Parts Machines
This will be a special section of the ISMACS web site and the web address and a list of machines will appear as part of the Saturday digest each week.
Each machine will have the owner's name and e-mail address, plus we will allow one line of text for any special description.
Here's an example:
Singer 127 hand crank 1933 (posting date 3/3/04) No stitch plate or shuttle, all other parts available John Doe [email protected]
We will keep the notices live for a reasonable period unless requested to remove them.
Any transactions will be the responsibility of the buyer and seller. ISMACS is acting simply as a venue for the information.
Please mail your additions to [email protected]. Submissions must be received by the Wednesday of any week to appear in the following Saturday's listing.
Toy Parts Listing
Peerless Automatic
(Smith and Egge type) everything but crank Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Muller 20
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Singer Sewhandy/Model 20
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Muller 10
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Bremner and Bruckmann
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Full Sized Parts Listing
Jones Hand Serpentine
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Singer 12 New Family
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Various German Singer 12 clones
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]
Weir/Raymond chain stitch
Graham Forsdyke, [email protected]