Class 201
The Singer Class 201 Sewing Machine features a low shank and a rotary hook. It uses Class 66 Bobbins and 15x1 needles.The electric gear-drive motor mounted on the back of these machines are typically referred to as "potted" motors.
- Cabinets for Class 201 Machines
- The 201 Manual (6.2 MB)

Electric 201K
(Picture Courtesy of Sarah Brown)

Centennial 201

Following Compliments of Sharon Reese:

The Singer 201 is considered by most collectors to be the best sewing machine Singer ever made. It is gear driven and has an internal motor, which makes it very strong. It is also extremely quiet when sewing. And it is extremely heavy, so you aren't likely to see any showing up at quilt classes. : ) My machine was manufactured February 13, 1956.
I purchased the stool with the machine, but I already had the cabinet. I really like the looks of this cabinet, so I gave the cabinet the 201 originally was in to someone who really needed it. I think the stool looks like it was made for my cabinet.
Since I have a 1921 Singer trade card advertising this exact same cabinet and the 101-2, I assume that this cabinet originally held a 101. (I have seen other cabinets similar to this, but none of them have drawers on both sides. Technically, the drawer on the right is really a door that opens to show the knee control.) When I bought it, it had a 201 from the 1940's in it. I later upgraded to my current 201, which was in better cosmetic condition.
This set up is definitely a keeper in my collection. If I ever had to cut down to a couple of machines, this 201 would be one of them.