Singer Ornamentation Sets
The names attributed to decal sets are not necessarily Singer's. It is not known whether Singer gave all their sets names - some, they certainly did (see the sheet of "Transfer No. 23 - Indian Sphinx" decals) - but all will have had a number. That number had reached three figures by the 1920s, though it is not known if they were numbered consecutively. Some names were merely the invention of enthusiastic collectors but, as they're now commonly used, so be it. The list includes some decals I have not seen documented before for which I can only suggest a name, but I bow to better suggestions.
Some of the machines featured are from Singer's Clydebank factory collection and may be experimental models that never went into production.
Photographs thanks to West Dunbartonshire Libraries and Museums, the London Sewing Machine Museum, ISMACS News, Martin Gregory, Lee King, lady with wrought iron pics, Mike Anderson, Bernard Pokorski, etc.PK Nord... Chris...Sammie and the author.
This collection is not complete by any means but, one day, it could be.
John Langdon
January 2012
Decals for domestic Singers
No. for reference |
1 |
Floral M.O.P.
"Turtleback" |
2 |
Mother of Pearl
"Letter A" |
3 |
"Acanthus leaves"
'Gold' with occasional red and green. Balance wheel could be plated as here, or black with or without decoration.
Class 12 "New Family" |
"Acanthus leaves" variant
Class 12 "New Family" |
Mother of Pearl variant
There were many different, ornate designs, liberally adorned with mother of pearl. Few of them related to existing designs.
Class 12 "New Family" |
Mother of Pearl variant
[18>>] |
Mother of Pearl variant
(Designed by George A. Squire)
Class 12, IF (15), |
"Large Roses"
Class 12 "New Family"
"Scrolls and Roses"
V.S.2; I.M.; |
"Scrolls and Roses" variant
"Scrolls and Roses" variant (small roses)
28 28k(1894) |
"Scrolls and Roses" variant
20th century re-employed for budget/export models.
Feathery scrolls?
For a very small machine - printed 8 sets per double crown (20" x 30") sheet.
'Painted' daisies
Improved Family (IF) |
More flowers
IF "Improved Family" (electric) |
'Painted' cornflowers, etc. duplicate
VS2 |
Rock roses and primroses |
VS3, 28 |
'Painted' red and white roses.
VS2 |
Roses and daisies
28 |
'Painted' roses - white and pink
Improved Family (IF)
Red roses and daisies
VS2 |
Roses and mescalin?
VS2 |
'Painted' orange blossom and dogwood??
28 |
"Ottoman carnations"
(Designed by George A. Squire)
Class 12 'New Family' (?? to 1903) |
"Ottoman Carnations" variant
(Designed by George A. Squire) Despite being based on the same elements, these are distinctly different designs.
28 |
"Ottoman Carnations" variant
(designed by George A. Squire)
"High Arm Family" 1885/6 |
"Ottoman Carnations" variant
48K |
Rococo-ish variant
48K |
128 |
"Persian" PKN
27? 28? |
"Tiffany" or "Gingerbread" pkn
27 |
"Tiffany" or "Gingerbread" Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee variant (UK).
27K |
28 |
VS2 |
"Sphinx", or "Memphis"
27 |
"Sphinx/Memphis" green variant
Original artwork for decal sheet (1954)
"Indian Sphinx" variant
Printed in the Indian national colours, with Indian Star for the bed. Three machines per sheet. Officially described as "Singer Transfer No 23 - Indian Sphinx" (see linked photographs)
"Red Eye" (colloq.)
66 (USA). |
"Egyptian" or "Lotus"
66K |
"Egyptian" or "Lotus"
66K |
Celtic knot
9W7 (1908- |
"Wings" WingsPKN1
115 |
No pic yet |
1887 VS3 |
No pic yet |
"Burmese scroll"
VS3 1891 |
"Celtic Swirl"
"Owl" pkn
"La Vencedora"
28 |
"La Vencedora" decal sheet
"La Vencedora" Indian Star variant
"RAF" (colloq.)
... because of its passing resemblance to the British Air Force insignia.
Designed by Hopper - Hooper at Clydebank.
Class 15 |
"Eye and paperclips"?
99K |
"Eye and ??
15 |
"Knots and rectangles"
Class 101 |
"Wrought Iron"
28 |
99 |
201 |
"Paperclips" variant
Find original image
"Paperclips" variant
Often appears on 'refurbished' machines - as in photograph. The bed edge decal was easily cut to fit any size machine.
28 |
"Celtic something"?
221 |
"Wrinkle" finish, or "Godzilla".
Said to reduce glare.
"Red Berry "
Class 24 |
221 |
206, 306, 319 |
191 |
Typeface variant
Class 20 |
prism 301 |
306 |
Two-tone brown
185K, 301K |
Black on 'Gold'
98K |
185K |
Decals for industrial Singers