical trimmer for trimming light and medium materials in one operation. Singer suggested replacement 245-4 or 400W11. 88x3
 95K43 Industrial For light and medium weight fabrics. Stitches material up to 3/16" thickness. Max stitch length 7 to the inch. Speed <3500.95-84 (09/1941)  
 95-60 Industrial As 95-40, but equipped with ball bearings at ends of arm shaft. Max stitch 8 to the inch. Superseded by the 95-100. 88x1
 95-80Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 01/1949) Industrial Improved 95-40. Drop feed; heavy gear shafts; ball bearings; speed 4200 RPM. Max stitch 7 to the inch. For light & med. work. Singer suggested replacement 251-1 or 400W21. 88x1
 95-82 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial Vertical trimmer. For stitching and trimming light and medium weight fabrics in one operation. Max stitch length 7 to the inch. Vertical trimmer. Speed <3500. Singer suggested replacement 245-4 or 400W11. 88x3
 95-84 (Cancelled 09/48) Industrial For shoulder joining on shirts (attachment for). Three plain bearings for the arm shaft. Max stitch length 7 to the inch. Speed 4000. (09/1941) Singer suggested replacement 251-1 or 400W21, both "with fittings".  
 95-100 (Cancelled 10/1941) Industrial Same as 95-80 except fitted with ball; bearings front and rear and plain bearing intermediate for arm shaft. Drop feed; heavy gear shafts. Max stitch 7 to the inch. For light & med. work. Speed <4200. 88x1
 96- (class) Industrial Rotating hook; link take-up; bed 18 3/4" long. 7" wide. Space at side of needle 10 1/4". Lock stitch; rotating hook. Drop feed. Link take-up. Knee lifter. Pressure grease lubrication for gears. (96SV with special attachment shownSinger Comprehensive Model List) -
 96K (class)Singer Comprehensive Model List 1914 to 1944+ Industrial See class 96-  
 96K2 Industrial Drop feed, belt driven rotating hook; link take-up. For cloaks and clothing and other work in cloth. 16x231 (2254)
 96-2Singer Comprehensive Model List   Drop feed. For cloaks, clothing and other work in cloth. Drop feed. Speed 3000.  
 96-3 Industrial Drop feed; for cloaks, clothing and other work in cloth. 16x231 (2254)
 96-10Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Drop feed; for cloaks, clothing and other work in cloth. 16x231 (2254)
 96-12 Industrial Drop feed; has reverse; for cloaks, clothing and other work in cloth. 16x231 (2254)
 96-13 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 96-14 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 96-15 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 96-16 Industrial Drop feed; Presser foot lift 7/16"; for work on overalls, heavy overcoats, khaki and other heavy materials. 16x261 or 16x238 or 16x231
 96-21 (Cancelled 1955) Industrial    
 96-41 (Cancelled 03/1946) Industrial

Drop feed.

 96K41   Industrial Drop feed. With reverse. 16x231
 96-44 (Cancelled 03/1946) Industrial    
 96-45 (Cancelled 03/1946) Industrial One needle and gear driven rotary hook. Lockstitch. With vertical trimmer. For stitching and trimming light, medium or heavyweight clothing in one operation. Speed 3500 spm. Singer suggested replacement 245-4. 16x231 (2254)
 96-60 Industrial Drop feed. For cloaks, clothing and other work in cloth. Heavy gear shafts and ball bearings for the arm shaft. Gears lubricated with oil. 16x231 (2254)
 96-70   Industrial NO STITCHING MECHANISM. For thread drawing. For 1/16" or 5/64" draw as ordered. Ball bearing. Rotating knife with shear action. (03/1946)  
 96-80Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 02/1941) Industrial High speed lock stitch; gear-driven rotary hook. Needle bar stroke is 1 13/64". Equipped with heavy gear shafts and plain bearings for the arm shaft. Max speed 4000 spm For sewing light and medium weight fabrics. 16x231 (2254)
 96-81 (Cancelled 01/1940) Industrial For medium and heavy weight materials. Max stitch 5 1/2" to the inch. Three plain bearings for the am shaft. Reversible feed. Speed <3500.  
 96-84 (Cancelled 01/1940) Industrial For heavy cloth. Max stitch 5 1/2" to the inch. Presser bar lift 3/8". Three plain bearings for the am shaft. Reversible feed. Speed <3500.  
 96-85   Industrial One needle and gear driven rotary hook. Lockstitch. With vertical trimmer. For stitching and trimming light, medium or heavyweight clothing in one operation. Speed 3500 spm. (In catalog 1949) 16x231 (2254)
 96-86 (Cancelled 02/1941) Industrial Same as 96-80 except fitted for 1 9/64" needle stroke. Speed <4000.  
