International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society

The purpose of the International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society is to foster the collecting of, and research into, sewing machines.

Take Your Pick

April 1991
Issue 31
Nasch Sewing Machine Patent Illustrations

Nasch Sewing Machine Patent Illustrations

A syndicate was formed in 1888 to sell a newly-invented machine, the work if Isidor Nasch.

What was unusual about the model is that, in fact, two machines were being offered for sale. They were virtually identical, as shown by our two illustrations. But closer examination reveals that one was a lock-stitch and the other a chain-stitch version.

Many parts were common to both machines, which were just eight inches high.

I've never seen an example of either which brings us back to the old question...where are they now?

~Graham Forsdyke