International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society

The purpose of the International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society is to foster the collecting of, and research into, sewing machines.

Elna Articles

  • Developments and Stitches
  • A quick overview of Elna’s groundbreaking innovations and the unique decorative stitches that helped shape modern home sewing.
  • History
  • Tracing Elna’s roots from Dr. Ramon Casas’s initial designs to its Swiss production under Tavaro S.A. – and the legacy that followed.
  • Remember the Elna: It's time for recognition
  • Sylvia Lanza’s article championing the Elna brand for its pioneering design and urging collectors to give it the credit it deserves.
  • Using Your Attachments: The Underbraider
  • A handy tutorial on making the most of your underbraider attachment, illustrating how it expands sewing capabilities.
  • Year of Production
  • Quickly date your Elna machine with this reference to serial numbering and letter codes from the 1940s onward.