 96-87 (Cancelled 02/1941) Industrial Lockstitch. For tailoring and general cloth work ranging from shirts to heavy blankets, snow suits, etc. at high speed. Max stitch 5 1/2" to the inch. Presser bar clearance 3/8". Three plain bearings for the am shaft. 3800 spm 16x231 (16x233 if presser bar lift of 7/16" is required.)
 96-100 (Cancelled 02/1941) Industrial As 96-80 except that it is equipped with ball bearings at both ends of the arm shaft, the intermediate bearing being a plain bearing. Max speed 4000 spm. (02/1940) 16x231 (2254)
 96-107 (Cancelled 02/1941) Industrial As 96-87 but with ball bearings at both ends of arm shaft. Presser bar lift 3/8" (7/16" available). Speed 3800. 16x231 (16x233 if presser bar lift of 7/16" is required.)
 97 (class) Industrial Large. Cylinder bed; one needle; one shuttle; lockstitch. Stitch set of 3 presser feet, from 3 to 12 spi. Gas heating device for hot wax stitching. For harness work and other heavy work in leather; parachute harnesses, etc. Speed for all models 400 spm -
 97-1 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial Head only. 11" to right of needle. 97x4
 97-2 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial As 97-1 with foot powered stand. 11" needle to pillar. Singer suggested replacement 97-10. 97x4
 97-3 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial As 97-2 with shafts & pulleys for mechanical power. Singer suggested replacement 97-10. 97x4
 97-4 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial As 97-2 with  D.C. motor. Singer suggested replacement 97-10. 97x4
 97-5Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial As 97-2 with A.C. motor. Singer suggested replacement 97-10. 97x4
 97-6 (Cancelled 01/1954) Industrial Head only. 12" to right of needle. Stitches close to double bar buckles. 97x3, 97x4
 97-7Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial As 97-6 but for foot power. 12" needle to pillar. Singer suggested replacement 97-10. 97x3, 97x4
 97-8 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial As 97-7 with shafts & pulleys for mechanical power. Singer suggested replacement 97-10. 97x3, 97x4
 97-9 (Cancelled 09/1948) Industrial As 97-7 with  D.C. motor. Singer suggested replacement 97-10. 97x3, 97x4
 97-10 Industrial As 97-7 with A.C. motor. 97x3, 97x4
 98K 1964 Domestic 3/4-size machine. Side drop-in bobbin; External motor. No light. Soft cover. 'Economy' model. 15x1
 98-3Singer Comprehensive Model List (Cancelled 1955) Industrial Cylinder bed. 3" cylinder shuttle. Needle feed. Stitch length up to 1/2". Speed 250. SDA. For stitching treads on used automobile tyres. 98x2
 99 (class) 1923-63 Domestic Same as 66 but 3/4 size. Bed 12 5/32" long. Space to right of needle 6 1/4". Lock stitch. Horizontal oscillating hook. Stationary bobbin case (side drop-in bobbin). Link take-up. Drop feed. -
 99K (class) 1911 to 1944+ Domestic See class 99-  
 99W (class) Industrial For making buttonholes and eyelets in cloth or leather. Two thread chain stitch. 142x5 (1413)
 99K1 1911- Domestic Same as class 66 but 3/4 size (12 1/2" bed). Treadle. 15x1
 99K2 1921- Domestic Small tension discs; 12 1/2" bed; side drop-in bobbin. Handcrank (originally). 15x1
 99K5 1924-25 Domestic 'Portable' 15x1
 99K10 1922-24 Domestic Aluminium; portable. 15x1
 99-13Singer Comprehensive Model List 1924- Domestic Without reverse. Electric portable with wooden cover or carrying case, knee control. B.R. motor, Singerlight and solid balance wheel #32672. (Photo: Bernard Pokorski) 15x1
 99K13 1924-25 Domestic Electric portable, knee control 15x1
 99K16 Domestic Electric portable with carrying case. 15x1
 99K17 Domestic Electric portable with carrying case. 15x1
 99K21 1924-54 Domestic 15x1
 99K22 Domestic Chromium plated 15x1
 99-23 Domestic 15x1
 99-24 Domestic 15x1
 99K25 Domestic Hand crank portable with carrying case.  
 99K26 Domestic Has reverse feed. 15x1
 99K25 Domestic Handcrank portable 15x1
 99-28 1954-57 Domestic 3/4 size head; with reverse; drop-in bobbin; black.  
 99K28   Domestic Electric; reverse. As 99-28. 15x1
 99K30 Domestic 15x1
 99-31 ??-1956 Domestic Electric; newer model with reverse. 15x1
 99K31 - to 1955 Domestic Numbered tension and reverse. 15x1
 99W67Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Two-thread chain stitch. For making eyelets (5/16" dia.) in caps, muslin, knits, shoes, denim, etc. Upper: 142x1 (142x2 leather); Lower: 142x7
 99W68 Industrial Two-thread chain stitch. For making eyelets (7/16" dia.) in caps, muslin, knits, shoes, denim, etc. Upper: 142x1 (142x2 leather); Lower: 142x7
 99W75Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Sews buttonholes (5/8" to 1 1/2") and eyelet-end buttonholes with and without bar, with double chain stitch (Singer buttonhole stitch) and cuts after; lays reinforcing cord; detachable pattern wheel. LONG travel machine. 142x1, 142x5 (cloth); 142x6 (khaki); 142x8 (leather)
 99W76 Industrial Sews buttonholes and eyelet-end buttonholes with and without bar, with double chain stitch (Singer buttonhole stitch) and cuts after; lays reinforcing cord; detachable pattern wheel. MEDIUM travel machine. 142x1, 142x5 (cloth); 142x6 (khaki); 142x8 (leather)
 99W77 Industrial Sews buttonholes and eyelet-end buttonholes with and without bar, with double chain stitch (Singer buttonhole stitch) and cuts after; lays reinforcing cord; detachable pattern wheel. SHORT travel machine. 142x1, 142x5 (cloth); 142x6 (khaki); 142x8 (leather)
 99W79 Industrial Sews buttonholes and eyelet-end buttonholes with and without bar, with double chain stitch (Singer buttonhole stitch) and cuts after; lays reinforcing cord; detachable pattern wheel. 142x1, 142x5 (cloth); 142x6 (khaki); 142x8 (leather)
 99W80 Industrial Sews buttonholes and eyelet-end buttonholes with and without bar, with three thread  stitch (Singer buttonhole stitch) and cuts after; lays reinforcing cord; detachable pattern wheel. 142x1, 142x5 (cloth); 142x6 (khaki); 142x8 (leather)
 99W95 Industrial Superceded by 99W112 142x5
 99W100Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Double chain stitch and lays reinforcing cord. For cut-first buttonholes (5/8" to 1 1/2") in closely woven fabrics. "Left handed". 142x5 (142x8 for some leather)
 99W110Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Sews and cuts buttonholes (5/8" to 1 5/8") and eyelet-end buttonholes with and without bar, with double chain stitch (Singer buttonhole stitch); lays reinforcing cord; detachable pattern wheel. LONG travel machine. (01/54) 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W111 Industrial As 99W110 but sews and cuts buttonholes (5/8" to 1 5/8"). MEDIUM travel machine. 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W112 Industrial As 99W110 but sews and cuts buttonholes (3/4" to 2") - EXTRA LONG travel machine. 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W113 Industrial Lapel or straight buttonhole machine (5/8" to 1 1/2"). 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W120 Industrial Makes large size eyelet-end buttonholes with taper bar. (01/1954)  
 99W121 Industrial Makes extra large size eyelet-end buttonholes with taper bar. (01/1954)  
 99W122 Industrial Makes large size eyelet end buttonholes with taper bar. (01/1954)  
 99W123 Industrial Makes medium size eyelet-end buttonholes (short travel). (01/1954)  
 99W130Singer Comprehensive Model List Industrial Automatic eyelet end buttonhole maker. Double chain stitch; lays reinforcing cord. For CUT FIRSTbuttonholes (5/8" to 1 1/2") in closely woven fabrics- coats, trousers, etc.  LONG TRAVEL machine. (01/1954) 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W131 Industrial Double chain stitch; lays reinforcing cord. For cut first buttonholes (5/8" to 1 1/8") in closely woven fabrics- coats, trousers, etc. MEDIUM TRAVEL machine. (01/1954) 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W132 Industrial Double chain stitch; lays reinforcing cord. For cut first buttonholes (3/4" to  2") in closely woven fabrics - coats, trousers, etc. EXTRA LONG TRAVEL machine. (01/1954) 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W133 Industrial Double chain stitch; lays reinforcing cord. For cut first lapel or straight buttonholes  (5/8" to 1 1/8") in closely woven fabrics, coats, trousers, etc. MEDIUM TRAVEL machine. 142x1; 142x5; 142x6;  142x8 (for leather)
 99W134 Industrial Straight stitched-end and eyelet-end buttonholes without bar (long travel). Cuts hole before stitching. (01/1954)  
 99W135 Industrial Straight stitched-end and eyelet-end buttonholes without bar (medium travel). Cuts hole before stitching. (01/1954)  
 99W136 Industrial Straight stitched-end and eyelet-end buttonholes without bar (extra long travel). Cuts hole before stitching. (01/1954)  

Classes 100 to 199